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Home > Developing Students English Reading Skills by Developing Teachers Teaching Skills Through Action Research

Developing Students English Reading Skills by Developing Teachers Teaching Skills Through Action Research

Thesis Info


Nawaz, Muhammad


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi




Aga Khan University

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Thesis Completing Year


Thesis Completion Status







2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The importance of reading skills for a child's success cannot be emphasized enough. Effective reading skills give people the opportunity to learn new information about the world; reading opens doors to factual information about any subject. It is an important skill that needs to be developed in children. The purpose of this study was to develop students' English reading skills by developing teachers' teaching skills in a government school in Karachi. A small scale action research study was carried out in a government lower secondary school in Karachi, Pakistan. Different data collection tools were used, such as reflective journals, document analysis, observations; interviews, discussions, and an audio tape-recorder were used to collect data at pre-intervention, intervention and post intervention stages of this study. The major findings of this study indicate that changes in the teacher's teaching practices, in the teacher's perception and in the progression in students' reading skills can be brought by facilitating the teachers in using an integrative approach. It was noted that teaching reading by integrating speaking, listening and writing is helpful in developing students' reading skills. It was also observed that students learn best when they are provided opportunities to learn on their own. This action research was helpful in creating awareness amongst English language teachers to develop students' reading skills by implementing an integrative approach of teaching in classroom practices.

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بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
نحمدہ ونصلی علی رسولہِ الکریم

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حقوقِ اطفال پر اسلامی نظریاتی کونسل کی سفارشات اور عالمی کنونشن 1989ء کا تقابلی جائزہ

Islam has clarified the rights of children and emphasized on their fulfillment and given good news of rewards to those who fulfil it. the concept of children's rights and laws are not new for Muslims. In contemporary era, some organizations have realized the improance of human rights and with the support of stack holders undertaken "human rights" including "children's rights". It is positive gesture that the United Nations Global Convention has also formulated resolutions regarding human rights and their protection, in which the rights of children have been emphasized regardless of color, race, language, and geography. In the context of Pakistan, the role of the Islamic Ideological Council is also important in this regard, which is a constitutional institution, and examines the laws framed in the country and presents its recommendations in the light of Islamic teachings. The Council has periodically presented its recommendations on children’s issues. The efforts of both institutions are important. this research deals wih the recommendations by two organizations. The thesis consists of a preface, four chapters, conclusions and recommendations. Preface includes a comprehensive introduction of the topic. In the first chapter, the importance of rights in Islam, the rights of children before birth and after birth are explained. The second chapter introduces the Council of Islamic Ideology and an overview of its recommendations regarding the rights of children. In the third chapter, there is a detailed discussion on the introduction of the international convention and its aims, objectives, and its provisions regarding the rights of children. In the fourth chapter, comparison between the recommendations of the Islamic Ideological Council and the provisions of the International Convention, their mutual similarities and differences are presented.