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Home > E-Cycles of Developing Mathematical Thinking

E-Cycles of Developing Mathematical Thinking

Thesis Info


Khan, Kausar Begum


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi




Aga Khan University

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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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This is a report on an action research I carried out at a private high school in Karachi, Pakistan. The essence of the study was to explore ‘how the use of computer software - Microsoft Excel spreadsheets – contributes towards the development of Mathematical thinking (DMT).’ In this research, I played the role of the researcher as well as the teacher focusing on students DMT. I found that the action research processes were overlapping with the four cycles of teaching and learning, that is; elicitation, exploration, employment and evaluation. Key findings of the study show that Excel enabled DMT through motivating the learners, reducing the tedium and drudgery, creating ‘microworlds’ where students could model mathematical solutions, by allowing students to extend their ideas further than a given question and by fostering an environment of reflection and metacognition. However, there were also certain issues with the use of Excel. Some of the problems students faced were; having to cope with a large number of instructions, using graphing facilities to create relevant graphs, and their lack of familiarity and practice in the use of Excel in general. The study also raises other issues, such as the role of a teacher in a computer-based environment and the nature of task design that fosters the efficient learning through the use of a computer software. The study how also raises an important point about the place of a school’s existing culture in introducing the use of computer software in classroom teaching and learning.

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خاتمة الكتاب

 ھذا كتابي ’’شعر نازك الملائکۃ وبروین شاکر (دراسۃ مقارنہ)‘‘، حاولتُ بکل جھدي أن أجعله ذا أھمیۃ کبیرۃ ومفیدًا لجمیع القراء۔

 وقد أخترت ھذا العنوان لأھمیتہِ، ولأھمیۃ مکانۃ الشاعرۃ الکبیرۃ المعروفۃ ورائدۃ الشعر العربي الحر نازك الملائکۃ، والشاعرۃ المعروفۃ العظیمۃ بروین شاکر، والتي لھا المکانۃ الممیزۃ بین الشاعرات الأخریات، وھي معروفۃ بشاعرۃ (خوشبو) الرائحۃ العطرۃ، وقد حاولتُ أن أقدم مفھوم أشعارھما، وحاولتُ بکل جھدي أن أترجم أشعار بروین شاکر، ودرست أشعار نازك الملائکۃ وبروین شاکر، ومن خلال دراستي لأشعارھما قدمت مقارنۃ شعرية بشکل عام، وذلك أنني وجدتُ تقاربًا بین أسلوبھما وأفکارھما ومشاعرھما، فسمیتُ ھذا القسم بالقصائد المتشابھۃ، وأیضاً وجدتُ بعض الإختلافات في الأسلوب والأفکار والمشاعر، فسمیتُ ھذا القسم بالقصائد المختلفۃ لنازك الملائکۃ وبروین شاکر، وبذلتُ کل جھدي أن أقدم الشيء الجید للقراء، وأطلب من العلي القدیر أن ینال عملي ھذا رضاکم، وقد شجعني علی التأليف الأستاذ الكبير والعالم الجليل والفاضل الدکتور المحترم سلیم طارق خان رئیس الجامعۃ الإسلامیۃ ببھاولفور(سابقاً) الذي لہ الفضل الکبیر في مساعدتي بعد ﷲ سبحانہ وتعالى، وفضيلتهُ كان المشرف على رسالتي (رسالة الدكتوراه)، كما أنّ هذا الكتاب جزء من رسالتي. وأيضاً قام بتصحيح هذا الكتاب معالي الأستاذ الكبير والعالم الجليل والفاضل الدكتور المحترم أحمد محمد الشرقاوي أستاذ ورئيس قسم التفسير وعلوم القرآن بجامعة الأزهر، وأستاذ الدراسات العليا بالجامعة الإسلامية بالمدينة المنورة سابقاً، وعضو اللجنة الدائمة لترقية الأساتذة في التفسير وعلوم القرآن بجامعة الأزهر، وفضيلته درَّس وحاضر وشارك في كثير من الجامعات العربية والإسلامية ،جامعة الأزهر للرئاسة العامة لتعليم البنات بالمملكة،جامعة القصيم، الجامعة الإسلامية بالمدينة المنورة وأيضاً جامعةالشارقة.

كما قام بمراجعة الكتاب الأستاذ الكبير والعالم الجليل والفاضل الدكتور المحترم إبراهيم محمد إبراهيم السيد الأستاذ بقسم اللغة الأردية بجامعة الأزهر والرئيس السابق له، وقد عمل سيادته رئيساً لقسم اللغة الأردية بجامعة الأزهر منذ عام 1998م وحتى عام 2006م، ثم سافر في العام نفسه إلى باكستان ليعمل أستاذًا زائرًا بقسم دائرة المعارف...

نقد رجال میں امام بوصیری كا منہج مصباح الزجاجہ کی روشنی میں

Imām Ahmad Al- Būṣīrī is a famous Muhaddith of the 8th Hijra century. He has authored many important works in the field of Hadith. One of them is his famous book: "Miṣbāḥ al-Zujajah fī Zawaed ibn Mājah".  Imām Būṣīrī is an important scholar of the field of ῾Ilm al-Jarḥ wa al-Ta῾dīl. In the book mentioned above, the Imām has collected only those aḥādīth of the book Sunan Ibn Mājah, which were reported by Imām Ibn Mājah only apart from the other authors of the six books of Sunan.  After collection, Imām Būṣīrī clarified the authentic and unauthentic narrations. There were some narrations about which he remained silent.  This paper aims to discuss the methodology of Imām Būṣīrī in authentication of narrations of his book "Miṣbāḥ al-Zujajah fī Zawaed ibn Mājah".

Analytical Comparison of Hccmes

This thesis considers the issue of evaluating heteroskedasticity consistent covariance matrix estimators (HCCME) in linear heteroskedastic regression models. Several HCCMEs are considered, namely: HC0 (White estimator), HC1 (Hinkley estimator), HC2 (Horn, Horn & Duncan estimator) and HC3 (Mackinnon & White estimator). It is well known that White estimator is biased in finite samples; see e.g. Chesher & Jewitt and Mackinnon & White. A number of simulation studies show that HC2 & HC3 perform better than HC0 over the range of situations studied. See e.g. Long & Ervin, Mackinnon & White and Cribari-Neto & Zarkos. The existing studies have a serious drawback that they are just based on simulations and not analytical results. A number of design matrices as well as skedastic functions are used but the possibilities are too large to be adequately explored by simulations. In the past, analytical formulas have been developed by several authors for the means and the variances of different types of HCCMEs but the expression obtained are too complex to permit easy analysis. So they have not been used or analyzed to explore and investigate the relative performance of different HCCMEs. Our goal in this study is to analytically investigate the relative performance of different types of HCCMEs. One of the major contributions of this thesis is to develop new analytic formulae for the biases of the HCCMEs. These formulae permit us to use minimax type criteria to evaluate the performance of the different HCCMEs. We use these analytical formulae to identify regions of the parameter space which provide the ranges for the best and the worst performance of different estimators. If an estimator performs better than another in the region of its worst behavior, then we can confidently expect it to be better. Similarly, if an estimator is poor in area of its best performance, than it can be safely discarded. This permits, for the first time, a sharp and unambiguous evaluation of the relative performance of a large class of widely used HCCMEs. We also evaluate the existing studies in the light of our analytical calculations. Ad hoc choices of regressors and patterns of heteroskedasticity in existing studies resulted in ad hoc comparison. So there is a need to make the existing comparisons meaningful. The best way to do this is to focus on the regions of best and worst performance obtained by analytical formulae and then compare the HCCMEs to judge their relative performance. This will provide a deep and clear insight of the problem in hand. In particular, we show that the conclusions of most existing studies change when the patterns of heteroskedasticity and the regressor matrix is changed. By using the analytical techniques developed, we can resolve many questions: 1) Which HCCME to use 2) How to evaluate the relative performance of different HCCMEs 3) How much potential size distortion exists in the heteroskedasticity tests 4) Patterns of heteroskedasticity which are least favorable, in the sense of creating maximum bias. ii Our major goal is to provide practitioners and econometricians a clear cut way to be able to judge the situations where heteroskedasticity corrections can benefit us the most and also which method must be used to do such corrections. Our results suggest that HC2 is the best of all with lowest maximum bias. So we recommend that practitioners should use only HC2 while performing heteroskedasticity corrections.