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Home > Effects of Teacher Turnover: A Case Study of a Private School

Effects of Teacher Turnover: A Case Study of a Private School

Thesis Info


Zada, Khan


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi




Aga Khan University

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Thesis Completing Year


Thesis Completion Status







2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The contemporary educational theory holds that one of the pivotal causes of inadequate school performance is the inability of schools to adequately staff classrooms with qualified teachers. The contemporary theory also holds that these staffing problems are primarily due to shortages of teachers, which, in turn, are primarily due to the high rate of teacher turnover. This study set out to understand the effects of teacher turnover on a private secondary school in Pakistan that experiences chronic teacher turnover. The objective was to understand the impacts of teacher turnover on the school's working climate and ability to function effectively. Furthermore, I wanted to examine and understand the effects of the teacher turnover on students' learning and home-school relationships. The study sample was a representative of all the key stakeholders of the school including the principal, three teachers, two students, and a parent member. It was a case study conducted in the qualitative paradigm by using in-depth interviews and document analysis for data collection. From analysis of the data, six major themes emerge: First, the recruitment and retention of teachers is a challenge for the school. Second, it negatively affects the relationship between school, parents, and community. Third, it hinders the professional development of the teachers and instructional quality. Fourth, it creates obstacles for teamwork in the school. Fifth, it causes disruption in the continuity of curricula. Finally, it negatively impacts the social and academic development of the students. In addition to these key findings, some implications and recommendations have been drawn from the study. These may assist one in understanding and solving the problem of teacher turnover.

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