Expertise in academic writing provides opportunities to the graduate students to produce high quality papers and assignments for successful completion of their graduates' courses. Therefore, formative feedback strategies helped students to produce quality assignments. The study has highlighted several factors that impede the process of feedback. Understanding these factors, therefore, was integral in helping students to improve their written assignments at the graduate level. This study aimed to explore graduate students' perceptions about formative feedback strategies on their written assignments in a public sector university in Pakistan. Six students from the final cohort of the four-year B.Ed. programme were selected purposefully as primary participants and two teachers; one Assistant professor and one senior Lecturer were selected as secondary participants. Data generated from teachers' interviews helped in triangulation of the findings. In addition, data collection tools were document analysis, interviews from teachers and focus group discussion with students. The data were analyzed based on Creswell's model of analysis (2013) that dealt with organization of the raw data, general sense making, codification and identification of emerging themes. Moreover, there is a continuous back and forth approach by reading and rereading the data repeatedly. The study revealed that students perceived teachers' feedback on their writing as incredibly important for the quality of their written assignments. They were of the view that teachers were using different forms of formative feedback strategies such as debriefing conferences, corrective and directive feedback, facilitative feedback and peer feedback. Furthermore, the entire discourse also revealed few important hindering factors such as teachers' workload, teachers' lack of competency, lack of permanent teaching faculty, and institutional policy. Moreover, the students articulated concerns such as teachers were reluctant and not professionally equipped to provide effective feedback on their writing specimens. The findings have implications for teachers to think and rethink about their feedback strategies in classroom particularl producing well-written assignments for a graduate course. In other hand, students are also need to understand the improtance of peer and self assessment than that to rely on teachers feedback for all the time. Moreover, Roushan University needs to make formative feedback as an integral part of the policy framework to focus of the development of graduate students' writing skills to meet the demands of a graduate course.
نعتیہ ادب میں ڈاکٹر شہزاد احمد کامقام و مرتبہ نعت ہر دور اور ہر دیار میں لکھی گئی ہے۔ نعت گو شعرا بارگاہِ رسالتصلی اللہ علیہ و آلہٖ وسلم میں اپنے اپنے انداز میں عقیدت ومحبت کے پھول پیش کرتے رہے ہیں۔ نعت کا سلسلہ ازل سے جاری ہے اور ابد تک جاری رہے گا۔ اُردو زبان نعت کے تخلیقی سرمائے سے مالامال ہے اور دنیا کی دیگر زبانوں سے نعت کے معاملے میں کسی طرح پیچھے نہیں۔ دکنی دور میں نعت معراج ناموں جنھیں چرخیات سے بھی موسوم کیا جاتا ہے، کی صورت میں اور سراپائے رسول کریم صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہٖ وسلمکے روپ میں صورت پذیرہوتی رہی۔ اسی دور میں نعت، قصیدے، مثنوی اور پھر غزل کی ہیئت میں بھی پنپتی رہی۔ عہدموجود میں نعت کے نمونے ہر صنف سخن میں دستیاب ہیں لیکن نعت کو جو مقبولیت غزل کی ہیئت میںملی وہ کسی دوسری ہیئت کو میسر نہ آسکی۔ گزشتہ صدی میں تخلیق نعت کا سفر ماضی کی نسبت بہت تابناک نظر آتا ہے۔ اس میں نعت نے تخلیق سے تحقیق اور تنقید کے شعبوں میں بھی قابل قدر پیش رفت کی ہے۔ نعت کے الگ رسائل کی اشاعت کا سلسلہ شروع ہوا۔ نعتیہ تذکرے لکھے جانے لگے، نعتیہ مقالات کی طرف توجہ مرکوز کی گئی۔ نعتیہ صحافت کا آغاز ہوا اور نعتیہ انتخابات کا اہتمام ہونے لگا۔ نعت کے مختلف شعبوں میں مختلف شخصیات نے خدمات انجام دی ہیں۔ ان شخصیات میں ایک اہم نام ڈاکٹر شہزاد احمد کا ہے۔ انھوں نے شعبۂ نعت کے ہر شعبے میں گراںقدر خدمات انجام دی ہیں۔ ڈاکٹر شہزاداحمد نعت کے میدان میں بیک وقت ایک محنتی محقق، خوش ذوق تذکرہ نگار، خوش مذاق مدون، خوش الحان نعت خواں، نکتہ رس نقاد، راست باز صحافی او ر منکسر المزاج شاعرکی حیثیت سے جانے جاتے ہیں۔...
Islam wants from its believers to make a peaceful society. The first base of each society is husband-wife relation. Islam has given much emphasis upon this relationship to make it smooth, peaceful, joyful and interactive. But considering human as multidimensional, Islam has allowed husband and wife to get themselves separate from each other, it they cannot survive this relationship smoothly at any level. Though, ‘divorce’ is allowed in Islam but at last solution. Pakistan, as being a Muslim society is facing increase rate in divorce nowadays. My research work is covering different reasons and aspects behind this high ratio of divorce in Pakistan. This research will be helpful to find out any solution to decrease the divorce ration in Pakistani society.
Database Management System (DBMS) workload involves homogenous as well as heterogeneous data and concurrent users. Humans are incapable to manage the versatile data and dynamic behavior of DBMS workload. There is a need of fast computations of current server’s loads and requirements, AI algorithms and machine learning techniques. Autonomic computing technology using types of workload Decision Support System (DSS) or Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and its performance requirement can help servers, adaptation of the workloads. If we know the type of workload, we can design such systems that predict the identified workload performance and adapt the changes in the behavior of the workload. For managing the workload, we have to face number of problems for the DBMS to better perform. Before executing, we can predict and control the workload to tune the DBMS. Predicting performance of the workload is important for tuning a DBMS and makes the DBMS aware of itself making it autonomic. The optimizer and DBMS can tune itself accordingly. Evolving behavior of workload can be handled by making the system adaptive. We have developed a framework called Autonomic Workload Performance Predictor (AWPP) for predicting the performance of the workload making it adaptive to the changing behavior of the workload. Case-based reasoning approach is applied and results are compared with other well-known machine learning techniques to observe the accuracy and effectiveness and significance of AWPP framework. MySQL database management system is being used to execute different benchmark workload to validate the proposed workload performance prediction framework. For training and testing TPC- H and TPC-C like queries are used as our representative workload. We have taken the various benchmark workloads of DSS and OLTP for experimentation. CBR approach produced effective, accurate and significant results while predicting the performance of workload using the information available before executing a workload and adapting the workload on evolution. These predictions will be helpful for optimizer and DBMSs algorithms as well as for workload management, capacity planning, system sizing.