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Exploring the Science Professionals Sps Perceptions About the Effective Instructional Material Ims

Thesis Info


Aqila Nadir Ali


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi




Aga Khan University

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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Teachers need to have Instructional Materials (IMs) to understand the curriculum and to translate the curriculum into students' learning outcomes. In the absence of IMs textbook remain the only source of support for the teachers and the purpose and goals of learning science is not achieved completely. Hence, it was important to explore the qualities of effective IMs to understand and recommend aspects that may enhance the quality and development of IMs. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the science professionals' perceptions of effective IMs. Qualitative case study design was used to explore the topic. Ten participants including teachers, teacher educators and material developers were taken as research participants based on their experience of teaching, developing instructional materials, conducting courses for teachers and involvement in the process of IMs. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews from six science teachers, two teacher educators and two instructional material developers. Roberts's curriculum emphasis with a little modification based on the purpose and context of the study was used as a framework to guide the study with regard to data collection and analysis. The modified framework included the Roberts curriculum emphasis, and the nature of science, attitude of science and the organization of the material. Findings of the study revealed that the IMs will be effective if they contain the nature of science, solid foundation and structure of science. Moreover, effective IMs were found to be those which allowed teachers and students to present their personal experiences and explanations without confining them to certain pre-determined contents. It was also found that the IM may contain the elements of science and technology and everyday life application, in order to develop students' curiosity and attitude towards science. Such attitudes could be developed through interactive ways of teaching where students are actively involved in classroom activities. When the students get involved in the classroom activities, they can also relate science to their daily life and the events in the society. The study implied that teachers and teacher educators need to incorporate curriculum emphasis and nature of science to develop a positive attitude towards science. Moreover, this study is significant for the policy reforms as it highlights the qualities of effective IMs and its need in the context of Pakistan. Through this study, I have also developed a tool and a quantitative study is recommended to be conducted using these tools which contain various

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The yield, fibre and physiological traits were consisted of bolls opened at 110 days after planting, plant height (cm), sympodial branches plant-1, bolls plant-1, boll weight (g), seed cotton yield plant-1 (g), seed cotton yield (Kg ha-1), lint%, seed index (g), staple length (mm), fibre strength (tppsi), leaf area, relative water content (%) and stomatal conductance (mmol m-2s-1). In screening experiments, at developmental and reproductive stages of crop, water stress significantly affcteted shoot length, root length, number of lateral roots, leaf area, relative water content, excised leaf water loss, stomatal conductance, and stomatal density. The significance of treatments x genotypes interactions revealed that cotton cultivars performed variably over irrigation regimes. The significance of mean squares for general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) for most of the characters under water stress and normal irrigation indicated that both additive and non-additive genes were equally important in advocating the characters studied. However, in stress imposed at reproductive phase, the SCA variances were higher than GCA for plant height, boll weight, seed index, leaf area, relative water content and stomatal conductance indicating the predominance of dominant genes for these traits. Nonetheless, GCA variances were greater for other traits such as bolls opened at 110 days after planting, sympodia plant-1, bolls plant-1; seed cotton yield kg ha-1, lint%, staple length and fibre strength and such results indicated predominance of additive genes advocating the above characters. The parents CRIS-134, Sadori, and CIM-534 with higher GCA estimates proved as good general combiners for hybridization and selection programmes so as to evolve novel moisture stress tolerant breeding material. From hybrids, crosses Sadori x Sindh-1, CRIS-134 x Sadori, CIM-496 x CIM-534, Sadori x CIM-534 and CIM-496 x CIM- 534 by expressing higher SCA effects for majority of traits were considered as good specific combiners, thus they are suitable for hybrid cotton development for both stress and non-stress environments. From 15 hybrids evaluated, five potential hybrids such as Sadori x CIM-534, Sadori x Sindh-1, CIM-496 x CIM-534, Sadori x CIM-534 and CRIS-134 x CIM-496 manifested higher heterotic effects and high SCA estimates for majority of traits under stress are suitable combinations for hybrid cotton development. Three types of gene interactions such as additive x additive, additive x non-additive and non-additive x non-additive were involved in the manifestation of higher heterosis in the above hybrids based on GCA estimates of parents involved in above particular hybrids. The broad sense heritability estimates in stress conditions were, by and large, greater than in non-stress environment such results indicated that yield, fibre and physiological traits are mainly advocated by the additive genes; hence selection would be rewarding to improve studied traits for drought tolerance in earlier segregating generations. The narrow sense heritability estimates were far lower than broad sense heritability in either non-stress or in water stress conditions and such results suggested that selection in later segregating generations may be more successful. The combined correlation coefficients (r) determined from pooled data of parents and their F1 hybrids revealed that by and large, the correlations were higher in moisiture stress than in non-stress environment. In stress conditions, the high positive association between yield, fibre and physiological traits suggested that plant height, sympodia plant-1, bolls plant-1, boll weight, seed cotton yield, lint%, staple length, fibre strength were significantly and positively correlated with leaf area, relative water content, yet all these traits were negatively correlated with only stomatal conductance. These positive correlations indicated that more than one trait can be used as selection criteria to aid selection process under water stress conditions.