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Home > Initiating and Implementing School Reform in a Developing Country Context: Possibilities and Persisting Questions

Initiating and Implementing School Reform in a Developing Country Context: Possibilities and Persisting Questions

Thesis Info


Lwanga, Joshua S.


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi




Aga Khan University

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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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This study set out to examine the process of initiation and implementation of school reform. It examined the process taken by one case study school in its efforts to improve the quality of teaching and learning in that particular school. In addition, it set out to examine the relevance of the current literature with regard to a developing country context. The process of initiation and implementation was found to include the following elements needs analysis, planning, creating awareness, moving through phases, and putting decisions and ideas into practice. These are broadly similar to major components and stages identified in the literature. The results indicated that while some of the findings relate well with contemporary literature, some of them does not fully agree with it. The starting point of the process, for instance, was found not to be the same in both contexts thus making the work of the change agent different in both contexts. There were some aspects of the change process which appear distinctive to a developing country context. These include: The importance of documentation in the process of change. - Creating and developing middle level change agents -The varying roles of change agents in developing and developed countries Creating awareness in different cadres of the school, hence making the starting point for the change agent different. This highlights the gap existing between the two situations i.e. developing and developed country contexts. The particular need to build confidence among the teachers. - Identify the practical constraints arising from limited resources. In summary, this small scale study raises a number of issues, possibilities and questions which may need to be taken into account when initiating, planning and implementing a school reform.

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