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Home > Qualitative Explorative Study of Science Subject Leadership in the Enhancement of Information Communication Technology Integration in Project Based Learning in a Private Secondary School in Pakistan

Qualitative Explorative Study of Science Subject Leadership in the Enhancement of Information Communication Technology Integration in Project Based Learning in a Private Secondary School in Pakistan

Thesis Info


Gioko, Anthony Maina


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi




Aga Khan University

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Thesis Completing Year


Thesis Completion Status







2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Leadership has an influence over the development and implementation of an innovation in a department. In a bid to integrate ICT, teachers have been developed and facilities have been provided. In contrast, the prevalent status is use of ICT as an addition in projects and delegation of the integration to the ‘ICT specialists' by the Science Subject Leaders (SSL). Through exploring the SSL, leadership will identify the practices that can enhance ICT integration and thus improve student's learning experiences. Therefore, the questions: “How does a SSL perceive and enact her roles to enhance ICT integration in PBL; What are the factors influencing SSL in the integration of ICT in PBL was the focus of the study, which contributes to the current body of knowledge in leadership. The study was conducted through the qualitative case study approach which was explorative and interpretive in nature within a grounded approach. Data from field notes, interviews, and document and artifact analysis were used to explore the SSL leadership. Since leadership is fluid and not identified within an individual but in a responsibility; hence, the SSL was the focus and the team she interacted with in the projects also participated. The study observed a ten lesson (six weeks) project cycle in a private middle school in Pakistan undertaking the IGCSE curriculum. Three aspects emerged to inform the leadership of the SSL in integrating ICT, these were: leading manifested in leadership styles and technophile, technologic that is possession of skill and knowledge, utility level and training others, administration in shared planning, monitoring, mentoring and reviewing. I argue that the personality and technologic influenced the teachers to enhance integration. The study revealed that the empowerment of a SSL builds up the leadership capacity. Thus, SSL knowledge perceptions and roles must be attended to and not taken for granted. The implications of the study include a) develop knowledge and skill of SSL (b) empowering the SSL (c) allowing interdepartmental collaborated activities (d) provision of resources. Nevertheless, training and equipment require SSL leadership for integration to be enhanced. The study was limited within one project cycle due to time factor; however, many cycles may have identified on the basis of a variety of characterizing influences.

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