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Significance of School Leadership in Behaviour Management of Students

Thesis Info


Charania, Shirin Nooruddin


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi




Aga Khan University

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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Behaviour management of students is an important aspect of school life and an integral component of the leadership practice of the school leaders. The behaviour of students reflects the school's norms, culture and priorities where the school leadership plays its vital role in formulating strategies aimed at institutionalizing the desired set of behaviours. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the influence of school leadership on behaviour management of the students. It further aimed at investigating the views of the teachers and students about the school leadership's influence on behaviour management of the students. Precisely speaking it intended to investigate how and to what extent does school leadership influences students' behaviour management in a private secondary school of Karachi. Within a framework of a case study design, data was collected in two phases. In the first phase, the influence of school leadership on student behaviour management was explored through semi-structured interviews from the school leadership, observation and document analysis. Based on the themes generated in the first phase, a survey questionnaire was developed and administered to the entire teaching staff of the secondary section and to a group of randomly selected students, to understand their views about school leadership's influence on students' behaviour management. This study explored that school leadership influences students' behaviour through initiating and maintaining various policies and procedures. They enact certain support mechanisms both for students and teachers with regards to student behaviour management. The school leadership involves parents and maintains certain procedures of awards for encouraging positive behaviours and consequences for discouraging negative behaviours. They also considerably influence students' behaviour through their own personal practices. This study can prove beneficial to the participating school as well as to other school leaders in understanding how they can manage their students' behaviour. Furthermore, it may help them in knowing teachers' and students' perceptions on the effectiveness of these strategies. The findings of this study may provide useful insights for the teacher educators in planning and designing teacher and school leadership training programmes in the area of student behaviour management.

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This topic basically discusses the issue of influence of English language on Arabic media language along with the factors that are part of this influence. In addition to that, it also throws light on the consequences and outcome emerging from the interaction of both languages. Indeed, the influence of any language on the other is one of those issues which have been discussed by various linguistics and philosophers. They term this issue "a spiky issue" which may not be solved easily. Going through the annals of history, we find that there was a time when the Arabic language exercised immense influence on various European languages like English language due to the supremacy of Muslims over the western world in the political domain. Resultantly many Arabic words traveled to English language with minor changes such as "Alcohol", "Algebra", "Almanac”, “Caliph", "Cotton", "Minaret". On the contrary, now the situation has changed. The English language is influencing the Arabic language and especially the Arabic media language because of hegemony of western world over the Muslim countries including the Arab countries. The result of this is that a lot of English words are traveling to Arabic language in various fields like information technology, Political Economics, medical, and educational fields. For instance, in information technology "Video" "Camera”. “Radio" " Computer"(1-i9.l.-c) and in political field," Protocol" “Dictator", and in economic field: “Broker" " Tariff' and in medical field: “Typhoid" “Vitamin", and in education field:" Bibliography" " Doctor". Obviously, there are various factors which are responsible for the influence of English language on Arabic media language. These are social, cultural, educational and linguistic ones. It should be known that the influence of English language on Arabic media language is resulting into the spread of linguistic mistakes and colloquial dialect. It also creates the phenomenon of linguistic transformation and deterioration. This thesis contains five chapters and each chapter has its sub-chapters. The first chapter deals with the literal and technical meaning of language and media, its evolution, brief history of Arabic and English Languages. The second chapter discusses the factors that are part of Influence of English Language on Arabic Media Language. The third chapter throws light on the Influence Issue among the various languages. The fourth chapter describes the influence of English language on Arabic Media Language in various fields such as politics, economy, medicine, education, information technology and advertisement. The fifth chapter deals with the results, both positive and negative, accruing from the influence of English Language on Arabic Media Language. In addition to that, it also undertakes a comparison of positive and negative results. Results, findings and recommendations have been stated at the end of this PhD thesis.