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Home > Understanding Gender Equality/Inequality in a School: Experiences and Voices of Female and Male Students of Grade Six and Seven

Understanding Gender Equality/Inequality in a School: Experiences and Voices of Female and Male Students of Grade Six and Seven

Thesis Info


Shahnaz Barkat


Professional Development Centre, Karachi




Aga Khan University

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year


Thesis Completion Status







2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49




This qualitative case study explores the gender equality/inequality related experiences of male and female students in the context of a not-for-profit co-education school in Karachi. In particular, the study examines students' perceptions about their experiences of gender equality/inequality inside and outside classroom. Focused group discussions, semi-structured interviews, observations, drawings and discussion, and document analysis were the main sources of data generation. The study revealed that students' perceptions about themselves were guided by their experiences of gender equality or inequality at school. Their interactions with their teachers and peers appeared to help them define themselves as girls and boys. As such, the boys and girls considered themselves as the two ends of a continuum. They not only experienced gender segregation but many of them desired for such an environment in school. The study showed that both girls and boys experienced different treatment by the teachers inside and outside the classroom which determined their participation in teaching and learning and sports activities. To explore the possibilities of creating a gender equitable environment in the classrooms as well as in the schools, a collaborative action research can be carried out with students. Besides producing contextually relevant knowledge, such a study will help improve gendered practices in schools.

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