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Home > What Have the Teachers Learned? the Impact of Social Studies Vt Program on Selected Government School Teachers

What Have the Teachers Learned? the Impact of Social Studies Vt Program on Selected Government School Teachers

Thesis Info


Mohammad, Nighat Ghulam


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi




Aga Khan University

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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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This exploratory study presents the impact of Social studies visiting teacher (VT) program at IED on government school teachers' learning (views, attitude) and their practices in order to identify some key features of individual professional development efforts. The fieldwork for the study was done in four government schools in Karachi Pakistan with four Social Studies VTs (female) who have done VT course in 1996. The study focused on trying to understand what the teachers were taught in the VT program, what they learned and how it influenced their practices. The data for study was collected from VT, head, VT's colleague, course instructor and DEO through observation, interviews, discussions, documents and some activities (ideal lesson plan & teaching, situations). The major findings of the study were that Social Studies VT program has had some influence on VTs' attitude towards Social Studies and students which has become more positive. VTs have begun to consider Social Studies as more important, useful and an interesting subject, and students as a main key in teaching learning process. The program has had some impact on teachers' person. They have become more confident, polite, and tolerant and it has removed their fear of English language. This program has impacted on VTs' knowledge about skills and strategies that could be useful in teaching Social Studies or any subject. They specifically mentioned questioning skills, thinking skills, social skills and map skills, co-operative learning, peer coaching, lesson planning, and assessment. They have some partial understanding and misconceptions. VTs seems to have had very little influence on their practice. The nature of the VT program's impact on teachers has been explained in the study with reference to three factors: program factors, school factors and individual's factors. These factors act as filters between what the VTs are taught, what they learned and the extent to which they integrate their learning with their practice. The conclusion of the study is that teachers learned from VT program, but these factors determined what they would do? The implication of the study with recommendations are presented at the end of the paper.

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Political Leadership: A Case Study of Benazir Bhutto

For the advancement of the cause of democracy, Benazir Bhutto faced a variety of challenges, trails, contests and resistances prior to her becoming the first woman prime minister of Pakistan. The watershed of this first struggle was bound by an era covered by supposedly a dictatorial regime from 1977 to 1988. In terms of realpolitic, this move was a complex and significant ideological struggle based on social justice against conservative forces and status-quo, braced by some international influential clusters. As a resilient woman political leader, she managed to cope with all the crises. The study in hand is the in-depth analysis of the struggle of Benazir Bhutto for upholding the democratic forces. Data sources included Focus Group Discussions with party workers and political leaders, in-depth interviews with historians and civil society members, and content analysis of documents like letters (written by Benazir Bhutto to various party workers and by the author to Benazir Bhutto), reports, Peoples Party’s constitution, press releases by Benazir Bhutto, media documentaries and other published material relevant to the topic. Analysis of the data revealed that Benazir Bhutto confronted significant hardships and challenges to restore democracy in Pakistan. Despite ruthlessness of the ruling regime, betrayals of her party men and unfavorable circumstances she managed to cope with all the difficulties with her charisma and leadership qualities. She successfully exhibited her visionary skills, persistence, determination, influential personality, and immense courage. As part of her reconciliation and resilience, she joined hands with opponents; she was able to bring all conservative clusters on board on its voyage to democracy. The resilience demonstrated by Benazir Bhutto in her political struggle could be a model for political practitioners and political leadership xviii in Pakistan. This research concludes by suggesting for doing scientific studies about the Bhutto legacy of later time periods and making a comparative analysis for drawing lessons for the political landscape of Pakistan. Similarly, in the struggle for democracy in Pakistan, there are many other leaders. In-depth analysis of their terrain is in order to develop strategies for political struggle.