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Home > Exploring English Language Teachers Classroom Assessment Practices of Class Viii in Larkano, Sindh

Exploring English Language Teachers Classroom Assessment Practices of Class Viii in Larkano, Sindh

Thesis Info


Rashid Ali


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi




Aga Khan University

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Thesis Completing Year


Thesis Completion Status







2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Formative assessment is important in education improvement as it provides instant opportunities to reflect and improve teaching and learning process. There is a dearth of literature on formative classroom assessment practices in Pakistan, and particularly in Sindh. Therefore, this research study explored teachers' classroom assessment practices in English language class VIII. The study was focused to explore the relationship of English language learning and formative assessment in class VIII. In this study qualitative cases study design was adopted in order to explore the phenomenon in the context of Larkano, Sindh. In order to respond the research question the semi-structured interviews, classroom observation and focused group discussion were used as data collection tools. The analysis of the data was carried out using qualitative data analysis approach (Yin, 2009). The participants of the study were the two English teachers (primary participants) and twelve students (secondary participants): six students from each participant teachers' class. The findings revealed that there are many factors that contribute towards assessment practices in classroom such as personal and professional perceptions, experiences and beliefs of teachers, classroom assessment resources, physical structure of the school building, and the textbooks. The teachers adopt subject-based approach to teach English rather than skilled based approach due to contextual constraints and limitations. The study suggests that English teachers professional development courses in formative assessment may be arranged for English language teachers in order to enhance their personal and professional skills.

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المبحث السادس: بروين شاکر وفکرتها عن العشق

 یوجد في أشعار بروین شاکر تجربۃ ذاتیۃ لحبھا وعشقھا، فقد کتبت بعض القصائد من تجربتھا الخاصۃ وحبھا القدیم ولکن کان لھا القدرۃ في أن تبقی السر سراً وکانت طریقۃ بیانھا مھذّبة لا تفشي أسرار حُبّھا۔

 فقد کتبت بروین قادر آغا[1] عن بدایۃ حب الشاعرۃ وعشقھا الأول۔ قد أعجبت الشاعرۃ بشاب، وکان موظفًا حکوميًا فشارکتہ في أحلامھا وآمالھا، ولکن ذلک لم یکن رغبۃ الشاب فھو کان لا یُرید الزواج منھا لأنہ کان یختلف عنھا في النسب والحسب وکان یختلف عنھا في الفرقہ الدینیۃ، بأنہ کان من أھل السّنہ والشاعرۃ کانت من أھل الشیعۃ۔ فرفض ذلک الشاب الزواج، فکان ھذا أمرٌ صعبٌ للشاعرۃ لأنھا کانت تحب ذلک الشاب، ولکن بعد فترۃ أحسّ الشاب بالندم علی ما فعل مع الشاعرۃ فرجع لھا وأراد الزواج منھا، فأحست الشاعرۃ بالفرح ولکن والدیھا لم یرضوا بذلک الشاب والزواج منہ، فأحست الشاعرۃ بالحزن مرۃً أخری وتقطّع قلبھا من الألم والیأس، وعاشت أحزانھا معھا إلی أن تکوّن عندھا قابلیۃ علی إظھار مشاعرھا وأحزانھا۔ وکتبت الشاعرۃ الکثیر من أشعارھا توضح وحدتھا وألمھا۔

 ثم جاء لھا خاطب آخر، فوافق والداھا علی زواجھا فتزوجت الشاعرۃ من نصیر علي وأنجبت منہ إبناً أسمّتہ (مراد) وعندما تزوجت الشاعرۃ أحست بالفرح ولذۃ العشق في أول أیام زواجھا، ولکن بعد مدۃ من الزمن حصلت خلافات بین بروین شاکر وزوجھا وحصل البعد بین الزوجین، فأحست الشاعرۃ بالیأس والحزن والوحدۃ وفراق الزوج فقامت الشاعرۃ بإظھار مشاعرھا وآلامھا وأحزانھا في قصائدھا بشكل صريح ۔



[1] بروین قادر آغا عمۃ الشاعرۃ تعیش في إسلام آباد، وھي أیضاً شاعرۃ رائعۃ۔

The Aims of the Prophetic Hijrah and its Teaching and Guidance

The aim of Hijrah is not to run away from problem that occurred in the process of giving da'wah, but rather to establish the resolve in solving the problem. Hijrah as a movement carried out by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions from Makkah to Madinah, aimed to keep, maintain and uphold the message of Allah, in the form of Islamic aqeedah and shari’a, in order to achieve the mercy and pleasure of Allah SWT. This move, as we can see in the seerah, later brought a great impact to the success of the Islamic da’wah which was increasingly evolving. Hence the fundamental problem that has led to the migration has been solved. In fact, the Hijrah brought a significant impact not just to the Islamic world but also to world civilisation. The story and background of the migration of Rasulullah (PBUH) from Makkah to Madinah is touched in this writing to show that there were a lot of lessons and guidance that can be inferred. It did not merely signify a final destination for Makkah Muslims, but was also the beginning of a continuous effort to establish a strong and resilient ummah. The event of Hijrah in fact had changed the world after that forever. It highlighted the perseverance of the Rasulullah (PBUH) and the early Muslims through the difficult times. Hijrah demonstrates that for people with faith, there is hope for ease after difficulties. There was also a great unity model among Muslims of different backgrounds. The Hijrah had also marked the beginning of the Islamic State under the leadership of Rasulullah (PBUH) which then became a reference for all state governance everywhere in the future

Fasal Fil Ardh and its Punishment under Islamic Law

All┐h almighty has commanded that do not create mischief “Fas┐d” on earth after it has been set in order.(Al-I‘r┐f:56. According to the Holy Qur’┐n, this land was created neat, clean, peaceful and free from all kinds of disorders but due to subversive activities of Jinn and human being, and violation of laws revealed from God, the situation gradually changed and ultimately disorder prevailed on land and sea because of “What the people earned with their own hands” (Al-Rom: 30) Allah almighty sent revealed books and Messengers from time to time to guide the people toward the straight path and to reform the disorder on earth but disobedience continued and the situation continued to deteriorate gradually. The word ‘Fas┐d” is literally used in the meaning of putridity, wickedness, immorality, corruption, sinful act and badness. Technically, it means: the violation of commandments enjoined by the Shari‘ah nullifying its positive effects on the society”. The Hanafi jurists have used the word ‘Fasad or F┐sid for a contract where one or more of its conditions are missing. Its validity will stand restored as and when the missing conditions are fulfilled. According to majority of the jurists, the contract may be either valid or void and there is no provision of F┐sid contract. In Islamic jurisprudence, the expression ‘Fas┐d fil ’ar╔ is not used for the commission of any specific crime or sinful act. In the Holy Qur’┐n it has been used for various crimes and sinful acts ranging from minor crime, like destroying crops and cattle, less measuring, violation of the provisions of covenant, to heinous crimes like murder, dacoity, Infidelity, atheism and polytheism. Likewise, the activities of Gog and Magog, Namrod, Pharaoh, and the abominable deeds of the followers of Messenger Lut and the acts of disobedience by other tribes including Bani Israel,‘└d and Tham┴d have been termed as Fas┐d fil ’ar╔. The commentators of the Holy Qur’┐n while elaborating relevant verses on Fasad, have listed various crimes which come within the purview of Fas┐d fil ’ar╔ like, all Hud┴d and Qi╖┐╖ related crimes; infidelity; propaganda against Isl┐m and the Holy Prophet; contempt of the Holy Prophet etc. Some known scholars and writers have set a principle, according to which, a crime becomes Fas┐d fil ’ar╔ if it is committed in a horrifying manner, not in a normal way, creating terror in the locality, creating sense of insecurity in the society like using lethal weapons for killing a person, cutting his body parts into pieces or burning a dead body. In such circumstances, the crime will be treated as Fas┐d fil ’ar╔ and not a normal crime of murder. Likewise, if rape is committed in a broad day light by using weapons to create terror in the locality and forcing the victim to walk nakedly through the streets, it will be treated as Fas┐d fil ’ar╔ and not a simple crime of rape, liable to punishments prescribed for Fas┐d fil ’ar╔. According to Al-M┐idah: 33: “Those who fight against All┐h and His Messenger and run about trying to spread disorder on earth, their punishment is no other than that they shall be killed, or be crucified, or their hands and legs be cut off from different sides, or they be kept away from the land (they live in). That is a humiliation for them in this world, and there is a great punishment for them in hereafter.” According to jurists and renowned commentators of the Holy Qur’┐n, the punishment prescribed in the above verse shall not be confined to dacoity only but applied in other heinous crimes like rape, Gang rape, abduction for ransom, corruption and terrorism etc. These crimes are not less than war against All┐h and his Apostle in any sense. This view is also upheld by the Hon. Judges of superior Courts of Pakistan. It is on record that the rightly guided Caliphs had awarded death penalty for some of the crimes for which death penalty has been prescribed in the holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, like nonpayment of Zakat, drinking wine repeatedly, committing theft fourth times, sodomy, involvement in sorcery and incest etc. Under the principle of Siy┐sa-al-Shar‘┘ah, the head of the state or parliament has been given vast powers to take any measure to cope with the law &order situation, maintain peace and protect the interests of the community. There is a need to take benefit from the wisdom cantained in this expression while legislating laws in the country.If the expression Fasad fil ardh and the wisdom contained in it,is appropriately included in the existing criminal law, by defining it,bringing various crimes under it and prescribing punishment for it in the light of Qur’┐n and Sunnah, it will prove helpful in controlling crimes and restoring peace and tranquility in the society.