المبحث الثالث: خود کلامي
" خود کلامي" ھذہ المجموعۃ الثالثۃ لبروین شاکر۔
ظھرت ھذہ المجموعۃ الشعریۃ أمام أنظار الشعراء، ومحبي أعمال بروین شاکر لأول مرۃ عام (1985م)، وتعکس ھذہ المجموعۃ الشعریۃ المنازل الراقیۃ عن شخصیۃ الشاعرۃ، وتغیر أسلوب کلامھا ومرارۃ ألفاظھا، وقد أخذت الشاعرۃ تنظر الحیاۃ بنظرۃ أدق قریب من الحقیقۃ والواقع بعید عن الخیال والأمل الزائف۔ تقول الدکتورۃ سلطانۃ بخش یتضح في ’’خود کلامي‘‘ ان السفر الذي بدأت الشاعرۃ في خوشبو فقد تغیر أسلوبہ وحقیقتہ، وقد أصبحت ھذہِ المجموعۃ الشعریۃ صورۃ صادقۃ عن إنسانة بالغۃ تفھم الحیاۃ وتنظر الواقع علی حقیقتہ وتطورت أحاسیسھا، إنما في خوشبو فکان عن الشابۃ المراھقۃ ذات الأحاسیس المليئةبالأحلام والأمل الناعم وکانت تنظر إلی الحیاۃ بالبراء ۃ والبرودۃ الھادئة ۔ یقول أمجد أسلم أمجد ’’أن في شعر بروین شاکر من خوشبو إلى خود كلامي صورۃ واضحۃ عن الإحساسات التي یجد فیہ القاريء دقات عواطفہ الناقصۃ أو الکاملۃ بوضوح، وبراعۃ الشاعرۃ تکتمل في أنھا أعطت صورۃ صادقۃ عن ھذہ المشاعر والإحساسات بشکل لطیف وشعور ھاديء ناعم مليء بألوان البراءۃ۔
ورأي الشاعر حمایت علي في خود کلامي بأن ھذہ المجموعۃ عبارۃ عن تلك الروح التي تعبر عن حیاتھا وشعرھا الذي بہ تجد الأنس في وحدتھا وفراقھا ۔
یتضح من ذلك أن الشاعرۃ تقدمت في العمر والتجربۃ وأخذت تنظر للحیاۃ بصورتھا الحقیقیۃ، وأنھا تعطي تعبیرًا صادقًا عن وحدتھا وآلامھا، وکیف أن قلبھا المکسور یجد اللذۃ في الأنھیار والحزن، وأن جمال الوحدۃ والفراق یجد راحۃ البال والھدوء المسحور عند لقاء الحبیب، وھذہ المجموعۃ الشعریۃ تعطي صورۃ شاملۃ عن الحیاۃ وما فیھا من مشاکل وھموم والفھم العمیق وتنظر إلی الحیاۃ بنظرۃ قاسیۃ لأن الدنیا أقسیٰ من طموحاتھا، وکیف أنھا تحاول السير خلف تحقیق الأحلام والطموح ولکن قساوۃ الحیاۃ لا تساعدھا في تحقیق ھدفھا ولا تعطي لھا ید الأمل ولا تجد القلیل من الضوء في ھذا الطریق المظلم الذي سدّ أبواب أفراحُھا...
Psychological morbidity is emerging as animportant issue for medical students after entering clinical training due to extensiveworking hours. Students find themselves unable to balance competing demands on their time and cannot allocate appropriate time to family, spouses and even to themselves; this leads to complaints about exhaustion and lack of efficiency in their profession. Objective: To assess Psychological morbidity in interns, medical officers and residents Methods: a cross sectional study was conducted. A google form was designed with questions adopting from the three scales of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS). Question from all three categories of MBI-GS such as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment were considered. The form was distributed via email and Whatsapp to 87 house officers, medical officers and residents of six public healthcare facilities in Lahore. Responses were captured from 73 participants who completed the General Health questionnaire. Seven of these forms were filled by nurses, so in the present study only the response ofthose 66 participants who conformed to the study cross-section were considered. The results were analyzedusing SPSS version 22 for descriptive statistics and chi-square association. Results: A significant association was found between long working hours and emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment questions in particular. The findings suggests long working hours ruin the mental health of medical professionals, which ultimately produce psychological health impacts. Conclusions: It was concluded that these factors should be considered to reduce psychological morbidity in health professionals.
In this thesis, “a text-independent speaker verification system for Pashto speakers using accent and dialect recognition approach” has been designed. The purpose of the designed system is to recognize the region of origin of Pashto native speakers on the basis of their distinct dialects and to verify them using a speaker verification system. Due to the unavailability of the Pashto voice data in the form of different accents and dialects, a Pashto speakers’ database using different dialects of Pashto was developed. In order to develop the data initially, different dialectical variations of Pashto language were studied in detail and then the speech data was collected only from those different regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan where the Pashto is spoken with different dialects. After the database development, it is processed through front end and feature extraction processes where Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) features have been extracted from the collected data. After the MFCC feature vectors have been obtained, a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) based classifier was designed to classify the speakers. Two separate classification experiments were performed (1) Speaker identification followed by dialect identification (2) Text-independent speaker verification followed by dialect identification. Speaker identification followed by dialect identification achieved 96.0 % identification accuracy, whereas, speaker verification followed by dialect identification achieved 100 % verification accuracy. Furthermore, the proposed Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) based dialect identification system achieved 93.8 % identification accuracy in identifying Pashto native dialects. In order to inspect the noise robustness of the proposed system, the system’s performance was checked with the different degrees of noise level and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) was computed for each degree of noise. The performance of the system showed slightly degradation with the increase in the noise level, hence, showed its robustness against noise. A simple Pashto digits recognition (1 to 10 digits of Pashto) was also included in the study using MLP, HMM & SVM classifiers. Comparative analysis showed that the SVM based Pashto digit recognizer with 98.5 % recognition accuracy outperformed both the MLP and HMM based Pashto digit recognizers by showing 1.3 % and 3.3 % improvement in recognition accuracy. In order to benchmark the proposed research, the system’s performance was further tested on classifying some foreign accent of Pashto (Urdu accent of Pashto). In case of classifying the Urdu accent of Pashto, the system achieved 74.4 % recognition accuracy. Finally, the results achieved in the conducted experiments were compared with the recently proposed state of the art dialect identification, speaker verification and Pashto digit recognition systems. Comparative study showed that the proposed system outperformed some recently proposed dialect identification as well as speaker verification systems and showed relative improvement in recognition accuracies.