المبحث الرابع: أهم الشاعرات في اللغة الأردية بعد قيام باكستان
من أھم الشاعرات بعد التوحید لھن الدور الکبیر في إصلاح المجتمع ومنھن۔
صفية شميم مليح آبادي
وھي من أکبر الشاعرات ویأتي إسمھا في الصف الأول في مقدمۃ الشاعرات المشھورات وقد ولدت في 28 مارس 1920م ولھا مجموعات شعریۃ رائعۃ منھا نغمۃ قدس، چراغ، نشاط غم وگرائیہ ستم وغیرھا۔
رابعة نهاں
ولدت في 20 سبتمبر في عام 1920م، وھي شاعرۃ قدیمۃ ومعروفۃ ولھا خمس مجموعات شعریۃ وھي شقیقۃ الشاعرۃ۔ الکبیرۃ بلقیس جمال. ومن أشعار رابعہ نھاں:
دل و نگاہ کے ہر امتحاں سے گزرے ہیں
خموش رہ کے بھی حسن بیاں سے گزرے ہیں
لقد مررنا من کل امتحان القلب والنظر
فقد قُمنا بحسن البیان مع السکوت الدائم
آدا جعفري
ولدت الشاعرۃ ادا جعفري 1924م وقد ثم طبع مجموعتھا الشعریۃ الأولی في عام 1950م۔ ولھا أشعار مشھورۃ ومعروفۃ منھا:
تم پاس نہیں ہو تو عجب حال ہے دل کا
یوں جیسے میں کچھ رکھ کے کہیں بھول گئی ہوں
لم تکن أنت موجودٌ عندي وحالۃ قلبي عجیبٌ
ھکذا کأنني وضعتُ شیءًا ثم نسیتُہ
ومن الشاعرات المعروفات زھرہ نکاہ کشور ناھید وفھمیدہ ریاض
فهميدة رياض
وھي من أشھر شاعرات العصر الحدیث تناولت في أشعارھا المواضیع المختلفۃ ورفعت قلمھا وصوتھا ضد الظلم والاستبداد السیاسي ولھا مجموعات شعریۃ رائعۃ ومنھا پتھر کی زبان، بدن دریدہ، دھوپ، ادھورا آدمی وغیرھا من الکتب الرائعۃ والمنظومات القیمۃ ولھا أشعار رائعۃ منھا:
خدائے ہر...
An elaborate endeavor in studying world religions would glaringly uncover the fact that most of the religions have enacted rules to follow, pertinent to daily livelihood. Such are the set of rules that the followers of the religion must follow. These rules very much include the rules about edibles. The food is something upon which not only human sustenance rests but it also keeps the human soul alive. For the same very reason we find religious and scientific prohibitions on things that are harmful for humans and if consumed evil takes the better of man’s heart, bringing upon him moral redundancy and sinister way of life. Such people are deprived of peace and piety. They ultimately not only suffer unbearable individual loss but also become a burden onto the society, country and nation
Low enrollment of girls in science is a general concern for everyone. It seems that girls are not getting full advantage from the study of science. This study is aimed at developing a better understanding of the issue of low participation in science at the secondary school level. The qualitative study was conducted in two urban schools, a government girls' school and private co-education school. In this study twenty girls (ten from science and ten from the arts group), five parents, four teachers and two head teachers were interviewed. Participant observation and informal talks were also used for data collection. In order to crosscheck information, a triangulation approach was used. The findings of the study show that there are certain factors, which support and inhibit girls' selection in the science group. The study suggests that the number of supporting factors were less than the hindering factors. The main supporting factors include: high status of science education, inspiration from role models, preference of science graduates in the job market. The main inhibiting factors were: students' perception of science subjects as difficult, school policies regarding admission in science group, home environment/low economic status of parents and the custom of early marriage in communities. Some others factors were also noted. The study puts forward certain recommendations to deal with the issue so that the number of girls be enrolled in the science group, at the secondary school level may increase.