حافظ ہدایت حسین ؍ علامہ راشد الخیری ؍ مولانا شیر علی
میری علالت کے زمانہ میں ملک و ملت کی کئی نامور ہستیوں نے اس دنیائے فانی کو الوداع کہا حافظ ہدایت حسین صاحب مرحوم اس صوبہ کے مسلمانوں کی بڑی دولت تھے، اس دولت کا چھن جانا ہماری سب سے بڑی محرومی ہے، دلی کے پایہ تخت کی بھی ایک یادگار مٹ گئی، یہ مولانا راشد الخیری کی ذات تھی، جس نے اپنی ساری عمر مسلمان عورتوں کی علمی و ادبی و تعلیمی خدمت گزاری میں بسر کردی، دکن کے خزانہ کا بھی ایک قیمتی ہیرا گم ہوگیا، یعنی مولانا شیر علی صاحب سابق مدرس اعلیٰ دارالعلوم ندوہ و سابق استاد کلام جامعہ عثمانیہ نے وفات پائی، مرنے والے مرگئے، مگر ان کے کارنامے دنیا میں یادگار رہ گئے۔
از صدائے سخن عشق ندیدم خوشت
یادگارے کہ دریں گنبد دوار بماند
)(سید سلیمان ندوی، اپریل ۱۹۳۶ء)
Zoroastrianism is an ancient Iranian religion founded by an Iranian Prophet and scholar Zoroaster. It is claimed by some foremost scholars that this is the most ancient religion of the world which influenced the other major religions of the world like, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The main source to know the Zoroastrianism is Avesta, Denkart and Bundahishn (sacred books) from which we know the terminologies and traditions of this religion. Main two spirits are Ahura mazda (god of pleasure and goodness) and Ahriman (god of evil) and seven more main spirits which are called as angels are Amesha spentas which show the actual spirit and direction of this ancient religion. Some of the concepts and traditions are same which exists in Islam but with different names and features, like prayers and matters after death, heaven and hell. In this article, main focus is on tradition and terminologies of this ancient religion to know its actual spirit to get the basic information and main themes for initial reader of this religion from Islamic theological pers-pective. No doubt, Zoroastrianism is one the amended religions exist on earth yet because of the similarity of various rituals with Islam. However, Zoroastrianism is being considered reve-aled religion and Zoroaster as true prophet of Allah.
The research of study to know the economic and international business are suitable in order to explain the particular role and existing of Multinational Companies in the South East Asia and specially in Malaysia, the base of this study to describe the process of realism in between of Multinational Companies and South East Asia relationship as well as towards Malaysia, the core role of Multinational Companies in Malaysia since two decades of the 20 th century i.e. from the period of ruling of Dr. Mahathir, in this respect two sets of Questionnaires customers were supplied in all the big cities of Malaysia, this questionnaires from the Managers of Multinational Companies and from Multinational Customers show the total response rate estimated at 62% which is suitable for the study. The above results also supported with secondary data as confirmed all research hypotheses, so pointed out that in manufacturing and services industries dominant the multinational business in Malaysia due to joint venture, in Malaysian foreign joint ventures found of MNCs in the cross borders as well as marketing, trading, manufacturing, consulting, contracting Banking, hotel and insurance field, so multinational group operating across the national border i.e. no need with international production. It is further mention here that the respondents perceived the competitors of the Multinational Companies are in process in Malaysia in economic,20 marketing, and technology field, and the contribution of the Multinational Companies in socio economic developments found as positive in Malaysia. The Researcher of this study also given attention to some aims and objectives for the success of the business of the Multinational Companies in business as related with local cultural awareness found positive in Malaysia, as well as covered some important issue of the Islamic culture in this study, as the help full for the Multinational Companies to obtained more awareness about cultural needs, values and also to sensitiveness of the people generally and Muslims community of Malaysia.