عشق دا روگ
عشق نے دل وچ پایا زور
اودوں جگ وچ مچ گیا شور
لوکی مینوں پاگل کہندے
مینوں ویکھ کے ہسدے رہندے
اسیں تے طعنے مہنے سہندے
کسے نال نہ پایا کھور
وکھری دنیا مل گئی مینوں
حسد کریں کیہہ ملدا تینوں
دل دی آکھ سناواں کیہنوں
سب دسدے نے ہور دے ہور
یار پنل جد دل نوں بھایا
سسی رو رو حال ونجایا
اوہ ستی تے یار گنوایا
ملیا کیچ تے نہ بھنبھور
قادریؔ سائیں سمجھ نہ آئی
جس گھر عشق نے جھاتی پائی
جلی کلی پھوک جلائی
دُکھاں وچ نہ ہووے بور
The Almighty Allah has sent many intellectual and pious people after the Last Prophet and Messenger Allah Subhan-o-Tala for the security of Den-e-Islam. They not noly Protect Deen-e-Islam from the foreign imovation but take their roles in its world over spreading. One among these prestigious personalities and intellectual is Jalal Ud Din Asoyothi (849-911). He was a multi sided personality. At the same time he was a great scholar, Author, Reviewer and genius intellectual among his friends. You are the author of approximately 700 books. He has touched my aspect of life in written works. While having such a busy and prestigious life of honesty, truthfulness, rejecting the materialistic life having a heart for the spiritual life. He started to leads the life of mysticism and till death did not leave the life of mystics persons. In this mystic’s life he has written and review many books. Due to this mysticism he was serves the humanity and protect Deen-e-Islam from the false beliefs. In this research paper some of the aspect of mysticism in the light of his research works has been discussed.
Of the two studied birds, blue rock pigeon (Columba livia domestica) and common myna (Acridotheres tristis), are largely considered a native species throughout the cultivations, barns, farmyards and the coastal habitats in Asia. They also indicated close association with man. The present study focused on their roost characteristics and the incidence of trichomonosis in the eight selected sub-habitats in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Considering the tree composition of the dominant and codominant trees in the differential study sites indicated three DBH (diameter at breast height) categories, average tree height and total depressions. The University Campus comprising sufficiently large number of trees of different categories, adding to the lush green landscapes was highest (487; 14.7%) on the main campus and student residence roads similarly, highest tree depressions of the sampled trees (2870; 12.5%) were also recorded. The situation in the other two sub-habitats, Gatwala Forest Plantations and Postgraduate Agricultura Research Station also, harboured with the highest proportions of trees of all the three (DBH) categories (294; 8.9%), comprising (1869; 6.3%) tree depressions and also (537; 16.27%) number of tree and tree hollows (2820; 5.26%) respectively the remaining five study sites viz. Aminpur canal rest house, Satiana canal rest house, Tarkhani bunglow, Burala bunglow and Monngi bunglow also possessed a differential number of trees with varying numbers of trees of the three DBH categories and different tree depressions. Significantly, all such sub-habitats were about 12.5 acres and have been constructed before the partition of the sub-continent. Small crops of agricultural importance to suffice the residing small populations here. The roost characteristics such as exit and return, call notes and the intra and inter specific competitions were also studied at the present study sites. All of them exhibited varying numerical values, but the morning hours indicated outburst exist during the summer and winter seasons, perhaps to enable the two birds (pigeon and myna) to suffice their feeding requirements following the previous nights, hiatus. Avian trichomonosis appeared to be an archetypal infection among the wild columbids and some other birds. Interestingly, it is also reported from the passerines like chaffinches and greenfinches of Europe. Outbreaks among the house finches, goldfinches and also purple finches are recoded in South American habitats. Evidently, of a total (168) samples of the common myna which were procured from different study sites, 32 were found infected with the parasite Trichomonas gallinae indicating a percentage of (20%), while from the in 204 samples of the rock dove, 51 comprised the infectious parasite with a percentage of (25%). For the present study incidence of trichomonosis remain evident with respect to the three sub-genotypes (C4, 59%; A1, 23% and C8, 18%) from the various sub-habitats of Faisalabad District, Pakistan. Furthermore, the subgenotype type (C) parasites occurred in mynas, considered analogous to the pandemic finch strain, the sub-genotype (A), but it remains the first known recognized incidence among in the passerine with this parasite genotype. The sup-type analyses of the common myna indicated that (C4) is prevalent in distribution worldwide. Moreover, gender of both the birds appeared to indicate its certain role regarding the parasitic epidemic in the existing study sites. For the common myna, the males were (28%) and the females were about (12%), while in the rock dove, females indicated (27%) and the males of (18%) in terms of infection. Similarly, analysis of the bird baths (small water channels) and the bird seeds also confirmed occurrence of Trichomonas gallinae type (C) of about (12.5%) of the total tested samples. Finally, haematological analysis of the samples evinced lowered body weights and anaemia is possible due to lesion formation and the resulting internal bleeding in the upper respiratory tract. Drug susceptibility studies (in vitro) suggested C4 in the mynas proved more resistant than the similar strain in the pigeons. Moreover, among the pigeons (C8) proved more resistant to the different drug concentrations of metronidazole, dimetridazole, ornidazole and ronidazole. Multi-locus sequence typing remains an alternating tool to answer the complex phylogenetic association and drug resistance related to same subtype.