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Home > An Analytical Study of Wahbah Al-Zuhaylis Thought in Contemporary Islamic Jurisprudence

An Analytical Study of Wahbah Al-Zuhaylis Thought in Contemporary Islamic Jurisprudence

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Farooq Bukhari, H. Syed Hamid




Government College University







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Islamic Studies





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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This dissertation aims at exploring the process of transmissionlearning and its impacts on the development of the ʻUlemā- the insightful scholastic class of Islam- with a special focus on the verbalization of Islamic orders. The bottom rock of this study is the academic of the twentieth century, Wahbah Muṣṭafā Zuḥaylī (1932-2015) who has extensively and substantially enriched the Islamic laws and legal jurisprudence through many of his speeches and books which deal broadly with various ramifications of Islamic cultures. His teachings are relevant to the whole Muslim world in general and to the Middle East in particular. He argues that religious compulsion to follow the Sunnī diktats is not compulsory for the faithful. He further maintains that the followers of Sunnī Islam are free to follow any of the four validated Sunni edicts, and even this is not compulsory as long as one follows a competent Islamic jurist. Heeven goesto the extent of permitting the people to follow the rules of other laws as long as they are not against the fundamental instructions of Islam. Zuḥaylī is of the opinion that relationships between Muslims and non-Muslims should be based on mutual respect, brotherhood,and universal understanding. He considers war only as a weapon of last resort. The first chapter of the dissertation is a prologue to al-Zuḥaylī. It embodies the social and scholarly ether of his time. The second chapterevaluates the diverse course of history through which the Islamic Law developed from the time of Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلمdown to the current time. Third chapterscrutinizes the methodology of al-Zuḥaylī. The main focus of this chapter remains on how he has adopted the reason-based and otherworldly techniques to deal with the information inside the Islamic family law. Fourth chapterexplores al-Zuḥaylī‘s contribution on the laws of Islamic Business and Monetary Exchanges in the light of contemporary rules on business and monetary administration. Fifth and Sixth chapters discuss the chosen contemporary issues to comprehend Zuḥaylī‘s abilities to find solutions for the current issues. The conclusion of the dissertation encompasses the brief analysis of the over-all impacts of the writer on Islamic Law.

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