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The Role of the Curriculum of Islamic Studies Being Taught in Federal Colleges upon Personality Development A Survey Study

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Nazir Ahmed Bhutta




The Islamia University of Bahawalpur







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Islamic Studies





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The aim of teaching Islamic studies is to develop and promote moral character. The education of Islamic Studies have established that teaching good behavior is an important component which progresses the development of individual potential in a holistic, balanced and integrated manner, on all sides of the intellectual, spiritual, and physical aspects. Curriculum is the process of educating or teaching. The purpose of education is to develop the knowledge, skills and character of students. Personality is physical, intellectual, emotional and social characteristics of an individual. It is the totality of qualities and personalities, as of character or behavior that are peculiar to a specific person. The individual‟s personality, character, thinking, commonsensical, skills and behaviors depends upon education. Educational institutions, social, cultural and religious organizations must play important role in shaping the personality of new generation. Curriculum is the secret of motivation. Motivation is the factors in individual which arouse, maintain and channel behavior toward a goal. Curriculum gives power of positive thinking and self-possession. Positive thinking permits a person to deal with complications successfully. Curriculum gives creative and logical thinking to a person that makes him different from ignorant person. It tells us how to get your rights and also how to give the rights to other. The philosophy of character building and personality development in Islam is that the Muslim should avoid all bad works and develops good qualities in him. So that a Muslim should be very useful and pious citizen of the society. Education is a tool of change. So education is insignificant if it does not create change in the minds of people and society. And also it is useless if it does not build the moral character regarding personality development of the students. In this research the questionnaire were developed by keeping in view the objectives and aims of the current curriculum of Islamic Studies of 2009. For this purpose in the first chapter briefly introduction has been given regarding background of the study, Islamic concept of values, statement of the problem, objectives and significance of the study, personality development in the light of Islam. In second chapter comparison of Federal and Punjab curriculum has been made. In third chapter review of related material has been given. After that review of the Islamic Studies Compulsory and elective for the Classes of HSSC and graduation level has been given. In this chapter Research Methodology also has been discussed. In the fourth chapter data analysis has been made by using SPSS software keeping in view the result of fourth chapter summary, findings, discussion, conclusions and recommendations has been made in fifth chapter.

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