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Home > A Study of Muslim Educational System and its Impact in Pre and Post British Era in the Sub-Continent

A Study of Muslim Educational System and its Impact in Pre and Post British Era in the Sub-Continent

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Siddiqui, Zafar Mahmood




University of Karachi







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Islamic Studies





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49




Knowledge is the only mean of transformation towards betterment. Quran has emphasised the significance of acquiring knowledge. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) enlightened this world with divine guidance to transform this world from the clutches of immoralities and sins to pinnacle of piety and ethic via education. He has set an example for others to follow. As regards Sub-Continent, it has experienced different governments and system of education. This thesis is all about Muslim Educational System that prevailed in the Sub-Continent from Mughal Empire and onwards. Zaheer uddin Babar was the founder of Mughal Dynasty in the Sub-Continent who established own scheme of education. He introduced Persian, Arabic and Turkish languages on official basis besides establishing religious institutions to study Quran and Sunnah. His son Humayun also concentrated on education. Akbar being the potent monarch of the Sub-Continent instituted many secular institutions as well to please his Hindu subjects. He was also a great advocate of technical education. Moreover, Aurangzeb Alamgir endeavoured to highlight education. Aurangzeb and his daughters were gems of knowledge. Aurangzeb tried to proclaim the words of Allah eliminating anti-Islamic practices. After the downfall of the Mughal Empire, East India Company ushered in the sub-continent formalizing its own schemes of education to prolong its seizure in the Sub-Continent. During this regime, Shah Waliullah foresaw the ravages of the East India Company’s policy. So, he worked harder to wake up Muslims of the Sub-Continent. So, they could rectify their shortcomings and strive to acquire path of solidarity. Similarly, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan paved the way for renaissance in the Muslims via highlighting the significance of modern education. He did exclaim to have modern institutions for Muslims of the Sub-Continent. So, Muslims could compete with Hindus in all walks of life. Maulana Qasim Nanotvi via his orthodox dogmas exhumed defunct Muslims’ moral values embedding with Islamic Shariah. He envisaged Darul Uloom Deoband, a training galaxy of savants to spread Islamic essence further. Allama Shibli Naumani amalgamated western and orthodox education in Nadvatul Ulma Luknow. After inception of Pakistan, University of Cambridge introduced its ‘O’ and ‘A’ system in Pakistan. This system has overtaken urban areas of Pakistan creating a benchmark in the field of education. It facilitated thousands of students of Pakistan to excel in their exams challenging world. They cherish to enjoy the fruits of this superb system par excellence. In short, this thesis details comprehensive study of the educational system and remedies to improve educational system of Pakistan.

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