The first movement of Urdu Literature raised its voice in Fort william college which bases remained beyond theoritical reference Sir syed''s revolutionary objectivity was upheld opponent hand of many writers claimed their supremecy against him and contemporary animosity paved its avenues among these movements Whenever the Literature griped by individuality substanardisation shaked its foundation The first chapter of the thesis is''''The biginning of Urdu Language and Literature'''' which showed urdu language with its background. Initial phases and reasons of growth of language are described.All combats and adventures in the name of provinces in Indo-Pak continent are emphasized. This chapter also deals with the writer''s idealogies to comments the connections between Punjab,Sindh,Dakkan,Delhi,Bangal,Mysur, Behar,Gujrat,Potohar,Madras and other regions controversial idealogies in the beginning of language is discussed here.During British rule in Hindustan,Orientalist initiated conflicts between Hindus and Muslims on the bases of Hindi,Urdu and Hindustani which was strenthened by prejudice Hindus that germinated on endless controversy.This chapter describe the whole penorama and also elaborates the conflict revolving around the style of expression. The second chapter is titles as ''''Contemporary animosity in poetry and Literature''''that reflect the colours of urdu poets and written controversal discussions with each other on the ground of language ,words and style.The disciplin of poetry,art of language and the excellence of expression are the subject of this chapter. The third chapter deals with literary movements with their literary and historical back ground .The movement like the earliest urdu poetry,ambegous movement,Fort william college,Ali garh movement,Romantic movement,Progressive movement,Islamic movement,Pakistani literatur and some other movement are discuss in this chapter The fourth chapter represent the contemporary animosity of Journals and the editors of Journals,that develops from Tehzeeb ul akhlaq and leads towards 21st century when written controversal discussions were published in different magazines The fifth chapter name as ''''personaly and individualy animosity'''' the richest chapter of the thesis.Famous literary adventures are its soul the competition between poetry and prose as one to one are not negated.Literary achievements of meer and Sauda,Insha snd Mushafi,Nasikh and Aatish, Anees and Dabeer, Ghalib and Zauq,Abdul majid and Aazad, Qasmi and Wazir aagha,Narang and Farooqi,Salim akhtar and Anwar sadid, Himaet ali shaer and Mohsin bhopali,Allama Iqbal,Fraz and Iftikhar arif and others can never be neglected besides this the unique competition between old and new contrmper poets and writers are vitally added to the chapter.As one couplet of ghazal to be the cru this chapter is the soul of this thesis. The last chapter of the thesis is ''''The complete analysis of contemporary animosity in urdu literature'''' which manifests observations and significances of the little and the work undone are also dealts without selecting options the splended vastness and the side effects of the merit relevent are precisely discuss.
قائداعظم محمد علی جیناؔ رحمہ اﷲ افسوس ہے کہ ۱۱؍ ستمبر ۱۹۴۸ء کی شب کو قائداعظم محمد علی جناح کا کراچی میں بہتر (۷۲) برس کی عمر میں انتقال ہوگیا، پاکستان و ہندوستان اور عالم اسلام نے اس حادثہ پر بڑا صدمہ محسوس کیا، دوسرے دن عصر کے وقت کئی لاکھ کے مجمع میں ان کی نماز جنازہ ادا کی گئی اور تدفین عمل میں آئی، عام مسلمانوں میں ان کو جوہر دلعزیزی حاصل تھی اس کا اثر یہ ہے کہ ہندوستان اور اکثر اسلامی ملکوں، ریاستوں اور شہروں نے ان کا ماتم کیا اور ان کے لئے قرآن خوانی اور مغفرت کی دعا کی گئی۔ مرحوم کے سیاسی کارنامے آفتاب کی طرح روشن ہیں، وہ بڑے قانون داں، بڑے مناظر اور اجتماعیات کے بڑے نبض شناس تھے اور اپنے پیروؤں پر بلا کا اثر رکھتے تھے، ان کی بڑی خصوصیت اپنی بات پر جم کر دوسروں سے اپنی بات منوانے کی قوت تھی، انہوں نے اپنی اس قوت کا مظاہرہ پاکستان کے مطالبہ میں پوری طرح کیا اور بالآخر کامیابی حاصل کی اور ایک ایسی حکومت قائم کی جس کا دعویٰ ہے کہ وہ اس وقت سب سے بڑی اسلامی حکومت ہے اور آبادی کے لحاظ سے دنیا میں اس کا پانچواں درجہ ہے۔ ہندوستان کی سیاست میں مرحوم کا بڑا حصہ ہے اور ۱۹۱۶ء سے لے کر جب لیگ اور کانگریس میں ان کی کوشش سے مشہور پیکٹ ہوا، ۱۹۴۸ء تک سوائے ان چند سالوں کے جب وہ ترک موالات کی تحریک میں کانگریس سے الگ ہوگئے۔ ہمیشہ ایک لیڈر کی حیثیت سے ملک میں ممتازرہے، ان کی نسبت ان کے دوست اور دشمن ایک بات پورے وثوق کے ساتھ کہہ سکتے ہیں کہ وہ نہ کبھی حکومت وقت سے ڈرے اور نہ جاہ و منصب کی کوئی حرص و طمع ان کو اپنی...
Allama Jarullah Al-Zemakhshari was a great scholar, linguistic, and a man of letters. His book, Tafseer al- Kasshaaf ‘an- Haqaiq et-Tanzeel, is one of the most famous and universally acknowledged book in which he has discussed Arabic grammar, literature and rhetoric. It is an extremely important Tafseer and is considered a primary source by all great scholars. It is famous for its deep linguistic analysis, rhetoric and grammatical issues. Allama Al-Zemakhshari has cited many poets’ poetry both from Pre-Islamic era and Islamic era as a proof to support his arguments. In this article the researcher has cited Al-Zemakhshari’s attitude towards Quoting the Poetry of Mowalldeen (postclassical poets) and to point out those places where he has quoted Mowalldeens’ (postclassical poets) poetry for proof in his Tafseer Al-kasshaff.
Introduction: The burden of chronic kidney disease is on the rise in Kenya and is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. While definitive treatment is renal transplantation, many patients require renal replacement therapy in the form of hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. The predominant modality utilized in Kenya is currently hemodialysis despite peritoneal dialysis having similar survival outcomes with the potential benefit of cost-effectiveness. There is need therefore to explore why peritoneal dialysis remains underutilized and whether patient factors may be contributory to barriers that limit the uptake of peritoneal dialysis.
Purpose: The main objective of this study is to determine eligibility for peritoneal dialysis of patients considered potential candidates for the modality. In addition, barriers to the same will be determined. Further, the impact of support (family support or paid assistance) on PD eligibility will be determined.
Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study where patients who are potentially PD candidates were consecutively recruited. A multidisciplinary team assessed these patients for PD eligibility and this was done using a standardized tool. Contraindications and barriers to the modality were recorded as was the presence or absence of support for the provision of self-care PD. Other demographic and clinical data were also recorded using a standardized questionnaire. The impact of support on peritoneal dialysis eligibility was also determined.
Results/Conclusion: In this study on eligibility of patients with advanced CKD for self-care PD we found 68.9% of the patients eligible. Surgery-related abdominal scarring was the most common contraindication. Barriers to self-care PD were identified in 45.9% and physical barriers were more common than cognitive barriers. Presence of support was associated with a significant increase in PD eligibility (P<0.001%).