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جدید اردو نظم میں ہیت کے تجربے

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Yaseen, Muhammad




University of the Punjab







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Urdu Language and Literature





“Jadeed Urdu Nazm Mein Hai’At Ke Tajrebay”


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37



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ڈاکٹر شرف الدین اصلاحی

ڈاکٹر شرف الدین اصلاحی مرحوم
پروفیسر امیر حسن عابدی اور پروفیسر عبدالقوی دسنوی کا غم کم نہ تھا کہ جناب شرف الدین اصلاحی کے سانحہ ارتحال کی خبر دارالمصنفین اور پوری علمی دنیا کو سوگوار کرگئی۔ اِناﷲ وَ اِنا اِلَیہ رَاجِعُون۔
ڈاکٹر شرف الدین اصلاحی اعظم گڑھ کی مردم خیز سرزمین سے اٹھے، ان کا مولد موضع سنجرپور ہے، مدرسۃ الاصلاح میں تعلیم حاصل کی، مدرسۃ الاصلاح کو اپنے جن فرزندوں پر ناز ہے اور یہ تعداد میں کم نہیں، ان میں ایک یقینا شرف الدین اصلاحی مرحوم بھی تھے، الاصلاح کی تاریخ پر گہری نظر رکھنے والوں نے اس کے مختلف ادوار تقسیم کیے ہیں، اس میں عہد زریں کی نمائندگی کرنے والوں میں بھی اصلاحی مرحوم کا نام شامل ہے یہ بھی کہا جاتا ہے کہ اصلاحیوں میں ان کی ذہانت سب سے نمایاں تھی۔
سنجرپور اور اعظم گڑھ کے اس لائق فرزند کو گروش روزگار نے پاکستان پہنچا دیا، کراچی میں رہ کر اصلاحی مرحوم کی ذہانت کے ساتھ ان کی مشکل پسند طبیعت کا بھی ظہور اس طرح ہوا کہ انہوں نے لسانیات کے موضوع پر تحقیق کے لیے سندھی زبان کا انتخاب کیا، سندھی زبان سیکھی اور ذراسی مدت میں اردو سندھی کے روابط کے رموز و اسرار فاش کرنے کے لائق ہوگئے، پی ایچ ڈی کے لیے ڈاکٹر رضی الدین صدیقی اور ڈاکٹر غلام مصطفی خاں کی خواہش و فرمائش، اصلاحی صاحب کے لیے سخت آزمائش تھی، بقول ان کے ’’لسانیات میرا خاص مضمون نہ تھا اور سندھی سے میں ناآشنائے محض تھا، اس حالت میں اردو سندھی کے لسانی روابط پر تحقیقی کام کا بیڑا اٹھانا بڑی جسارت کی بات تھی‘‘ اصل بات یہ ہے کہ وہ چیلنجوں پر یقین کرنے والے تھے اور اپنی ہمت و محنت سے وہ بار عظیم کو اٹھانے میں کامیاب بھی ہوتے تھے، ہم...

اسلام اور یہودیت کا قانون حلال و حرام: مشترکات اور مختلفات کا جا ئزہ

The world Semitic religions like Judaism, Christianity and Islam have given comprehensive regulations and code of life. Therefore; there has been a complete system and directions about “ḥalal” and “ḥaram” (kosher non-kosher) means legal and illegal (treif’ in Jewish law). As Islam gives clear cut directives in beliefs, worships, ethics, economy and ways of life to guide the men in life; similarly the Judaism has also given clear regulations in these fields to guide its followers. Islam has taught its followers to eat and drink ‘ḥalal’ (Tayyib), so Judaism has also stressed on eating only ‘kosher’ (food that can be consumed according to Jewish law). For example in animals; meat of cow, bull, sheep and goat etc are legitimizing for eating in both the religions. Similarly the meat of pig is not allowed for men. Many things are similar in both these religions regarding dietary law. This article describes about ‘ḥalal’ and ‘kosher’ things in detail and tells what the similarities and dissimilarities regarding dietary laws are found in their religious literatures.

Problems and Prospects of Senior Citizens in Pakistan: A Case Study of the Punjab

Aging has become a global issue as the number of senior citizens is growing day by day. This number has increased due to various reasons and above all, it is the availability of health care and birth control medicines. These are the reasons which are distorting the pyramid of age among the different groups of the people, which results in the shrinkage of the population at lower levels and expansion at upper levels. This transition of population is challenging the economy of the states and generating social problems in both developed and developing countries with varying levels. Pakistan is one of the most-affected countries and its ranked is 89 as the World Watch Index (2013) showed. It is the third highest old-age populated country with huge psycho-social and economic problems. There was a time when traditional structure of family was supportive to senior citizens, but changing values and socioeconomic dynamics have changed the vise versa. The statistics indicate that labor force is decreasing as compared to dependent class. The situation in Pakistan is not promising as the proper strategies and policies are not in practice to address the social adjustment and well-being of the senior citizens. To know the facts that how this situation is creating socioeconomic problems among the senior citizens and causing psycho-social problem after all, this study was designed to explore the accurate status and intensity of the problem in Pakistan, in general and in the Punjab province in particular. To explore the phenomenon, the study has applied different methods and tools to collect and analyze the data. The focus of the study was 212 (62) inmates from old homes, 50 senior citizens living with the family, 40 senior citizens, i.e.10 pensioners, 10 irregular physical laborers or daily wagers, 10 laborers in private industries on daily wage basis and 10 beggars/destitute persons. A preliminary study was conducted with experts and in the light of these results reduced from the expert’s opinion, the further four tools (structured interview schedule) were developed. The data were analyzed using manual and SPSS techniques as well. The results show that this is a very speedily spreading phenomenon in Pakistan but still neglected by the Government and private sectors. Major findings have shown that the senior citizens facing more economic problems in family life, but less social isolation as compared to the senior citizens living in old homes. Families are facing serious economic stress in taking care of senior citizens. The main reasons have been found were the lack of proper policy and its implementation by the government.