ماحول یا تو انسان کو ضائع کر دیتا ہے یا پھر عروج تک پہنچنے کا ذریعہ بنتاہے۔ رسول اللہ ﷺ نے صحابہ کرام رضوان اللہ اجمعین کو جو اسلامی ماحول فراہم کیا اور ان کی جو تربیت فرمائی یہ اسی کا ہی نتیجہ تھا کہ تھوڑے سے عرصے میں ریاست مدینہ نے پورے علاقے کا کنٹرول سنبھال لیا اور مثالی ریاست کہلائی ۔ رسول اللہ ﷺ نے سب سے زیادہ زور معاشرے کی اخلاقی اقدار کے تحفظ اور اس کی اصلاح پر لگایا ۔ اس کا نتیجہ یہ نکلا کہ معاشرے کے رہزن محافظ بنے۔ مردوں نے تودُور ، عورتوں نے بھی، جیساکہ غامدیہ کی ایک عورت نے اپنے آپ کو حد کے اجراء کے لیے رضاکارانہ طورپر پیش کیا ، حالانکہ اس کے مقدمہ میں کوئی گواہ نہیں تھا۔ آج بھی اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں وہ ماحول پیداکیا جا سکتا ہے اور ایسے ہی ماحول میں قوانین حدود قصاص کی تنفیذ ممکن ہے ورنہ تو ان قوانین کے غلط استعمال ہونے کے خدشات زیادہ ہیں۔
Allah Himself has taken the responsibility to protect the Holy Quran and the Hadith of the Holy Prophet. He Himself has provided the sources of their protection. One of the means of the protection that was the creation of such a group of the Qura who not only served the Holy Quran but also provided worth mentioning services in Ahadith of the Holy Prophet. But their services are hidden from us. By Qura the researcher means those Qura whose recitation styles and narrations are studied and taught in the different quarters of the world who are known as Qura Saba & Ashra (سبعہ وعشرہ). They are ten imams each with two Ravi’s. They are thirty Qura in total. I have selected only last three Imam & their two narrators in this Article. These Qurra are known as Qurra Thlathah (قراء ثلاثہ). The services of these imams have been highlighted in the light of the following eleven Ahadith books. Sihah: Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sahih Ibn-e-Habban, Sahih Ibn-e-Khuzeema. Sunan: Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Sunan al-Nasai, Sunan Ibn Majah, and Sunan al-Kubra. Masaneed: Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Musnad Abu Ya`la al-Mawsili. How many people have reported them and what is the standard of the weakness and soundness of those narrators have also been discussed in this article. Besides these books of Ahadith, these Ahadith have been searched in other books of Ahadith also. The status of these Qura has been explained in the light of the commentary of Muhadithin. Whether Ahadith critics have declared them thiqa or weak or have declared them as average sadooq. The most important thing is that there is no one weak reporter in these imam qura. Two out of three imam qura are ranked as thiqa and one sadooq. And among the narrators of these qura one is thiqa, one sadooq, and nobody are weak reporters. There is silence about the remaining four reporters of these qura. The reason is that there is no hadith reported from them. Because of all this their religious and scholarly authenticity could be determined. The narrations of these thalathah (ثلاثہ) Qura are confined to reporting the Holy Quran but they have also reported about every part of fiqh and they have been utilized and refered to
In this study, the mediating role of psychological empowerment between self-leadership behavioral focused
strategies and organizational commitment was examined in telecom sector of Faisalabad city. Moreover, the
relationship between self-leadership behavioral focused strategies and organizational commitment was also
analyzed. Literature showed a direct and positive relationship between self-leadership behavioral focused
strategies and organizational commitment. The mediating role of psychological empowerment between both
constructs was also found significant in past studies. Behavioral self-leadership strategies were investigated
along with three dimensions of organizational commitment.
To collect data for analysis, convenient sampling technique were used. Unit of analysis were full time employees
in telecom organizations. The results of the study depicted a strong correlation between behavioral self-
leadership strategies and organizational commitment. But the mediating role of psychological empowerment
was not found significant. This study presented that behavioral self-leadership strategies have positive and
direct relationship with organizational commitment. The employees who were more engaged with behavioral
self-leadership strategies were found more committed with their organizations. But impact of psychological
empowerment as mediator was not found strong.
This study may assist employees to better understand how behavioral strategies of self-leadership increase
their level of commitment with organization and what is role of psychological empowerment between these
two constructs.