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نوتھیہ قریشیاں ضلع گجرات کے ثقافتی و عمرانی خدوخال کا ایک تحقیقی جائزہ۔

Thesis Info


سمیعہ مشتاق


انور شاہین




University of Karachi

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year









2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37





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المبحث الثاني: الألم والفراق

المبحث الثاني: الألم والفراق

قصيدة (السفر) لنازك الملائكة[1]

أنا وحدي فوق صدر البحر یا زورق[2] فارجع
عبثاً أنتظرُ الآن فنجمي لیس یطلعْ
ھبّتِ الرّیحُ علی البحر الجُنونيّ المُروعْ
فلتعُد للشاطیء الساجي[3] بقلبي المتضرّعْ[4]

عد الی الشاطیء، عدّ ما عاد یحلو لي البقاءُ
ذھبَ البحرُ بأصحابي الی حیثُ الضیاءُ
أنا وحدي، أیھا الملاّحُ، حزنٌ وبُکاءُ
یرجعُ الزورقُ بي وحدي إذا جاءَ المساءُ

ذھبوا للشاطیءِ المسحور إذ عدتُ لوحدي
ذھبوا إلا أنا، عدتُ بأحزاني وسُھدي[5]
لم أصب[6] في رحلتي إلاّ صباباتي [7]وجھدي[8]
فلیکن، یا بحرُ ، ھذا، بالمنيّ[9] آخر عھدي
کیف یا بحر تواری[10] الرکب خلفَ الجزرِ؟
کیف یذوي[11] في فؤادي الصّب[12] حلّم السّفَر؟
عز[13] یا بحرُ علی موجک بُرء[14] الصدَر 
فلأ عُدّ، لا رحمۃ الآن بقلب القَدَرِ[15]

فلأعُد للساحل المظلم قلباً مستطاراً[16]
أدفِنُ الحلمَ وأحیي زھرۃً وسطَ الصَّحاری
أبداً أروي أناشیدي بأحزان الحیاری[17]
أبداً أحلُم بالفجرِ فلا ألقَی النّھارا

أیّھا الزّرورق عُد بي، لم یعُد ثمّۃَ[18] حلمُ
قد مضی الرّکبُ ولن یُشرق في أفقي نجم
ما الذي أرجو ومن حولي المساءُ المدلھمُّ[19]
والأعاصیرُ[20]، وأشباحُ[21] الدیاجي[22]، والخضمُّ[23]

أیّھا الشّاطیءُ، یا منبع أحلامي، وداعا
سئم[24] المجدافُ[25]...

Linguistic Expressions of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) As a Miracle in Arabic Language: A Study of Linguistic Miracles of Prophet Muhammad

Arabian Peninsula was famous for its language expertise and linguistic expressions at the time of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). The poets and language experts would spend most of their lives to attain excellence in Arabic language and literature. It was during such time that a man named Muhammad (ﷺ) emerged, whose linguistic expression was remarkable, accurate and amazing. He was also quite familiar with the dialects and accents of every tribe of Arabia. It was the surprising effect of this linguistic excellence that people tagged him with different titles such as Poet, Sorcerer, Kāhin (soothsayer), Majnūn (One possessed by Jinn), and insane man with insane message. Allah Almighty revealed Qur’ānic verses not only to answer such allegations but also entrusted him to present commentary of the Holy Qur’ān to the people who would called him illiterate. This article will try to find out the Qur’ānic commentary on the linguistic expressions of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) as a miracle of revelation. The method of research is descriptive analytical and historical. The discussion of verses of Qur’ān and the explanations of the experts of Qur’ān through the comments of orientalists have been included to support the arguments. First Part of the paper discusses status of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) as an illiterate man with his remarkable linguistic expressions of Qur’ān due to which he was awarded different titles such as poet, sorcerer and insane. The second part explains the Qur’ānic response to accusations on Prophet (ﷺ) raised by the opponents. In the third part, some intellectual arguments of Qur’ān and opinions of orientalist have been discussed to support the Qur’ānic responses in favor of linguistic expressions of an “Ummi” Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) which is followed by findings and conclusion of the whole discussion.

Salt Dynamics and Productivity Enhancement under Alley Cropping Systems

Agroforestry has appealed substantial curiosity in recent times because of its radical potential to preserve and upsurge farm productivity round the globe. Productivity of agroforestry systems mainly depends upon interaction of growth limiting factors (space, water, nutrients, shade etc.). Incompatible alley cropping systems (agroforestry systems) may undesirably upset crop productivity in semi-arid regions on account of intensified competition. It is, therefore, imperative to develop appropriate alley cropping systems comprising trees with suitable understorey crop(s) and/or grass(es) with multi-dimensional complementarity, and application of suitable soil amendments (as nutrient source) to prevaricate losses in biomass productivity/harvestable product(s)/crop yield(s). Adoption of agroforestry systems and application of suitable soil amendments simultaneously improve soil properties and biomass productivity of the ecosystem. The objectives of present research work were to evaluate effect of application of inorganic and organic amendments in different types of agroforestry systems in 2-year field experiments on biomass productivity, soil physiochemical properties and salt dynamics in soil profile. The experiments were carried out at Biosaline Research Station (BSRS), Pakka Anna, Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Agroforestry systems included agrisilviculture systems i.e., Acacia and Eucalyptus wheat based systems and silvipastoral systems i.e., Acacia and Eucalyptus para grass based systems established in saline environment. Biomass production of different components of the systems was recorded with due course of time. In agrisilviculture systems, more compatibility was perceived in Acacia wheat based alley cropping systems in contrast to Eucalyptus wheat based systems as the former supported higher growth of understorey wheat crop. Higher trend in growth and yield parameters of wheat was observed in open field systems (full sunlight) whereas; it was lower in Acaciabased systems and lowest in Eucalyptus based system in general (control conditions). Application of nitrogen fertilizer and farm yard manure in combination further enhanced biomass production and soil improvement process. Soil properties (pH, electrical conductivity and sodium adsorption ratio) as affected by different systems showed that these properties improved much in Acacia-based systems. Application of nitrogen with farm yard manure further improved the soil properties. In silvipastoral systems, more compatibility was observed in Acacia-para grass based systems as compared to Eucalyptus based systems because the former system supported higher growth of understorey para grass component. Higher trend in growth and production of para grass was observed in open field systems (full sunlight) whereas; it was lower in Acacia-based systems and lowest in Eucalyptus based system. Application of amendments (gypsum and farm yard manure) in combination further enhanced biomass production and soil improvement process. Soil properties (pH, EC and SAR) as affected by different systems showed that these properties improved much in Acacia based systems.