شیخ عبدالفتاح ابو غدہ
افسوس ہے کہ گزشتہ ماہ مشہور فاضل شیخ عبدالفتاح ابوغدہ ریاض میں انتقال فرماگئے، ان کی تدفین مدینہ منورہ کے معروف قبرستان جنت البقیع میں ہوئی، شیخ کا وطن شام کا مشہور شہر حلب تھا، ابتدائی تعلیم شام میں اور اعلیٰ تعلیم جامعہ ازہر مصر میں پائی۔ ایک عرصہ تک شام ہی میں درس و تدریس کی خدمت انجام دیتے رہے، ۱۹۶۴ء میں محمد بن سعود یونیورسٹی ریاض میں پروفیسر مقرر ہوئے تصنیف و تالیف سے مدۃالعمر سروکار رہا، حدیث و رجال پر انکی بڑی وسیع اور گہری نظر تھی، فقہ، تاریخ و ادب سے بھی دلچسپی تھی، مولانا عبدالحئی فرنگی محلی سے خاص شغف تھا، ان کی متعدد کتابیں ایڈٹ کیں۔ مولانا حبیب الرحمن الاعظمی کے علمی تبحر اور وسعت نظر کے بڑے معترف تھے، ممتاز عالم مولانا سیدابوالحسن علی ندوی سے ان کے مخلصانہ روابط تھے جن کی دعوت پر وہ کئی بار دارالعلوم ندوۃ العلماء لکھنو تشریف لائے اور اس کے اور ہندوستان کے دوسرے کتب خانوں سے استفادہ کیا، ان کے تلامذہ کا حلقہ وسیع تھا، جن میں ہندوستانی فضلا بھی شامل ہیں، شیخ ابوغدہ کی وفات بڑا علمی سانحہ ہے، اﷲ تعالیٰ دین و علم کے اس خادم کی مغفرت فرمائے۔ (ضیاء الدین اصلاحی۔ مارچ ۱۹۹۷ء)
Sharia Economics of Southeast Asian countries has been existing, with a close relationship with their society, since the early arrival of Islam and its spreading in this archipelago through the period of the Islamic Kingdoms up till today. The unity of this Islamic economy with its society because the society has made their identity as Islam so that their habits, customs, economic system, and Worldview are identical to Islam. However, the implementation of the Islamic economic system and its financial activities were interrupted by the existing of colonialism. After their independence from colonization, the country such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei Darussalam initiated to raise awareness and conducted studies on the Islamic economic system. Even the government has a commitment to achieve the World's prominent center of Islamic economy. This year's report by The State of global Islamic economists reveal that ASEAN countries have succeeded in positioning their countries as a largest of sharia financial center in the world.
The purpose of this study was to understand the impact of the Visiting Teacher (VT) Mathematics secondary program by inquiring into the pedagogical approaches of selected teachers in Karachi. Furthermore, the challenges they encountered during the implementation of the new instructional strategies in the classrooms were studied. The field work was undertaken in three of Aga Khan University, Institute for Educational Development (AKUIED)' s co-operating schools, from which two male and one female VTs had attended the program in 1998. The data was gathered from VTs, headteachers (HTs), colleagues, students, and course tutors through interviews, observation and documents within a qualitative paradigm. The major findings of the study were that the VT program in Mathematics (secondary) had impacted on VTs to at least some extent, resulting in increased student participation in the classroom. The VT program also contributed to the raising of awareness about the subject of Mathematics and the teaching and learning processes associated with it. This study revealed that prior to joining the program VTs had a lack of conceptual understanding of the subject matter, as well as a lack of awareness of new pedagogical approaches. After the program it was generally found that the teachers were employing new pedagogical approaches. These were found by them to be useful in order to enhance understanding of the concepts to be taught by relating them to life experiences. The program also helped the teachers to develop thinking skills and taught them to place an emphasis on meaningful learning. They developed reflective practice and had enhanced their course content knowledge but punishing students was found to be a common practice. An important finding was that VTs had made a major shift in their perception of teaching and learning and moved from a traditional mode of teaching towards progressive instructional approaches. Challenges faced by VTs in the implementation of new approaches were discussed. In order to improve the program, some recommendations have been proposed.