قانون کے ساتھ بڑے لوگو ں کا کھلواڑ
مصنف نے ایسے طبقے کا ذکر کیا ہے جو ان لوگوں کو راضی رکھنا فرض سمجھتے ہیں جن سے ان کو کام رہتا ہے۔زیادہ تر گورنمنٹ کو راضی کرنے کے لیے گاؤں کے لوگوں کو نواب اور ذیلدار خود ہی اپنے طور طریقے سے سنبھال لیتے ہیں اور اس بات کی خبر بھی گورنمنٹ کو لگنے نہیں دیتے۔ اس طرح کچھ کو تو انصاف مل جاتا مگر زیادہ تر لوگ اپنی بات کو دل میں ہی دبا کر صبر کرلیتے ہیں۔ نواب اور ذیلدار بھی اپنی اپنی ذات میں اتنے مگن ہوتے ہیں کہ اپنے ماتحت کام کرنے والوں کے سپرد اپنی رعایا کردیتے ہیں۔ اس طرح غریب کی آواز گورنمنٹ تو کیا خود نواب تک بھی نہیں پہنچ پاتی۔ مصنف نے اس درد کو محسوس کیا کہ لوگ کس طرح اپنے حق کے لیے بھی آواز نہیں اٹھا پاتے اور اپنے حق سے دستبردار ہو جاتے ہیں۔معاشرے میں مختلف طبقات کا ہونا بھی ایک حقیقت ہے۔ یہ ایک بہت بڑی سچائی ہیکہ دنیا اختلاف رائے پر قائم ہے۔ہر کوئی مختلف ہے رنگ، نسل، زبان، عقائد، امیر، غریب، چھوٹا، بڑا، مختلف رنگ و نسل سے تعلق رکھنے والے مختلف قبائل کے لوگ ریگستانوں، دریاؤں، پہاڑوں،میدانوں کے باسی اور سب سے اہم مختلف نظریات اور گروہوں کی شکل میں مختلف سیاسی پارٹیوں اور مختلف قائدین سے وابستہ لوگ۔اس سب کے باوجود ان کو جو چیز آپس میں ایک رکھتی ہے وہ ہے ان کاآپس میں اعتمادو یقین، اداریاور ملکی حکومت اس چیز کی ضامن ہوتی ہے کہ رویے انصاف پر مبنی ہوں اور یہی انصاف پر مبنی رویے ہی مضبوط معاشرے کی بنیاد بنتے ہیں۔ مگر وہاں جہاں کوئی ایک گروہ سرکش ہو جاتا ہے تو وہ اپنی اجارہ داری کی صورت میں سارا نظام...
Translations have a prominent role in the advancement of science and literature for any people. By which sciences and arts move from the literature of one nation to the literature of another nation, in which sciences and arts flourish, and a nation becomes acquainted with the literature of another nations. Translation is an independent art, as it depends on creativity, linguistic sense and the ability to bring cultures closer, and it enables all mankind to communicate and benefit from each other's experiences. It is an art as old as written literature. Translation is a cultural necessity and an intellectual activity, and it extends bridges of communication between civilizations that converge and diverge among themselves, and their languages are similar and differ in ways of expression and methods of statement and expression of ideas, feelings and attitudes, and in the worldview and understanding of its concepts. There is no doubt that translation it is a complex linguistic process that requires lengthy anchors, as the queen of the two tongues is acquired only by a lot of practice, in addition to the systematic study of the mechanisms of transmission from one tongue to another. We also see in the modern era that the Arab Scientific Academy in Damascus, the Arabic Language Academy in Cairo and the Iraqi Scientific Academy have a clear and prominent role in the advancement of Arabic sciences and literature. The Scientific Academy in Damascus has established the Arabic language and its terminology, and the language of bureaucracies, in particular, with the help of authors and translators in particular, and the Academy of the Arabic Language in Cairo, which has made efforts in developing the great linguistic lexicon and terminology of modern sciences.
Cotton fibers serve as the chief raw material for the textile industry. Cost of production and requirement of high-quality products is the main challenge encountered by the textile industry in Pakistan. Fiber quality parameters that have a major impact on the textile processing include fiber length, fiber strength and fiber fineness. Efforts to improve cotton fiber quality have been underway since many years. Out of all the approaches used so far, genetic improvement in cotton through Agrobacterium mediated transformation has proved to be the most feasible and productive technique in enhancing the fiber quality of various cotton cultivars. Cotton fibers are chiefly composed of cellulose therefore, any change in the cellulose synthesis within the fiber can affect the fiber quality to a great extent. Due to this fact, this study was aimed to explore the expression of bacterial cellulose synthase (Bcs) genes, namely acsA and acsB (GenBank ID: X54676.1), under the regulation of fiber-specific promoter (GhSCFP) in a local cotton variety (CEMB-00) of Gossypium hirsutum. In silico studies were conducted to understand the structures of bacterial and cotton fiber cellulose synthase enzymes and to find compatibility and similarities among them. A number of domains were found to be highly conserved among the bacterial and cotton fiber cellulose synthases. These conserved domains were observed to be functionally essential for the process of cellulose synthesis in the bacterial cells of Gluconacetobacter xylinus as well as the cotton fiber. The 6586 bp fragment of Bcs gene cassette was isolated from the synthesized pUC57-Bcs construct through restriction digestion analysis and cloned into pCAMBIA 1301 vector under the regulation of the fiber-specific promoter. The recombinant plant expression vector, pCAMBIA-Bcs, was introduced into the local non-transgenic cotton variety of Gossypium hirsutum via shoot apex method of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation which resulted in the transformation efficiency of 1.27%. Four out of ten putative transgenic plants, which were PCR positive for both acsA and acsB genes, were selected on the basis of improved fiber quality and better growth potential to be further analyzed through the molecular and biochemical analysis in the advanced generations. Quantitative expression of the acsA and acsB genes in the T1 generation transgenic plant lines was many folds higher at 35 DPA (during the secondary cell wall synthesis phase of fiber) as compared to expression at 10 DPA (during the elongation phase of fiber). Fiber analysis of the transgenic cotton plant lines showed up to 17.52% increase in fiber length, up to 26.45% increase in fiber strength and up to 22.45% increase in the cellulose contents as compared to the control (non-transgenic) plant line. SEM analysis showed that the transgenic fibers had smoother surfaces with more number of twists as compared to the control fibers. Improvement in some of the morphological traits was also observed in the transgenic plant lines showing an increase of 28.06-32.21% in plant height, 28-40% increase in number of bolls per plant and 31.21-44.57% increase in yield per plant. Furthermore, karyotyping results obtained through FISH analysis revealed the presence of single copy number of the transgenes on the chromosome no. 11 in the transgenic plant line S-00-16 and on chromosome no. 13 in the transgenic plant line S-00-11, during the metaphase. In light of the results obtained, it can be concluded that the transformation of the acsA and acsB genes in cotton fiber resulted in enhanced fiber quality on the basis of analyses performed on a small number of T1 plants. In order to meet the high standards of the cotton fiber quality for the national textile industry, replicated experimentation is required on a larger scale before firm conclusions can be made on parameters such as yield and fiber processing quality.