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اسلوب القصة فی القرآن الکریم

Thesis Info


شیخ شاہد حسیب


Department of Arabic




National University of Modern Languages

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Thesis Completing Year



Arabic Language




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The case under current investigation is: The parables in the Quran their mode of narration. Reading and reciting the Quran has its own charm but the real pleasure and profit lies in its true comprehension and exact following. Precepts and practice both are important. Keeping this in view I venture forth to bring to light the distinctive characteristics of narration of narratives. Allah created man. He taught him Quran through His last and final messenger Muhammad (SAW) - The Best Educator and the Best Educationist though himself an illiterate. The Quran is the mother of books, high and full of wisdom. "We gave the lucid book and we guided them unto the right path. They may ponder over its signs and that men having wisdom may be warned." This is the guidance of Allah to mankind. "And in this Quran have we set forth every parable for men". Allah has framed them in fix measures. Construction is situational. Allah has set forth every kind of parable in the Quran. Allah sets forth the parable of one person who has quarrelsome partners as his master and of one person solely devoted to another person. Can these be equal in likeness? It sets precedents and examples for later ages. It is no magic but all truth and an open message. For those who believe, it is guidance and a cure. There will be an unceasing award for those who act aright. Those who without knowledge take the path as jest are doomed to shameful punishment. These parables not only tell but fore-tell. The dreams dealt within the parables, too, have true vision. Parables are not stories depicting the lives of the Prophet. Their tone is didactic. They are the vehicles which carry the message of Allah: Trust in Him and do the right. The Quran is in Arabic. Each parable has been worded through the peculiar construction of Arabic. The matter is free from any crookedness and the style free from any ornamentation. "And we have not taught him poetry, nor is it worthy of him". Allah has sent down the best of words alike all through and which teacheth by repetition by which the skin of those who fear Allah cloth creep and heart become softened un to the remembrance of Allah. The narration is perfect and the most glorious example of effective teaching - the receptive end is almost involved all the way. As a result Human Soul is elevated. The reader is enlightened. Why to teach? What to teach? How to teach? And to what ends - all learning and testing processes are complete. The narratives in the Quran help shape a comprehensive life covering different spheres of human activity and completely purge the society of the multiple deep seated evils. All parables have their rightful place. They are meant not to amuse but to instruct. It is preaching which profits the faithful. The tone is didactic. The appeal is universal. All is original and inimitable. "We wished to warn mankind". "And surely we have made the Quran, easy to learn a lesson from it but is there anyone who will learn" Propagation of these instructions is very much emphasized, "I have fulfilled my mission to convey the message of Allah for your guidance and follow-up. You stand a witness to it". Allah is the Author and. He is the Custodian and Preserver. The book has kept its original form till date and knows no change.

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11 سرونہہ دے پھل

سرونہہ دے پھل


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ہبہ مشاع اور غیر مشاع میں قبضہ

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