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Home > الکنایۃ و الاستعارہ فی صحیح مسلم Hadith Sharif is consider primary source of Arabic language. No one can deny its importance in Arabic language, literature and rhetoric, Sahi Muslim is consider as the second most authentic book of Hadith

الکنایۃ و الاستعارہ فی صحیح مسلم Hadith Sharif is consider primary source of Arabic language. No one can deny its importance in Arabic language, literature and rhetoric, Sahi Muslim is consider as the second most authentic book of Hadith

Thesis Info


Jawaria Qasim


Department of Arabic




National University of Modern Languages

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year



Arabic Language




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Nabvi after Shahi Bukhari. Shahi Muslim is the collection of Al-Ahadith collected by Imam Muslim (Muslim bin Alhajaj), who travelled widely to gather his colection of ahadith including to Saudia Arabia, Iraq, Syria and Egypt where he attended the lectures of some prominent scholars of his time i-e Ishaq bin Rahwih, Ahmad bin Hanbal and Ubaid ullah al Qaweri. He have great relation with Imam Bukahri.It is said that he collected about 300,000 Hadith from hundreds of narrators. He began the tiresome task of refining the collected material.Imam Muslim was very strict in examining the Hadith from all aspects. Thus he extracted approximately 4,000 for his book, which is divided into 54 books, containing a total of 12,000 narrations. And these saying og Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are treasure of Arabic language and literature. Rhetoric is the art of discourse, an art that aims to improve the capability of writers or speakers to inform, persuade, or motivate particular audiences in specific situations.Rectoric is divided into three branches: ilm ul bayan ilm ul maa'ni ilm ul bade and these branches are divided into more sub branches. Metonamy and Metaphor are branches of ilm ul byan ela. I have selected Analytical Study of Metonymies and Metaphors in Shahi Muslim" as this will help to common person to understand Ahadith and tradition of Arabs, because Rhetoric made text beautiful as well as difficult to understand to i tried to make an effort to pick it out and define these words to understand circumstances and situation of that time. Briefly, my thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters and a final conclusion. • First Chapter: Precise introduction of "Sahih Muslim" and its "Writer". The chapter consists of three sub chapters. • Second Chapter: Precise introduction of Rhetoric and its branches. This Chapter has five sub chapters. • Third Chapter: Metonymies and Metaphor in SAHIH MUSLIM. This chapter is divide into two sub chapters.

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Statistical Tests for the Analysis of Human Genetic Linkage

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