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Home > تکوین الانسان فی ضوء الطب الجدید و القرآن

تکوین الانسان فی ضوء الطب الجدید و القرآن

Thesis Info


نجمة ناھید


Department of Arabic




National University of Modern Languages

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Thesis Completing Year



Arabic Language




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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“Tafaseers”, authentic sayings of the prophet and his noble companions the prose and poetry at the time of ignorance, the historical and Theological background of the people and works of Muslim scholars and scientists. After a detailed comparison it is realized that the statements Of the Holy Quran are in complete agreement with modern scientific data. Modern scientific knowledge has helped us to understand certain verses of the Quran which were impossible to interpret. Only in the nineteenth century could the Muslim scholars and scientists interpret many scientific miracles with the help of microscope, and other instruments of investigation, which were narrated in the holy Quran fourteen centuries earlier in the pre microscopic era.

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مشتاق احمد انبیٹھوی

مشتاق احمد انبیٹھوی
اس موقع پرہمیں اپنی جماعت کے ایک اوربزرگ عالم مولانا مشتاق احمد صاحب انبیٹھویکی وفات حسرت آیات کابھی ماتم کرناہے، مولانا مرحوم ایک درویش گوشہ نشین اورعالم خلوت پسند تھے۔ انبیٹھ ضلع سہارنپور وطن تھا۔ وہاں کے مشہور خاندان شیوخ سے تعلق رکھتے تھے۔ درس نظامی کی تعلیم دہلی اور سہارنپور میں پائی تھی۔ آخر میں حدیث کادرس مولانا احمد علی صاحب محدث سہارنپوری سے لیا۔مطالعۂ کتب اور تصنیف وتالیف کاخاصا ذوق تھا۔ خود اپنا بڑا کتب خانہ رکھتے تھے۔مرحوم کی تصنیفات کی تعداد اکیاسی (۸۱)ہے۔اس فہرست میں ان کی مطبوعہ اورغیر مطبوعہ سب کتابیں اوررسالے شامل ہیں۔یہ تصنیفات اکثروبیشتر مذہبی مسائل،تاریخ و تذکرہ اورتصوف ومعرفت سے متعلق ہیں اورعربی، فارسی اور اردو تینوں زبانوں میں ہیں۔علم ظاہر کے ساتھ صاحب باطن اور صاحب سلوک و طریقت بھی تھے۔ معاشی اعتبار سے مرفہ الحال ہونے کے باوجود ورع واحتیاط ان کی زندگی کا طغراء امتیاز تھا۔کیسے ہی سخت بیمار ہوں جب تک انگریزی دواکے متعلق ان کو الکحل سے بالکل پاک وصاف ہونے کا یقین نہیں ہوتاتھا نہیں پیتے تھے۔پبلک زندگی سے ان کونفرت تھی۔ ایک گوشۂ تنہائی میں بیٹھے ہوئے تصنیف وتالیف،مطالعۂ کتب، ارشاد و ہدایت باطنی اور افتاء کی خدمت انجام دیتے رہتے تھے۔آج کل پرانی وضع قطع کے پابند جو بزرگ نظرآتے ہیں ان کو غنیمت جانناچاہیے۔کچھ عرصے بعدآنکھیں اس وضع کو دیکھنے کے لیے ترسا ہی کریں گی۔ افسوس کہ آں مرحوم نے ۱۴/فروری ۱۹۴۲ء کو شام کے چاربجے ۹۴ سال کی عمر میں وفات پائی۔حق تعالیٰ مرحوم کوغریق بحرِ رحمت کرے اور مراتب اخروی بڑھائے۔آمین [اپریل۱۹۴۲ء]

کتبِ تفاسیر بالرائے میں اسباب النزول کی روایات سے استدلال کا منہج

Sabab al-Nuzūl (cause of revelation) in Qur'anic studies means the time, context, cause, and the situation in which Allah has revealed verses. There is no doubt that cause of revelation has an important role in the interpretation of Qur'an. There are many types of Tafsir in dealing with Asbab-e-Nazool. Many Muslim scholars consider the studying of Asbab-e-Nuzul and their related discussions as necessary. Some exegetes have written books studying the subject. The earliest and the most important work in this genre is undoubtedly Kitab asbab alNuzul ("Book of occasions of revelation") of Ali ibn Ahmad alWahidi (d. 1075 CE). Another important work is by alSuyuti (d. 1505 CE) which is a slight improvement of alWahidi's book. In this paper Descriptive Method and Comparative Study are used to analysis Traditions of Revelation and their effects on Tafseer literature. This paper proves the value of the causes of revelation in Quranic Interptation and describe the different approaches towards Asbab-e-Nazool in Tafseer Literature, and verification and authencity of traditions in the books of Tafsir Bilary.

Genetic Transformation and Withanolides Analysis of Withania Coagulans Dunal .

Withania coagulans is a valuable medicinal plant that holds a key place in folk medicine due to its extensive use in the treatment of many ailments. Biological activities like antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, hepatoprotective, antihyperglycemic, immunosuppressive, and antitumor, free radical scavenging and anti-depressant have been attributed to the plant due to the presence of secondary metabolites. Withanolides are the major class of secondary metabolites found in W. coagulans. In the present study, bioactive withanolides of Withania coagulans collected from 11 different sites in Pakistan were analyzed. Total withanolide concentration differed by ~17-fold between sites, ranging from 1.01 ± 0.01 mg/g dry weight (mean ± SE) at Jand to 16.83 ± 0.02 mg/g at Mohmand Agency. Different tissues varied in their total withanolide content and there were strong inverse correlations between site annual precipitation versus withanolide amounts in fruits (r = -0.84, P = 0.001), leaves (r = -0.88, P< 0.001), roots (r = -0.91, P< 0.001), and total (r = -0.89, P< 0.001), but not stems (r = -0.20, P = 0.556). Leaf extracts of plants collected from Mianwali and Mohmand Agency possessed high anti-cancer activity in terms of increased induction of apoptosis and decreased cell viability, cell proliferation, cell invasion, and cell migration of different prostate cancer cell lines. These results are useful for the selection of withanolide rich germplasm with potent anti-cancer properties. Owing to the therapeutic importance of these secondary metabolites in W. coagulans, it would be useful to enhance its withanolide content. Therefore, W. coagulans was transformed with the rol A gene which is known to enhance secondary metabolites. Prior to producing transgenic plants, an effective protocol for in vitro regeneration was developed. Maximum embryogenic callus induction response was observed at MS(Murashige and Skooj) enriched with 4.0 μM naphthalene acetic acid and 6.0 μM benzyl adenine, whereas maximum shoot formation response (100%) was observed at 8 μM benzyl adenine. Elongated shoots demonstrated good in vitro rooting (80%) with 2.5 μM indole butyric acid. To produce transgenic plants, pre-culturing of explants was done for 3 days. The GV3101 strain of A. tumefaciens, containing pCV002-A vector harboring the rolA gene of Agrobacterium rhizogenes, was used for infection for 48 hours. Three independent transgenic lines were generated that showed stable integration of the transgene confirmed by PCR analysis. These transgenic lines were selected and screened for eight biologically active withanolides using ultra-highpressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) with mass spectrometry (MS). Results revealed that transformed lines possessed higher withanolide content as compared to untransformed ones. Extracts of these transgenic lines, which possessed higher levels of total withanolide content, were tested for bioactivity against different prostate cancer cell lines. The results showed that transformed plants extracts had higher anticancer activity in terms of decreased cell viability of prostate cancer cell lines. The data presented could be useful for the selection of potent and withanolide-rich germplasm from natural populations or transformed cell culture.