71. Nuh/Prophet Noah
I/We begin by the Blessed Name of Allah
The Immensely Merciful to all, The Infinitely Compassionate to everyone.
a. Truly, WE assigned Noah with a Divine Mission to his people, saying:
b. ‘Warn your people of the consequences of disobedience to the Divine Message before a grievous punishment would actually afflict them!’
a. Thus he proclaimed:
b. ‘O My People!
c. I have been assigned to you as a Clear Warner and my message is simple to understand and easy to follow.
a. The message is:
b. ‘Submit in worship and reverence to Allah alone, and
c. fear HIS disobedience and be reverent to HIM,
d. and, thus, follow me’ in guidance.
a. By so doing, ‘HE will be forgiving some of your past sinful offenses, and grant you respite till an appointed time - the time of death – instead of destroying you immediately.
b. But when Allah’s Appointed Time will come, then it would neither be averted nor delayed, if only you knew.’
a. So Noah spent hundreds of years conveying the Divine Message but he faced immense opposition, insult, and mockery.
b. Thus he submitted:
c. O ‘My Rabb - The Lord!
d. Truly, I have appealed to my people by night and by day, as I was assigned to do,
a. but the more I would call, the farther they would run away’ from my advocacy.
a. And, truly, each time I would call them so that they would accept The Truth and YOU may
thus grant forgiveness to them,
682 Surah 71 * Nuh
Pendidikan Islam menjadi pilihan masa depan, dan menjadi rujukan dalam mengembangkan potensi peserta didik dan embrio peradaban dunia, kemajuan peradaban Islam lahir dari pendidikan Islam yang berkualitas. Oleh karena itu, pendidikan agama Islam harus dikelola secara profesional, berbasis saintek dan berkualitas. Sistem pendidikan Islam mendesak untuk direformulasi sesuai dengan dinamika zaman, kebutuhan pasar, dan berbasis kearifan lokal, sehingga melahirkan ulama dan cendekiawan saintis yang unggul. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di Kota Pekanbaru, dengan sampel SMUN 10 dan MAN 3. Hasil penelitian ini adalah integrasi sistem pendidikan, baik sistem pendidikan sekolah unggulan maupun sistem pendidikan Madrasah, relevan dilakukan sebagai upaya mencari model pendidikan Islam yang ideal dan riil di era globalisasi.
Controversy has an image of fear, danger and caution in the schools in Pakistan. In this dissertation I have tried to explore how controversy, an inevitable phenomenon in our daily life, can be constructively and positively used in the classroom. In this study controversy is presented as an alternative way of making Social Studies interesting, meaningful and respondent to the needs and interests of the students. To seek a conclusion, I have discussed some of the problems and possibilities a teacher may face while dealing with controversy. The dissertation clarifies different notions of the term "controversy" and puts emphasis on controversy as an educationally useful strategy for teaching Social Studies. A substantial part of the dissertation explores my frustrating, yet at the same time extremely valuable experience in which I went through tensions of being a teacher, an outside researcher and a teacher educator at the same time. Therefore, the dissertation has valuable methodological insights which will be useful for further research and my work with teachers. The research shows that the teachers have choice: either to avoid controversy and play safe, or to venture and fulfill their moral responsibility in making difference in the life of young citizens, the future of this country.