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Similarity Between Rembrandt and Hardy: Chiaroscuro and Fate/Nature Vs. Human Struggle

Thesis Info


Rukhsana Saeed


Department of English




National University of Modern Languages

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year



English Language




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Similarity Between Rembrandt and Hardy: Chiaroscuro and Fate/Nature Vs. Human Struggle The aim of this study is to add a new dimension to critical approach towards the works of both art and literature. It will help broaden the spectrum of the critical appreciation of the creative works in both art and literature. Presently we all admire and analyze the creative works of art and literature, but consider them as separate entities. Whereas the basic difference between the works of art and literature is only the difference of medium that is., lines, shapes colours and words. The forces that work behind every creative work are the same like the desire to express, communicate, appreciate and being appreciated. The source of information and inspiration is also the same; it is the world around us. So while commenting on the writer of a specific school of thought, the artists, musicians, architects and even the designers of the same school of thought should also be considered. This Research is carried out in three phases. In phase-I, the views of writers, critics, historians and scholars, who in any way have contributed to the fields of intertextuality and interdisciplinary studies are discussed. These included; D.H. Lawrance, Harold Bloom, Mark Staff Brandl, William Hazlitt and Annie Escuret. In phase II Rembrandt's use of chiaroscuro and Hardy's use of fate/nature vs. human struggle in particular are considered. The photographs of Rembrandt's paintings' etchings and drawings are studied, discussed and analyzed. The characters in Hardy's novels are also studied discussed and analyzed with reference to their respective background. Hardy's philosophy of life is also considered. In phase III, the final analysis is carried out by comparing both the contrasts presented by Rembrandt and Hardy in their creative works. We do expose our literature and art students to different schools of thought, artists and writers; but the knowledge which we expose them to, is fragmentary and isolated. Instead of a congenial whole, different pieces of information float in their minds like small detached entities. That is why our majority students lack the ability to extend their personal and critical ideas about an issue or a fact. A comprehensive, comparative and integrated study; which involves different fields of knowledge, will help develop a mature critical thinking in our students. It will lead them to a better understanding of life and the world around them.

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