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Home > An Analytical Study of a Sense of Home and Identity of the Protagonist in Rachel Dewosking's Novel "Repeat After Me"

An Analytical Study of a Sense of Home and Identity of the Protagonist in Rachel Dewosking's Novel "Repeat After Me"

Thesis Info


Zhang Hai Ning


Department of English




National University of Modern Languages

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year



English Language




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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An Analytical Study of a Sense of Home and Identity of the Protagonist in Rachel Dewosking's Novel "Repeat After Me" This study has explored the narrator and protagonist Aysha's sufferings caused by her traumatic past (she underwent her parents' breakup in her teens), and analyzed and interpreted her search for a sense of home and identity in American writer Rachel DeWoskin's novel Repeat After Me. Her parents' breakup is a very painful and disturbing experience in Aysha's life, it estranges the whole family and gives Aysha a feeling of being abandoned. Moreover, she harbors a strong sense of guilt about the whole situation. These unpleasant emotions seriously affect her mental health as well as her personality and behavior, and she feels herself to be an outsider in her family and hometown New York. Nevertheless she is unconsciously seeking for a "sense of home" that is feelings of love, security, peace, belonging, etc, besides she is searching for a strong sense of identity. Her searches help her in the end to cure her own woes and trade her broke life with a better one eventually. This work is a literature-based research. It has been critically analyzed in the backdrop of psychoanalysis and identity theories. Psychoanalysis theory deals with psychological problems and addresses unconscious aspects of the people, and identity theory studies one's perception and expression of "Who one is?" and "Where does one belong?" Based on these theoretical frameworks, the researcher has described how Aysha's past interferes with her present, how she searches for a sense of home and finally gets free from her past, finds a strong sense of identity and understands herself. In addition to analyzing Aysha, the central character Da Ge is also analyzed briefly as he had parallel life experience as Aysha--both come from disturbed and broken families. The results reveal that the experience of family break up can be a terrible hardship for children, it can affect their emotional, physical, as well as psychological well-being. Aysha was hurt seriously, she is constantly searching for a sense of home and identity she lost in her teens. Finally, as a result of her search she overcomes her trauma and manages to lead a happy life.

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استفہام بمقصد تاکید

ڈاکٹر عبید اللہ فہد فراہی کی نظر میں بعض اوقات استفہام سےسوال کرنا مقصود نہیں ہوتا بلکہ تاکید کےلیے بھی یہ اسلوب استعمال ہوتا ہے ۔ قرآن پاک میں استفہام کایہ اسلوب تاکید وتعظیم کے معنی میں بہت استعمال ہوا ہے ۔ [[1]] سورۃ القیامہ میں مندرجہ ذیل آیات میں استفہام کا زور دیکھیے:

" أَلَمْ يَكُ نُطْفَةً مِنْ مَنِيٍّ يُمْنَى ، ثُمَّ كَانَ عَلَقَةً فَخَلَقَ فَسَوَّى ، فَجَعَلَ مِنْهُ الزَّوْجَيْنِ الذَّكَرَ وَالْأُنْثَى ، أَلَيْسَ ذَلِكَ بِقَادِرٍ عَلَى أَنْ يُحْيِيَ الْمَوْتَى "۔ [[2]]

"کیا وہ ایک گاڑھے پانی کا قطرہ نہ تھا جو ٹپکایا گیا تھا ؟ پھر لہو کا لوتھڑا ہوگیا پھر اللہ نے اسے پیدا کیا اور درست بنادیا۔ پھر اس سے جوڑے یعنی نر مادہ بنائے۔ کیا (اللہ تعالیٰ ) اس (امر) پر قادر نہیں کہ مردے کو زندہ کر دے"۔

: " هَلْ أَتَى عَلَى الْإِنْسَانِ حِينٌ مِنَ الدَّهْرِ لَمْ يَكُنْ شَيْئًا مَذْكُورًا “[[3]]

"انسان پر کبھی ایسا وقت آیاہے کہ نہیں جب وہ کوئی قابل چیز نہیں تھا) اس سورۃ کی ابتداء استفہام ،تاکید ،تقریر اورانسانی قلب کو ایک نرم لمس کے ساتھ ہوئی ہے "۔ (۲۷)

[[1]]         فلاحی، ڈاکٹر عبید اللہ فہد، قرآن مبین کے ادبی اسالیب، دار التذکیر، لاہور، ۱۹۹۹ء، ص۱۳۱۔

[[2]]          القرآن ، ۷۵ :۳۷۔ ۴۰

[[3]]         القرآن ، ۷۶: ۱۔

مذہبی انتہا پسندی (غلو فی الدین): ایک تجزیہ

Religious extremism has become one of the main problems of the world today and many non-Muslims believe that religious extremism is synonymous to Islam. This article discussed the topic of religious extremism and presents the solution to the problem. The Quran used the word ‘Ghuluw’ which can fairly be translated as extremism. The term is defined as ‘elevating someone or something to a level higher than its true reality’. If we look carefully into Islamic teachings we will see that Islam does not approved extremism, especially with regard to religion. Islam not only disapproved extremism, but also urges us to be moderate and disassociate ourselves from extremism.

Portrayal of Camelids in Pastoral Economy of Northeastern Herders of Balochistan

Balochistan is the largest province of Pakistan; which makes about 44% of the total geographical area of the country. The livestock sector is very important with the province housing about 20% of the national stock. At present national camel herd comprises about one million heads of camels, and 13% growth rate has been observed since 1996 to 2006. Out of the total national camel population 41% found in Balochistan province alone. The country produced 38.69 billion liters milk in year 2006-2007 and made its place as one of the higher milk producing country in international ranking but per capita milk availability (170. liter) is still very low. The share of different species has been reported as buffalo 25.04 billion liters, cow 13.33 billion liters and goats 0.32 billion liters. In spite of 0.92 million camel populations, camel milk has not been documented in the grey record and has never been appreciated, valued and estimated properly. No doubt the automobile and machine transportation decreased its draught role, but it is still an important food animal and indigenous animal genetic resource. Camel is a hardy animal and has proved his worth in the long prevailing droughts in Balochistan, remained almost for 10 years (1994-2004). According to camel herders, the only cause was the hardiness of camel and long traveling ability enabling him to access to feed sources and water points. It was revealed that camel still play important role, provide cash earning, transportation, food and wool, etc. The camel herds in the northeastern Districts of Balochistan are mostly practice semi-nomadic livestock keeping system, therefore, they follow a regular pattern of seasonal migration according to the season, foliage availability and agricultural operations. Women perform all management practices at home, and take care of young and sick animals. Camel is the major player and the food and livelihood earning source in the existence of pastorals people of Suleiman mountainous region. Mangrota camel fair (Mela) is one of the largest socioeconomic activities of camel herders of the said region, which is held every year in the month of October, in Mangrota town. Mangrota is a town of tehsil Thonsa, District Dera Ghazi Khan in the Punjab province of Pakistan. It was found that the camels are brought mainly by the people of viSuleiman mountainous region, bought mostly by the people of NWFP (North West Frontier Province) and Western and Central Balochistan. The herders avail a good opportunity for the sale of their animals on one hand and exchange their expertise, vision and social chit chat on the other hand. Camels are a potential milch animal and produce more and quality milk than any indigenous cattle breed in Pakistan, but their potential have never been realized and couldn’t be harvested as a prospective milk producing animal. A study on milk production ability was conducted on 40 lactating camels in northeastern Balochistan and samplings were done at the end of each second week (level) for a whole lactation in 2006. The daily milk yield ranged from 6.045-11.732 kg/day with a mean daily yield as 10.22±0.43 kg/day (mean±SE). The lactation length ranged from 231-275 days with a mean of 259±7.02 days. Many factors found affecting daily and lactation yield i.e. affect of age and parity, stage of lactation, season of production, type/breed of camel and calving season on milk production. Among parities, 5 th parity (13.50 year) of age had the highest lactation yield (3168 kg) of milk followed by 3 rd parity (8.75 year) of age with (3051 kg) of milk and 4 th parity (11.45 year) of age with (3010 kg) of milk and lowest milk was produced in the 1 st parity (4.5 year of age ) with (1566 kg) (p>0.05). Six multiparious camels regularly milking were selected for the study of milk composition, and the milk was analyzed for two stages of lactation (2 nd and 7 th month of lactation). The study revealed that the Kohi camel milk contains average of fat, protein, lactose and ash contents as 2.63, 5.05, 4.01 and 0.70%, respectively. The parity affected the milk fat, protein, lactose and ash contents. The fat and protein contents increased with the advancement of the parity but to a certain level (parity 5). Stage of lactation also affected the milk composition and fat percentage was higher (2.70%) in the second stage of lactation than (2.57%) those of first stage. protein was higher in the first stage of lactation (5.56% and 4.15% respectively) than second stage of lactation (4.54% and 3.87% respectively). Lactose was higher in the first stage of lactation (3.67%) than second stage of lactation (2.55%), while the ash was higher in the second stage of lactation (0.73%) than first stage of lactation (0.68%). Average mineral profile of the milk samples was observed as Na (49.42 mg/100g), Mg (15.04 mg/100g), Fe (0.55 mg/100g), Mn (0.066 mg/100g), Cu (0.22 mg/100g) and Zn (1.42 mg/100g). All minerals viiexcept Na had showed a very minute variation among parities. An irregularity was found in the chemical composition of the camel milk based on the parity and stage of lactation. Not only the parity and stage of lactation but also the age of the animal, continuous herd’s movement, nutritional management and the seasonal difference might have contributed in the cause of all irregularities. Keeping in view the important roles camel play and its future importance as a valuable animal genetic resource, authorities are stressed upon to reconsider this animal specie in the research and development plans of the country. The potential of camels as a dairy animal was demonstrated under traditional management, to further elucidate factors affecting the milk yield capacity, studies under different management and controlled environment were recommended.