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Influence of Ecology on Comprehension of English Idioms and Proverbs by Pakistani Language Learners

Thesis Info


Noureen Naz


Department of English




National University of Modern Languages

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year



English Language




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Influence of Ecology on Comprehension of English Idioms and Proverbs by Pakistani Language Learners This study attempts to investigate influences on the comprehension of English ecology bound idioms and proverbs, without any contextual clues, by the language learners of Pakistan. Language of idioms and proverbs has its ecological roots. Ecology is used as a metaphor for physical, social, psychological and learning environment of Pakistan for language learners in this research. The researcher has used mixed methods i.e. both qualitative and quantitative approaches using the tool of a questionnaire for data collection. Content analysis has been used to analyze the data. The study is exploratory in nature and tries to sketch out the type of meanings that are perceived by Pakistani adult learners and the way they comprehend them while learning within their native ecology. The results have been described by surveying and keeping in view the theoretical frameworks of ecological and cognitive influences on the comprehension process of learners in Pakistani context. The study reveals that meaning is a matter of perception and one's ecology plays an important role in forming, understanding and interpreting it. It elucidates various connotations of ecological nature embedded in the formation of idioms or proverbs and compares this to the comprehension level of those language learners who have been brought up and studying in a different ecology. The reasons of problems in mutual intelligibility highlight the interaction between Pakistani learners' ecology and the target language ecology in which English idioms and proverbs originated.

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