حروفِ استفامیہ پر مشتمل آیاتِ قرآنی کے اسرار و حکم
قرآن ِ مجید کثیر آیات میں جملہ استفہامیہ میں اللہ نے خطاب فرمایا جن میں سے کچھ آیات کی امثال پیش کی جاتی ہیں:
يأتي حجاب المرأة المسلمة في صدارة النقاشات السياسية على اعتباره مصدر تهديد حقيقي لعلمانية الغرب وعقلانيته، فأصبح الحجاب هاجسًا مقلقًا للغرب خاصة بعد أحداث 11 سبتمبر 2001 الدامية والتي أدت إلى تزايد العداء ضد الإسلام والمسلمين ولعل أبرز مظاهره حجاب المرأة المسلمة الذي تعرض لحملات تشويه كبيرة وتمثل الوجه الآخر للإرهاب بل هي صانعه. وعليه، تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى إبراز الحملة التي تتعرض لها المرأة المسلمة في أوروبا وتحديدا فرنسا وهذا من خلال قراءة وتحليل قانون حظر الرموز الدينية الذي استهدف الحجاب بالدرجة الأولى. ولتحقيق هدف الدراسة فقد استخدمت الباحثتان المنهج الوصفي التحليلي من خلال استعراض مختلف الرواسب التاريخية المتحكمة في الظاهرة محل الدراسة، وتوصلت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج أهمها: يمثل قانون حظر الحجاب في الدول الغربية ممارسة عنصرية ضد الإسلام والمسلمين، ويمثل موقف الدول الغربية من حجاب المرأة المسلمة تكريسا لخطاب الكراهية المعادية للإسلام والمسلمين والحرص على قيادة العالم والهيمنة عليه سياسيا وثقافيا وحضاريا
In view of the changing climatic conditions mainly related to greenhouse effect, this study was focused on determining the responses of two differentially heat tolerant maize varieties to glasshouse condition. The parameters studies included growth, water relations, gas exchange, photosynthetic pigments, oxidative damage and gene expression. Results revealed that prevailing glasshouse conditions played a crucial role in affecting the maize growth across winter and summer seasons. Despite differences in the growing seasons and varieties glasshouse conditions were adverse for the photosynthetic systems in maize. Major yardsticks of sensitivity were loss of chlorophyll and carotenoids in the light reactions, while reductions in the net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in the glasshouse grown maize. Prevailing glasshouse conditions were greatly effective in hampering the leaf water relation particularly those of winter sown crop. The glasshouse conditions in winter crop produced oxidative stress on the plants, which was explicit from the increased synthesis of H 2 O 2 , MDA and increased permeability to the ion leakage. Greater free proline accumulation in the tolerant variety not only presented itself as a major amino acid accumulated in environmental stress tolerance but also indicated it as a reliable indicator of tolerance to glasshouse condition in maize. With great varietal difference, changes of temperature and relative humidity inside the glasshouse across the seasons were mainly responsible for the observed changes in mineral nutrients. More distinct changes were evident in K, Ca and nitrate nutrition, which were given greater credence in view of their closer association to the seasonal changes in the environmental conditions inside the glasshouse. Maize seedlings showed sensitivity to high temperature stress, which was recorded from morphological (reduction in shoot fresh weight, dry weight of shoot and root and a reduction in fresh-to-dry weight ratio) and gene expression patterns. The molecular studies suggested that the maize sensitivity to high temperature was mainly due to enhanced coexpression of sag and dhn2 and failure to express hsp70 and sgr2 during relatively long term exposure to high temperature.