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Lingua France In Pakistani Law Community: Linguistic Repretoire and Its Significance

Thesis Info


Asif Siddique Tahir


Department of English




National University of Modern Languages

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year



English Language




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Lingua France In Pakistani Law Community: Linguistic Repretoire and Its Significance Language change is an important area for investigation. The change occurs due to different factors but the ultimate aim is better communication. Communication in social networks gives rise to language innovations. These innovations are used as typical mode of communication for the language community and serve as a lingua franca. This study explores the development of a linguistic repertoire within law community in Punjab. The focus of this research is to find out the community of law in Punjab is working as a community of practice. The research also focuses whether the use of typical terminologies used by law domain representatives and how this particular language diction helps in making the law community as a community of practice or not. The main premise is the development of lingua franca- a special development of words in the context with peculiar meanings culminating into lingua franca. The speech community in this instance is law community comprising of the stakeholders from various strata of society. The plea here is that when working as a speech community, the community of practice gives rise to a special kind of development of language having lexical items specifically for better communication. Content analysis is done of the data collected through observation and questionnaire. It is also discussed as to how community of practice gives rise to innovations. It is also analyzed that why and how innovation takes place. The researcher after spending three months among the members of law community as an observer / listener collected these words / legal terminologies with the help of an observation sheet. He has also used questionnaires for data confirmation. The research is basically qualitative but findings are also quantitatively presented for analysis. Community of Practice (CoP) with its three dimensions i.e. mutual engagement, joint enterprise and shared repertoire has been taken as a theoretical framework. After the data collection, the researcher has analyzed them according to the framework outlined by Wenger (1998) and suggested by Meyerhoff (2000). These words have also been analyzed with special reference to their use in a particular context and how its meanings change with the change of context. Within the domain of Katchehri, the use of particular lexemes help in better communication among the community members and these legal innovations can be called a form of development of lingua franca.

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