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Exploring issue of Ecological Affordance in an English Class with Special Relevance to Localized English Discursive Practices

Thesis Info


Irum Butt


Department of English




National University of Modern Languages

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year



English Language




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Exploring issue of Ecological Affordance in an English Class with Special Relevance to Localized English Discursive Practices The present study aims to determine the significance of localized English discursive practices with respect to all the basic language skills in an ESL class of elementary students at the Boys Campus, OPF Girls College, where the researcher has been a teacher for the past nine years. The researcher used Action Research for a period of nine months i.e. three terms. Therefore, 60 students were her research participants. This Action Research was based on mixed methods approach underpinned by the theoretical framework of Johnson's (2004) localized language learning theory. The research tools used were of both qualitative and quantitative nature. Among the qualitative techniques, the researcher used text analysis, stimulated recall pictures, stimulated recall interview, speaking test and target learners' creative work along with some quantitative techniques as a localized board game, the target learners' written tests as well as their filled-in questionnaire. The research objectives were first to determine the target learners' social world, second to measure their receptive skills with respect to foreign and local contexts and third to evaluate their productive skills in a localized context. Likewise, one of the research questions was how to localize an ESL class; the other two aimed at finding such text, language skill or activity that could have a stronger impact on the target learners. Data analysis was carried out using Johnson's (2004) dialogical model of SLA which states that language learning is a localized phenomenon. As for the contribution of this research, this study highlights the place of Localized Language Teaching (LLT) approach promoting Pakistani cultural and social values in ESL classrooms of Pakistani schools. It is concluded that localized English teaching methodology can have the stronger impact on ELLs' language learning abilities than a traditional one due to ecological affordances provided by ELLs' prior knowledge, their socio-cultural background and their central position in an English class.

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