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مکافات عمل قرآن و سنت کی روشنی میں

Thesis Info


Hafiz Muhammad Farooq = حافظ محمد فاروق


عبد الغفار بخاری


Department of Islamic Studies




National University of Modern Languages

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Islamic Studies




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Allah has created human beings as crown of creation and sent messengers for their guidance.Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the last messenger of Allah. All these messengers were sent for the guidance of human beings but even then the nations followed the path of Shirk (Polytheism) and got entangled in the social evils which proved to be a reason of their destruction. Islam is based on the Law of Mukafat (Requital), not only Islam but the whole universe is based on the Law of Mukafat e Amal which means that God has determined the result of each activity and every act of human (good or bad) determines its result. This is an unchangeable and ultimate law. Many directives of Islam which are: worship (Ibadat), ethics, and world affairs revolve around Mukafat e Amal. Human beings have control over their actions and intentions and thus follow God given law and deviate from it too. When he follows, he succeeds and when deviates he fails. Thus the type of Humans determines the type of society. Hence society is also dependent on the practice of Law of Mukafat. If a society determines the right direction it will prosper. If deviates it will meet with failure and disaster. Hard work and continuous struggle is the guarantee of success only committed nations succeed. Today Muslim Ummah is on the decline due to lack of commitment and hard work. There is no cruelty and injustice in the law of God. According to the Law of Mukafat, human beings will get as much as they deserve. No matter how complete and just the world system of accountability is it still depends on human apparent action, while human imagination and determination is out of its reach. But according to God's law of Mukafat each human imagination and determination affects his own personal self on the basis of which he will be rewarded or punished in the world here after. The rules and principales of Law of Mukafat are discussed in detail in the QUran and Sunnah. Many nations who disobeyed the law of God were punished while the others who followed the law were rewarded. The Muslim Ummah (Nation) can only escape the wrath of God if they understand and follow these rules and can reach the accord of Allah. Learning a lesson from previous nations and self accountability is the only possibility to get rid of problems of the present day. Thus by the Grace of Allah prosperity, honour and dignity in the world can be achieved.

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الفصل الأول: ما هو الأدب المقارن ؟

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وهناك اختلاف بين الموزانة والمقارنة.

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