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Home > Impact of Organizational Culture and Social Influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Mediating Effect of Interactional Justice

Impact of Organizational Culture and Social Influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Mediating Effect of Interactional Justice

Thesis Info


Malika Liaquat


Department of Management Sciences




National University of Modern Languages

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year



Management Sciences




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Amalgamation of organizational processes and human interactions has given rise to phenomenon known as organizational behavior which enfolds multifaceted dimensions and paths to be explored. This study attempts to investigate a few of these directional paths in order to identify the behavioral patterns and prototypes that exist in organizations. Objective of the study is to investigate a vital employee performance pattern "organizational citizenship behavior" (OCB) by analyzing the impact of organizational culture and social influence alongwith mediational effect of interactional justice. This study aims to explore how organizations may develop the phenomena of "extra effort" among its employees and how it can be beneficial for organizational prosperity and growth. Data of 550 respondents from various banks was collected by using self-administered questionnaire. Data was analysed through rigorous statistical technique to explore the nature of relationship among variables by examining construct validity and normality. To identify the extent of effects variables cast upon each other, the technique of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is applied through AMOS 20 yielding interesting insights about association among variables. The research findings have provided support to conceptual framework showing both direct and indirect relationships among the variables thus endowing with quantitative model and insights. The study carries both academic and managerial implications, future direction and recommendations that can provide base for future studies.

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