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Home > A Study of Causal Relationship Between Counterfeit Products And Consumer Preferences A Case Study of Faisalabad

A Study of Causal Relationship Between Counterfeit Products And Consumer Preferences A Case Study of Faisalabad

Thesis Info


Muhammad Tayyab Kashif


Department of Management Sciences




National University of Modern Languages

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Thesis Completing Year



Management Sciences




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The reason of this research study is to develop a model and test this model also that are about the extraction of major experiences of the consumers which they got from intentional arrogance and readiness to purchase of the substitutes of the luxury fashion products. The watching and investigation of the effects of different many socio-psychological and socio-economic appearances are done in this research study. Theoretical framework is constructed which describes the estimating factors intentions to buy the substitutes of the fashion products after studying previous experiential work and available literature. Covetousness, tendency to avoid risk, monetary and personal benefits, veracity, and social standing symbols, arrogance towards substitutes and readiness to purchase substitutes tells about some details but extravagant spending and tendency to avoid risk were the double determinants of the paradigm. The hypothesis are developed in sound relation with previous literature. Substitutes has created serious challenges for all countries of the globe. The problem has been experienced by the original brand's authentic products manufacturing companies. The intake of the substitutes is studied in this research. To fill the gap in literature for the readiness to buy substitutes of the luxury fashion products in Pakistan, for extracting determining factors study is done. Found south of East Asia as hub for trading and consuming the substitutes. The study was done with 257 samples from three big markets (Katchery Bazar, Satyana Road, and D-Ground) of Faisalabad. Questionnaires are used for data collection in all days (weekends and weekdays) from people come with intention to buy substitutes. To check the relation between variables (independent, dependent and mediating) and testation of the hypothesis SEM (structure equation modeling) technique was used. Study closed with these results; Tendency to avoid risk was negative but trivial, Peer Effect, Previous Outing, arrogance and monetary arrogance towards substitutes were found significant and positive, Tendency to avoid risk insignificant and negative, appealing characteristics of purchase of substitutes and readiness to buy resulted positive and insignificant. This study found after studying previous researches and theories available in the field of marketing and consumer behavior successive to explore the major determining factors after testing a wide range model. These major determining factors are arrogance towards substitutes and users readiness to purchase the substitutes of the luxury fashion products. The reason of this research study is to develop a model and test this model also that are about the extraction of major experiences of the consumers which they got from intentional arrogance and readiness to purchase of the substitutes of the luxury fashion products. The watching and investigation of the effects of different many socio-psychological and socio-economic appearances are done in this research study. Theoretical framework is constructed which describes the estimating factors intentions to buy the substitutes of the fashion products after studying previous experiential work and available literature. Covetousness, tendency to avoid risk, monetary and personal benefits, veracity, and social standing symbols, arrogance towards substitutes and readiness to purchase substitutes tells about some details but extravagant spending and tendency to avoid risk were the double determinants of the paradigm. The hypothesis are developed in sound relation with previous literature. Substitutes has created serious challenges for all countries of the globe. The problem has been experienced by the original brand's authentic products manufacturing companies. The intake of the substitutes is studied in this research. To fill the gap in literature for the readiness to buy substitutes of the luxury fashion products in Pakistan, for extracting determining factors study is done. Found south of East Asia as hub for trading and consuming the substitutes. The study was done with 257 samples from three big markets (Katchery Bazar, Satyana Road, and D-Ground) of Faisalabad. Questionnaires are used for data collection in all days (weekends and weekdays) from people come with intention to buy substitutes. To check the relation between variables (independent, dependent and mediating) and testation of the hypothesis SEM (structure equation modeling) technique was used. Study closed with these results; Tendency to avoid risk was negative but trivial, Peer Effect, Previous Outing, arrogance and monetary arrogance towards substitutes were found significant and positive, Tendency to avoid risk insignificant and negative, appealing characteristics of purchase of substitutes and readiness to buy resulted positive and insignificant. This study found after studying previous researches and theories available in the field of marketing and consumer behavior successive to explore the major determining factors after testing a wide range model. These major determining factors are arrogance towards substitutes and users readiness to purchase the substitutes of the luxury fashion products.

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Approximate analytic solution of Hodgkin-Huxley equations

In the last century, there has been extensive research on our brain and many mathematical models and theories have been developed which describe the dynamical behavior of neurons. One of them is the widely known, Hodgkin-Huxley model. The Hodgkin-Huxley model for space clamp situation (uniform voltage over a patch of nerve membrane) is a mathematical model consisting of 4 nonlinear ordinary differential equations that describe membrane action potentials in neurons. Before this work, these equations could only be solved by numerical techniques and analytical solutions were not found. In this work, efforts are put to find the analytic solution of the Hodgkin-Huxley model by using Homotopy Perturbation Method. Homotopy Perturbation Method was developed by Ji-Huan He (1998) by merging two techniques, the standard homotopy and the perturbation technique for solving linear, nonlinear, initial and boundary value problems. Further, the solution is compared with the experimental results found by Hodgkin and Huxley. In this work, the first-order approximate analytic solution of the space-clamped Hodgkin Huxley model has been computed and algorithm for a higher-order solution is given. For plotting the solution, MATHEMATICA is used. It is found that the first-order solution can describe many key properties of the Hodgkin-Huxley model. Further, besides some differences, the general agreement of the first-order solution of space-clamped Hodgkin-Huxley Equations by Homotopy Perturbation Method with experimental results is good. Homotopy Perturbation The method is proved to be a convenient and efficient method to find an approximate or exact analytic solution of nonlinear differential equations