This research thesis investigates the impact of organizational learning on firm's financial performance and also
figure out the moderating effect of leadership on their relationship. The primary purpose of the study is to
perform an exploratory research. Survey is conducted among the six telecommunication companies working
in the Faisalabad. Data of 251 respondents from these six selected companies were collected for analysis. The
data is primary in nature.
The study is quantitative in nature. A structured close ended questionnaire is used and results are analyzed
through regression with the help of SPSS. The financial performance used in this thesis is based on the
perceptions of the employees under study. The results of the study show organizational learning has a positive
impact on firm's perceived financial performance while organizational learning has more effect on financial
performance in presence of leadership, where leadership acts as moderator. It is suggested that these
companies must deploy their efforts in enhancing on organizational learning capabilities to get the better
financial results. In study, quantitative research design is used. Instrument is integrated 65 items. Instrument
contains three parts, (1) Organizational Learning (Devmoski 1994), (2) financial Performance (Li & Lu, 2007)
and (3) Leadership (Zagorsek et al. 2009). Correlation Analysis of each items of major variable confirms the
moderate relationships between them. Data is collected from population of 600 employees of
telecommunication companies in Faisalabad, Pakistan. 251 valid responses are entered in statistical program
tool (SPSS 20) to perform data analysis. Results and discussion of the study discuss that research fulfill the
objectives of the study. Companies can use these findings in future to analyze themselves from wider
This research can help R&D departments to work on these areas for better performance of companies. Due to
some limitations of study, this research suggests some future recommendations. Due to limited time and other
resources, research was limited to small population and sample size. In future, research can be conducted for
large population. In future, other companies can use this research for their better performance.
راجیو گاندھی وسط مدتی انتخابات کے دوران میں مدراس کے ایک انتخابی جلسہ میں تقریر کے پروگرام سے کچھ دیر پہلے ہی ہندوستان کے سابق وزیراعظم اور انڈین نیشنل کانگریس کے صدر جناب راجیوگاندھی ایک بم دھماکے میں لُقمۂ اجل ہوگئے۔ اس وسط مدتی انتخاب کے بارے میں جہاندیدہ دانشورانِ ملک اور خودمقتول ...راجیوگاندھی یہ خدشہ ورائے ظاہر کررہے تھے کہ اس وسط مدتی انتخاب میں زبردست تشدّد کاامکان نظرآرہا ہے ۔یہ کس کومعلوم تھاکہ جس تشدّدکے امکان کااظہار کیاجارہاہے وہ ملک کی اس عظیم ہستی ہی کو اپنی منحوس لپیٹ میں لے لے گا۔مگرانہونی ہوکررہی اورملک اایک ایسے رہنما سے محروم ہوگیا جو دورِ حاضر کاہیرو تھا اور مستقبل کی روشن قندیل، اور جس سے ملک و کوبڑی بڑی امیدیں وابستہ تھیں۔ جناب راجیو گاندھی کے حادثۂ قتل میں کس پارٹی، کس گروہ ،کس ملک یا کس فرد کاہاتھ ہے اس کے بارے میں کچھ کہنا قبل از وقت ہے۔ابھی تک کسی نے اس کی ذمہ داری قبول نہیں کی ہے۔عام طور پرایل ۔ٹی۔ٹی دہشت پسندوں پرشک ظاہر کیا جارہا ہے۔اوراس کے لیے اخبارات کی اطلاع کے مطابق کچھ ٹھوس ثبوت بھی جائے واردات سے مِلے ہیں۔ جو عورت اپنے جسم پر بم باندھ و لپیٹ کر خودبھی ہلاک ہوئی ہے اور جناب راجیوگاندھی کے ساتھ اوردوسرے تیرہ افراد کوہلاک کرنے کاباعث بنی ہے اس کے متعلق بھی عام قیاس یہ ہی ہے کہ وہ ایل ٹی ٹی گروہ سے تعلق رکھتی ہے۔مگرابھی یہ سب قیاس آرائیاں ہی ہیں،یقین و قطعیت سے کچھ نہیں کہا جاسکتا ہے۔حکومتِ ہند نے تمام حادثۂ قتل کی تحقیقات کے لیے بروقت ایک کمیشن بنادیا ہے جوعرصہ تین ماہ میں اس سلسلے میں اپنی رپورٹ پیش کرے گا۔ اس سے پہلے جوبھی اس سلسلے میں اظہار ِ خیال کرے گا وہ صرف قیاسات ہی کے زمرے میں ہوگا۔اورحقیقت ویقین کاگمان کرنا...
The Holy Qur’ān is the last scripture revealed by Allah. It was revealed for the guidance of mankind and every person has the right to read it whether they are healthy or has any physical disability. Visually impaired people hold a special place in this society and Braille is a writing method used by these people. Qur’ān has a special and specific style of writing which is called Rasmi Uthmani. It is an authentic style of writing used for the Holy Qur’ān. This article will discuss whether we can write Qur’ān in Braille or not; as it is one of the debatable issues among the religious scholars. Opinion of different religious scholars will be discussed in this paper.
In this thesis, we have developed new numerical methods in Runge-Kutta family for numerical solution of ordinary di erential equations. We have extended the idea of e ective order to Runge-Kutta Nystr om methods for numerical approximation of second order ordinary di erential equations. The composition of Runge-Kutta Nystr om methods, the pruning of associated Nystr om trees, and conditions for e ective order Runge-Kutta Nystr om methods up to orderve are presented. Also, partitioned Runge-Kutta methods of e ective order 4 with 3 stages are constructed. The most obvious feature of these methods is e ciency in terms of implementation cost. The numerical results verify that the asymptotic error behavior of the e ective order 4 partitioned Runge- Kutta methods with 3 stages is similar to that of classical order 4 method which necessarily require 4 stages. Moreover, it is evident from the numerical results that e ective order methods are more e cient than their classical order counterpart. Lastly, a family of explicit symplectic partitioned Runge-Kutta methods are derived with e ective order 3 for the numerical integration of separable Hamiltonian systems. The proposed explicit methods are more e cient than existing symplectic implicit Runge-Kutta methods. A selection of numerical experiments on separable Hamiltonian system con rming the e ciency of the approach is also provided with good energy conservation.