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Investigation Study of U-Commerce, Reliance and Privacy to Improve the Performance of Online Shopping in Pakistan

Thesis Info


Khoula Saleem


Department of Management Sciences




National University of Modern Languages

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year



Management Sciences




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The Purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between stock returns and exchange rates while interest rate and inflation used as control variables in SAARC economies; namely India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Maldives, Afghanistan. Panel unit root applied to check the stationary between exchange rate and stock return ADF technique has been applied for this purpose and Error Correction Model used to check the short run relationship between exchange rate and stock return while panel ARDL applied to check the long run relationship between exchange rate and stock return and among all other variables. Unit root results indicated that exchange rate and inflation on level while interest rate and stock return on 1st difference and VECM results indicated that short relationship exist among all dependent and independent variables. Results of Panel ARDL showed that interest rate and inflation have significant long run relationship while exchange rate have insignificant long run relationship with stock return. The descriptive statistics performed for temporal properties of data and showed that the data not normally distributed. The findings of fixed effect models showed that all the three macroeconomic variables like exchange rate, interest rate and CPI have significantly positive impact on the SAARC stock markets. While the implication is that the local and foreign investors should to thoughtfully judge the macroeconomic forces to make rational investment decisions and the government and the policy maker should keep in mind the effect of these macroeconomic variables during a monetary policy structure process and also useful to determine either by these three macroeconomic variables the risk is diversified in these SAARC stock markets. The similar research can be repeated by adding new variables and by changing the nature of study into exploratory research.

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انیس ناگی پاکستان کے نامور محقق، افسانہ نگار، ناول نگار، نقاد، کالم نگار، مترجم اور شاعر تھے۔انیس ناگی 10 ستمبر 1939ء کو شیخوپورہ میں ابراہیم ناگی کے گھر پیدا ہوئے۔ ان کا خاندانی نام " یعقوب علی ناگی " تھا۔ انہوں نے مسلم ہائی اسکول نمبر 2 لاہور سے میٹرک کیا، گورنمنٹ کالج لاہور سے انٹر اور اورینٹل کالج لاہور سے ایم اے (اردو) کیا۔ جامعہ پنجاب سے اردو ادب میں ڈاکٹریٹ کی ڈگری حاصل کی اور گولڈ میڈل بھی حاصل کیا۔ تعلیم سے فراغت کے بعد وہ گورنمنٹ کالج لاہور اور گورنمنٹ کالج فیصل آباد میں تدریسی فرائض سر انجام دیے۔ گورنمنٹ کالج لاہور کے میگزین راوی کے مدیر بھی رہے۔ بعد ازاں انیس ناگی نے سول سروس کا امتحان پاس کیا اور ڈپٹی سیکرٹری ایجوکیشن سمیت مختلف سرکاری عہدوں پر فائز رہے۔ 1999ء میں وہ بورڈ آف ریونیو کے ارکان کی حیثیت سے ریٹائر ہوئے۔
ادبی خدمات:
انیس ناگی کا ادبی سفر بہت طویل ہے۔ انہوں نے شاعری، ناول، افسانہ، تنقید اور تراجم میں طبع آزمائی کی اور ہر صنف میں اپنی تخلیقی صلاحیتوں کو بہت احسن طریقے سے اجاگر کیا ہے۔ انہوں نے جذباتی نثر کی بجائے کارآمد نثر تخلیق کی اور شعوری طور پر ناول کو ادبی زبان کے برعکس عام بول چال میں قلمبند کیا۔ عام معاشرتی اور سیدھی سادی زبان میں قاری کے سامنے اپنی تخلیقات پیش کیں۔ ان کی جدید اردو نظم کو نہ صرف پاکستان بلکہ بیرون ملک بھی بہت پزیرائی ملی۔ وہ ساٹھ کی دہائی میں نئی شاعری کی تحریک کے نام سے سامنے آنے والے ان لوگوں میں شامل تھے جن کے لیے رائج شاعری کا روایتی پیرایہ اور اظہار ناقابلِ قبول تھا اور وہ شاعری میں نئے اظہار کو رواج دینا چاہتے تھے۔ نئی شاعری کی اس تحریک کے نمایاں لوگوں...


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A Comparative Study of Microfinance Institutions of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh: Philosophy, Methodology and Performance

This thesis is about comparative analysis of microfinance institutions of three major countries of South Asia which are India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. At present microfinance is very common in these countries and many microfinance institutions are operating in each country; maximum number of microfinance borrowers i.e. 58.6 million and average loan balance, which is USD 144, are in South Asia and so it is the most sensitive part of the world in terms of poverty. The comparison of the microfinance institutions is done on the basis of philosophies of these institutions, the working methodologies and models of microfinance these MFIs have adopted and the performance of these institutions. Performance of microfinance institutions is measured using four parameters, which are sustainability/profitability, outreach, operational and financial efficiency and compliance. Comparison is done first of the three countries and then of the microfinance institutions of each type, categorized as NGOs, NBFIs, Cooperatives and Credit Unions, Banks and others. Data is taken from the Microfinance Information Exchange for a period of 11 years from 161 MFIs, 99 MFIs of India, 25 MFIs of Pakistan, and 37 MFIs of Bangladesh. Assets, Average deposit balance per depositor, Average deposit balance per depositor / GNI per capita, Average loan balance per borrower, Average loan balance per borrower / GNI per capita, Borrowers per staff member, Borrowings, Capital/asset ratio, Cost per borrower, Debt to equity ratio, Depositors per staff member, Deposits, Diamonds, Equity, Financial expense/ assets, Financial revenue/ assets, Gross Loan Portfolio, Number of active borrowers, Number of depositors, Operating expense/ assets, Operating expense/ loan portfolio, Personnel, Portfolio at risk greater than 30 days, Provision for loan impairment/ assets, Return on assets, Return on equity, Women borrowers, Write-off ratio, and Yield on gross portfolio (nominal) are used as the variables of various areas of performance. The endogenous variables are Return on Assets and Return on Equity for sustainability, number of borrowers per staff member for operational efficiency, cost per borrower for financial efficiency, and number of active borrowers for outreach. Panel data analysis is done after checking the assumptions. Normality of data is checked using Jarque-bera test and linearity using normal probability plot. Variance Information Factors of variables are seen to find out multicoliearity and scattered diagram for detecting Heteroskedasticity. Hausman Test is applied to find out the suitability of Fixed or Random Effect Model. In addition to this descriptive analysis of the variables is also done. This study concludes that there are many models of microfinance prevalent in the three A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MFIs OF SOUTH ASIA 13 countries. Due to requirements of fund providers and also to pay interest to the depositors, in case of MFIs where savings are also a part of microfinance, sustainability is the main issue and Institutionists’ Approach is more commonly followed. Very few MFIs follow Welfarists’ Approach due to high financial operational costs of MFIs. Very few common factors were found in relevant Fixed or Random Effect models in each area of analysis, both in the grouping of countries and also the institutions type.