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Home > Determinants of Brand Positioning : an Evidence From Utility Stores Corporation of Pakistan

Determinants of Brand Positioning : an Evidence From Utility Stores Corporation of Pakistan

Thesis Info


Ghulam Murtaza


Department of Management Sciences




National University of Modern Languages

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year



Management Sciences




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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In today's world of globalization brand positioning is extremely crucial because the real worth of the organization lies in the minds of the consumers. Brand positioning is the way in which a corporation develops and takes an advantage over its competitors. For brand positioning, determinants of brand are very important because they help the organizations in positioning their brands. Therefore, the aim of the study is to analyzing the determinants of brand positioning and the evidence is taken from Utility Stores Corporation of Pakistan. The study follows positivist approach and is cross sectional field survey, based on primary data collected through self reporting instrument. Population of the study consists of customers at the outlets of Utility Stores Corporation of Pakistan. Unit of analysis is individual. Convenience sampling technique is used for drawing representative sample. A sample of 400 respondents is used. The response of the customers regarding the impact of determinants of brand positioning is elicited by way of self administrated survey. The relations of variables have been hypothesized, therefore, apart from descriptive statistics; t-Test, ANOVA and simple linear regression are used for analysis of data and hypotheses testing. Results support the arguments because a total five hypotheses are tested and all of them (i.e. H.1, H2, H3, H4 and H5) are accepted as significant positive impact is found by brand positioning determinants (slogan, logo, colour scheme, animated brand character) on brand positioning. The results also confirm that the two new variables "animated brand character" and "augmented product benefits" not only have significant positive impact on brand positioning but also have strong relation and greater contribution in brand positioning than other three variables. On the bases of results some recommendations were made regarding the careful selection of brand positioning determinants such as a slogan should be small and memorable, a visual front logo and a good mixture of colour scheme that evoke the people's emotions. Augmented product benefits should be provided in form of warranty, guarantee and after sale services.

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