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Home > Antecedents of Individual Readiness for Change with the Moderating effect of Behavioral Resistance to Change in Software houses of Islamabad Pakistan

Antecedents of Individual Readiness for Change with the Moderating effect of Behavioral Resistance to Change in Software houses of Islamabad Pakistan

Thesis Info


Ayesha Khalid


Department of Management Sciences




National University of Modern Languages

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year



Management Sciences




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The aim of this study is to contribute to the growing research of meaningful individual readiness for change. These topics have attracted interest both in the academia and in the wider public during the last decades. This is due to a growing research in positive psychology and positive organizational scholarship and because increasingly many people want to experience their work as meaningful. My aim is to understand the sources of meaningful work and how do employees actively change themselves according to the rapidly changing environment so that their work to become more meaningful. The target group is software engineers (programmers and developers) working at software houses of Evacuee Trust Islamabad Pakistan. It is an interesting study target as there is no research of this profession and this level of employees related to meaningful work. The perspective of this study is individual readiness for change, and this study aims to understand how meaningful Leadership. Organizational commitment and organizational culture with the moderating effect of behavioral resistance to change are connected to employee readiness for change.

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جامعہ الازہر میں اردو شناسی

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