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Home > علامہ اقبال اور تفہیم علوم : تحقیقی جائزہ

علامہ اقبال اور تفہیم علوم : تحقیقی جائزہ

Thesis Info


کشور سلطانہ


Department of Urdu




National University of Modern Languages

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year



Urdu Language




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Sir Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal was an ideologist, a poet-philosopher and a spiritualist personality who was a strong proponent of the political and spiritual revival of Islamic civilization. He had solid comprehension in many knowledge domains. Allama Iqbal expressed his opinion on politics, economics, history, nationalism, philosophy, religion, revival of Muslim life and the universal brotherhood of Islam in scholastic manner. He used poetry, literature and lectures as his medium of expression. In this practice, he developed verbal and written skills in different languages. So these aspects of Allama Iqbal's life are the main theme of my thesis. Although Iqbal did the maximum of his poetry and literary work in Persian and Urdu but he could also read, write and speak other languages. His potential in understandings of Arabic, English, German, Hindi and Sanskrit along with the Persian and Urdu have been elucidated in first chapter. Being a great scholar, he had a special aptitude for imparting his own literary taste in reviving the Islamic culture in Muslim Ummah. In second chapter, focus is on how much Allama Iqbal was related to the domain of justice and law. Dr Allama Iqbal acquired the law education in formal manner from renowned institutions. He practiced as lawyer and established his reputation as professional prosecutor. Political life of Allama Iqbal has been addressed in third chapter. His contributions in Indian politics have been highlighted. Allama's political activities though primarily concentrated on Indian Muslims but he did express his concerns for political issues of Muslim Ummah. He was extremely desirous of secure political and social life for all Muslims. In fourth chapter, Allama Iqbal's understanding of the different economical system has been elaborated with special emphasis on Capitalism vis-a-vis Communalism. However Allama Iqbal has been close to principal working of communalism but he was impressed with Islamic system of economics which he communicated in his book "Ilm-ul-Iqtassadiyat". In fifth chapter, Allama Iqbal as a scholastic philosopher (Mutakkalim — Mahir-e-Ilm-ul-Kalam) scholar has been portrayed. He tried to interpret Islam in such a way as to show that religious doctrines are in perfect harmony with the established rational philosophies. He was well aware of different philosophical ideologies of the world. However, he extended his taste for Greek philosophy but he strictly adhered to Islamic philosophy. His PhD dissertation "Development of Meta Physics in Persia" speaks of his philosophical orientation. Allama Iqbal was well acquainted with the historical events of the world. In sixth chapter Allama Iqbal's efforts for finding out the reasons for the rise and fall of the Muslim nation have been discussed. He illuminated the magnificent era of Muslims' ancestors and urged the Muslim community to reinstate their lost glorious time. In seventh chapter, the Allama Iqbal's association for Islam in comparison with other prominent religions of the world has been spelled out. Allama had the capability to share and compare his Islamic thoughts with other divine and earthly religion. He also delivered lectures/speeches for highlighting the Islamic way of life. He emphasized the world to adopt the Islamic values if they are desirous of peace and harmony. In the last chapter, all the topics, discussed in this complete thesis have been summarized with their significance.

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