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اردو داستان کے مرکزی کردار

Thesis Info


فہمیدہ تبسم


Department of Urdu




National University of Modern Languages

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year



Urdu Language




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The time period form 17th century to 19th century, in Urdu prose, is called the era of 'Dastan'. Though some attempts or endeavor can also be seen in Dastan writing after this time period. Because of a leading kind of its time period, Dastan is of prime importance. In this thesis, under consideration research carried out about a very important part of Dastan. The investigatory and the critical analysis of the main characters of the Dastan not only drag this kind of speech from darkness of past but also helps to highlight the standard of characterization of that era. All those Dastans are included in this thesis which are published, having unity of plot and revolve around central character. Collection of proverbs is included in this selection. All those Dastans are avoided to include in which most of the material was borrowed from other Dastans or which revolves around the same topic. In this thesis, standard of characterization in Dastans, capabilities of characterization and how was it differ from the characterization of modern was discussed. Character of Dastan is also examined according to social and moral standardization of modern era. The thesis has been divided in to four parts. Part one deals with the central theme of 'Dastan'. Part two deals with the main characters of the prominent Dastan published pre Fort William College period. Part three consists of critical analysis of important characters of the stories published under the patronage of Fort William College, while part four comprises critical analysis and evaluation of the central characters of important Dastans published during the same period but not under the patronage of the college. The objective of the thesis is to highlight the fundamental characters of the Dastan, portray their importance and judge the standard of characterization. It is also our objective to enable the modern reader establish, by himself, a link between the ancient and modern literature. Epilogue is captioned "collective evaluation". In epilogue the central characters of the Dastans, included in the thesis, have been discussed briefly.

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(ضیاء الدین اصلاحی، نومبر ۱۹۹۶ء)


المفاضلة بين معايير الموازنة الرأسمالية في قرار اختيار الموقع: دراسة استطلاعية لأراءعينة من مديري شركة مصافي الشمال - مصفى بيجي

تعد قرارات اختيار الموقع من القرارات الاستراتيجية التي تستحق البحث والدراسة لمعرفة العوامل ذات الارتباط المؤثر في اختيار الموقع وبالنظر لاهمية موقع مصافي النفط من النواحي الاقتصادية والمالية والسياسية والاجتماعية ,فقد تم اختيار موضوع الدراسة لتسليط الضوء على (المفاضلة بين معايير الموازنة الراسمالية في قرار اختيار الموقع ).وتحددت مشكلة الدراسة في اهمية الكشف عن مدى استخدام المعايير المالية في اختيار الموقع ,وتم تطبيق الدراسة في ميدان مهم من ميادين الاقتصاد الا وهو القطاع النفطي كدراسة استطلاعية لاراء عينة من مديري شركة مصافي الشمال - مصفى بيجي ومن اجل تحقيق اهداف الدراسة,تم صياغة خمس فرضيات لغرض اختبارها على عينة تتكون من (30) مديرا في المستويات الادارية المختلفة ,وبهدف الحصول على البيانات والمعلومات المتعلقة بمتغيرات الدراسة اعتمدت المقابلات الشخصية فضلا عن الاستبانة للحصول عليها ,ولغرض تحليل الاستجابات واختبار الفرضيات ,استخدم الباحث عددا من الوسائل الاحصائية منها النسب المؤية والوسط الحسابي والانحراف المعياري ومعامل الارتباط بيرسون واختباري (f,t) والانحدار البسيط والمتعدد(Multiple Liner Regression)وتحليل المسار (Path Analysis)

الروایة التاریخیة عند جرجي زیدان و عبد الحلیم شرر

Jurji Zaidan and Abdul Halim Sharar As Historical Novelists Narrative techniques hold great importance for the appropriate creation of novel. They are important especially in process of writing a historical novel. In the present dissertation an effort has been made to compare Jurji Zaidan and Abdul Halim Sharar as historical novelists. The aim of this dissertation is to underline the similarities and differences in the narrative techniques of Jurji Zaidan and Abdul Halim Sharar in their historical novels. The focus of the study is the contrastive points with special references to plot, language and style. Narrative techniques are extremely important in the creation of historical novel. Jurji Zaidan and Abdul Halim Sharar hold a special place in the world of literature by virtue of being initiators of historical novel writing in Arabic and Urdu literatures respectively. They are both prolific writers with Sharar writing twenty nine and Zaidan twenty two historical novels. They are similar in the use of dialogue, soliloquy, scene depiction and epistolary technique, at the same time that the works show glaring disparities between the two novelists in the modes of narration and in plot construction. Historical novel writing was introduced in Arabic and Urdu literatures through the medium of English Literature, with Abdul Halim Sharar introducing historical novel writing in Urdu literature, and Jurji Zaidan into Arabic literature. Both writers were following in the wake of Sir Walter Scott's historical novel Talisman. The aim of writing historical novels was to rouse the Muslims of the world, who had not only been deprived of ruling, but had been forced to become slaves from their earlier position of being masters. The cultural identity of Muslims was distorted and it was an attempt to remind them of their past glory that stories of the golden past were presented. These stories emphasize the numerous victories scored by Muslims over non Muslims despite their smaller numbers and logistically weaker position. These novels were written with the view to generate and restore faith and Islamic spirit among the Muslims. Judi Zaidan and Abdul Halim Sharar, through their writings, have tried to minimize the cultural and political downfall of the Muslims. For this purpose they have used the lives and personalities of great Muslims heroes, to pull the Muslim nation out of lethargy and lassitude. This technique can thus be considered as a positive technique in attracting readers, especially the youth, towards exploring their great history. By introducing it in the form of romantic narrative the two novelists have underscored the significance of the comparative study of literatures in different languages and cultures as part of literary criticism. This research is expected to help students and teachers to explore further avenues of research in the field of Arabic literature, in general, and comparative literature, in particular. It is also hoped that a comparison of the two writers, belonging to two different languages, will provide a wider perceptive for the analyses of different literary and cultural aspects in the works of writers. The researcher hopes that his comparative study will serve as an important vehicle in discovering the social, cultural and literary differences between two civilizations.