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Home > معاصرین پریم چند کی افسانہ نگاری

معاصرین پریم چند کی افسانہ نگاری

Thesis Info


Tayyab Aziz


Department of Urdu




National University of Modern Languages

Institute Type








Thesis Completing Year



Urdu Language




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The topic of my thesis is the short stories of the contemporaries of Praim Chand. In this respect my supposed research is that in the period of Praim Chand the contemporaries of his age have a distinguished place. In this connection historical and hand written method is adopted. Azam Kurewi, Mahasha Sadarshan short stories, and short stories initial stages critical books and magazines are included. It consists of six chapters: The first chapter consists of Praim Chand period his contemporary’s short stories. Second chapter consists of Mahasha Sadarshan short stories that provides thoughtful detail. Third chapter consists of Mahasha Sadarshan and Praim Chand similarities and dis similarities. Fourth chapter consists of Azam Kurewi skilled short stories. In which his short stories detailed analysis has been provided. Fifth chapter consists of Azam Kurewi and Praim Chand thoughtful and skilled similarities and dis similarities. The chapter six consists of conclusions and recommendations.

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شیخ نذیر حسین

شیخ نذیر حسین
(ڈاکٹر محمود الحسن عارف)
’’محترم شیخ نذیر حسین صاحب بڑے عالم و محقق اور علم و فن کے قدرداں تھے، ’’معارف‘‘ ان کا محبوب رسالہ تھا، اگر ان کی کوئی چیز تیار ہوجاتی تو اس میں اشاعت کے لیے بھیجتے، معارف میں کوئی مسامحت اور فروگذاشت ہوجاتی تو فوراً توجہ دلاتے، ایسے صاحب نظر اور دیدہ ور لوگ اب عنقا ہوگئے ہیں، جب تک وہ اچھے تھے شاید ہی کوئی مہینہ ناغہ جاتا ہو کہ ان کا خط نہ آتا ہو، ادہر علالت کی وجہ سے جب ان کے خطوط آنے بند ہوئے تو میں نے شعبہ اردو، دائرہ معارف اسلامیہ لاہور کو متعدد خطوط لکھے مگر ایک خط کا بھی جواب نہیں آیا کہ دفعتہ ۲۲؍ اکتوبر کو یہ تحریر اور منسلک خط موصول ہوا تو دھک سے رہ گیا، قارئین معارف سے درخواست ہے کہ ان کے لیے دعائے مغفرت کریں!
ربنا اغفرلنا ولا خواننا الذین سبقونا بالایمان۔ ‘‘[الحشر:۱۰] (ض)
پانچ سوا پانچ فٹ منحنی سا جسم، ابرؤوں کے بال موٹے اور بے ترتیب، کلین شیو، چہرہ اور کمر قدرے خمیدہ․․․․․․ یہ تمام باتیں ذہن میں رکھیں تو اس سے فوراً شیخ نذیر حسین صاحب کی شکل و صورت ذہن میں آتی ہے․․․․․․ وہ اپنی وضع قطع اور چہرے مہرے سے قطعاً کوئی عالمِ دین یا اسکالر نظر نہیں آتے تھے، بلکہ ایک عام سے فرد دکھائی دیتے تھے۔
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کلام اقبال اور عشق مصطفے ﷺ

Dr. Muhammad Iqbal is an outstanding poet-philosopher, perhaps the most influential Muslim thinker of the 20th century. His poetry, both Urdu and Persian, is great. Iqbal's philosophy is known as the philosophy of selfhood (KHUDI). His philosophy determines the fact that the purpose of life is the development of inner-self. This goal of human being is definitely achieved by the true love of God, and sincere obedience of His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). As the holy Quran declares loud and clear: "Say: if you do love Allah, follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins."  This article is about the gist of Dr. Iqbal's poetry, which is the love and devotion of Allah's beloved Messenger Muhammad (PBUH). Just like Rumi, Dr. Iqbal had a similar pattern of love for the personality of the prophet. He made Him to be the role-model in bringing the socio-political change within the Muslim society of his time. He firmly believes:  If you are loyal to Muhammad, then We are yours The world is naught: The Pen of Destiny shall be yours

Fabrication and Characterization of Carbon Based Nanostructures

The increased level of industrial pollutants in water and drug resistant pathogens are serious threat to human and aquatic life. Graphene based materials are an attractive choice due to numerous fascinating features of graphene. However, combining graphene with other nanomaterials in the form of nanocomposites give a window of opportunities to fabricate and investigate new materials. Herein, a set of four graphene based nanocomposites are presented that are combination of graphene and metal/non-metal oxides. These nanocomposites are synthesized, systematically characterized and are compared for their performance in environmental and biomedical applications. As a start-up, synthesis, the physio-chemical characterizations, photocatalytic and antibacterial properties of MgO and graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) nanocomposites are presented. The crystallinity, phase, morphology, chemical bonding, and vibrational modes of prepared nanomaterials are studied. The conducting nature of GNPs is tailored via photocatalysis and enhanced antibacterial activity. It is interestingly observed that the MgO/GNPs nanocomposite with optimized GNPs content shows a significant photocatalytic activity (97.23% degradation) as compared to bare MgO (43%) which makes it the potential photocatalyst for purification of industrial waste water. In addition, the effect of increased quantity of GNPs on antibacterial performance of nanocomposites against pathogenic microorganisms is researched, suggesting them toxic. MgO/GNPs 25% nanocomposite may have potential applications in waste water treatment and nanomedicine due its multifunctionality. In the following chapter, immobilization of monodispersed silicon dioxide (SiO2) nanoparticles on multiple graphene layers is demonstrated for intercalation of graphene nanoplatelets. The exceptional conducting nature of graphene makes it a viable candidate for enhancing the effectiveness of photocatalytic and biomedical nanomaterials. Interestingly, the addition of graphene nanoplatelets with SiO2 nanoparticles enhances the photocatalytic efficiency from 46% to 99%. For biomedical applications, it is found that 75% of Gram positive and 50% of Gram negative bacteria have been killed; hence, bacterial proliferation is significantly restricted. The prepared nanocomposites with a controlled amount of carbon in the form of graphene can be employed for photocatalysis based waste water remediation and biomedicine. However, the photocatalytic and antibacterial performance obtained up to this stage of work is moderate only. An effective, fast and economic dye removal method is essential to meet the stringent economic requirements. Therefore, graphene/Fe3O4 nanocomposite is chosen. This nanocomposite obtained via soft chemical method is characterized for its crystallinity, morphology, microstructure, vibrational modes and magnetic properties. Graphene sheets decorated with magnetite nanoparticles are investigated for their photocatalytic response against methyl orange. The study reveals that the conducting nature of graphene, engineered bandgap and photo Fenton like reaction synergistically govern the efficient photocatalytic activity of nanocomposite. Interestingly, it is observed that methyl orange can be completely removed i.e., upto 99.24% by graphene/Fe3O4 nanocomposite (Fz) in 30 min only, whereas the removal efficiency is 43% for Fe3O4 nanoparticles, alone. The presence of graphene endows the delay in charge carriers’ recombination whereas, photo Fenton like reaction stimulates the generation of reactive oxygen species. This ultimately leads to the highly enhanced photocatalytic activity and complete removal of methyl orange. The magnetically separable photocatalyst, presented in this work, offers great prospects for fast and economical decontamination of dye polluted water. The antibacterial performance is also significantly enhanced but a complete pathogen control is not achieved. At final stage, NiO nanoflakes and graphene/NiO nanocomposite are synthesized. A study on their crystal phase analysis and morphology is presented. In addition, HRTEM images, SAED patterns and Raman modes are also investigated. A solar light induced dye removal and bactericidal properties of nickel oxide (NiO) and GNPs nanocomposites are presented. The conducting nature of GNPs is the key factor that governs the enhanced photocatalytic and antibacterial activity. It is interestingly found that the graphene/NiO nanocomposite shows outstanding photocatalytic activity (99% degradation) as compared to NiO (34%) alone, which makes it potential candidate for depollution of dye contaminated water. In addition, the optimized concentration of GNPs in graphene/NiO nanocomposite, renders it as an exceptional antibacterial material with 100% growth inhibition of pathogenic microorganisms (both Gram positive and Gram-negative bacteria). Therefore, graphene/NiO nanocomposite can be an innovative material to achieve complete pathogen control alongside being an economic solution for water treatment.