حضرت خدیجہؓ سے شادی اور ان کا کاروبار
اعتراض نمبر۹۰
جب آپ ؐ جوان ہوگئے اور مضبوط ہوگئے( آپ کے پاس زیادہ مال نہ تھا) سیدہ خدیجہؓ نے آپﷺ کو تجارت کے لیے اجرت پر بلالیا۔۔اور حضور ؐ کے ساتھ ایک اور آدمی کو اجرت پر رکھ لیا‘‘ ( اردو ترجمہ دلائل نبوہ ۱۔۶۴۔۔ ابوبکر احمد بن الحسین بیہقی)
’ تاریخی کتب سے یہ تاثر ابھرتا ہے کہ نبی مکرمﷺ کو سیدہ خدیجہؓ نے گویا اپنا ملازم یا تجارتی کارندہ مقرر کیا تھا‘‘ ( سیرت اعلان نبوت سے پہلے۔۲۹۵۔۲۹۴)
جواب:صاحب ضیا النبی( ۔۲۔۲۱۷) لکھتے ہیں کہ آپ( خدیجہ) اپنے نمائندوں کو سامان تجارت دے کر روانہ کرتیں‘ جو آپ کی طرف سے کاروبار کرتے۔ اس کی دو صورتیں تھیں ۔
اول: یا تو ملازم ہوتے، ان کی اجرت یا تنخواہ مقرر ہوتی جو انھیں دی جاتی‘ نفع و نقصان سے انھیں کوئی سروکار نہ تھا۔
دوم: یا نفع میں ان کا کوئی حصہ ،نصف یا چہارم مقرر کر دیا جاتا۔ اگر نفع ہوتا تو وہ اپنا حصہ لے لیتے ۔بصورت دیگر یعنی نقصان کی صورت میں ساری ذمہ داری خدیجہؓ پر عائد ہوتی ‘ اس کو شریعت میں’’ عقد مضاربہ‘‘ کہتے ہیں۔ آنحضرت ایک خود مختار اور خوش حال تاجر تھے۔ آپ نے کسی تاجر کی ملازمت کبھی اختیار نہیں کی تھی‘ ڈاکٹر تحسین فراقی نے کتاب کے تعارف میں لکھا ’’ ایک عام تاثر یہ پایا جاتا ہے کہ حضرت خدیجہ نے حضورؐ کو اپنا ملازم یا تجارتی کارندہ مقرر کیا تھا۔حالانکہ حقیقت یہ ہے کہ حضرت خدیجہ ؓ سے نکاح سے بہت پہلے آپؐ خود مختار اور خوش حال تاجر کے طور پر معروف ہو چکے تھے اور اس ذیل میں قیس بن السائب کی روایت استناد کا درجہ رکھتی ہے۔
ایک اور روایت:ابو طالب نے اپنے بھتیجے سے کہا ’’ میں...
Sharia Economics of Southeast Asian countries has been existing, with a close relationship with their society, since the early arrival of Islam and its spreading in this archipelago through the period of the Islamic Kingdoms up till today. The unity of this Islamic economy with its society because the society has made their identity as Islam so that their habits, customs, economic system, and Worldview are identical to Islam. However, the implementation of the Islamic economic system and its financial activities were interrupted by the existing of colonialism. After their independence from colonization, the country such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei Darussalam initiated to raise awareness and conducted studies on the Islamic economic system. Even the government has a commitment to achieve the World's prominent center of Islamic economy. This year's report by The State of global Islamic economists reveal that ASEAN countries have succeeded in positioning their countries as a largest of sharia financial center in the world.
Islam gives the idea of collective life and tries for humanity development. The basic idea of the teaching of Islam is that the individual must be true and active worker of society. He must have moral values and principles clearly. And he tries constantly that a Muslim should performed saying of Allah and human rights properly. In this way Islam tries to work on behavior, morality and habits of people and tries his best to properly enhance the different aspects of personality.For this the life of Prophet Muhammadﷺ is complete code of life. The good characteristics of Muslims which are considered praise worthy that are truth, brotherhood, justice, forgiveness, oneness of Allah and keepings. In the same way the things which are condemned by Islam are bride, misery, theft, backbiting, telling lies, blaming others, self-centeredness, close vision, dishonesty, garrulous, greediness, showiness manners, jealousy,un-obligation, clashes, hatred and etc. The philosophy of character building and personality development in Islam is the Muslim should avoid all bad works and develops good qualities in him as discussed before so that a Muslim should be very useful and pious citizen of the society. And we all know that education is a tool of change. So education is worthless if it does not create change in the minds of people and society. And also it is useless if it does not build the moral character regarding personality development of the students. Islam tells us all about the values which are fruitful for humanity and are beneficial of human beings. For this purpose, it is necessary that we should give awareness of Islamic values to the people through education. It is only possible if the textbooks are designed according to the Islamic concept and values as well as teachers and parents play their effective role in the development of personality of their children. Pakistan is a Muslim country and has its own religious, moral, political and social values and being a Muslim through an effective educational system we can transfer these values to our new generation. For this purpose our curriculum is playing key role for the development and character building of the students or not was the main question so that this research was made. In this research the questionnaire were developed by keeping in view the objectives and aims of the current curriculum of Islamic Studies of 2009 and also following the Quranic verses and Hadith. In this study it was judged whether it was building characters of students or not. Further the effect of syllabus of Islamic Studies was judged on students that is taught in secondary and higher secondary level. For this purpose in the first chapter briefly introduction has been given regarding background of the study, Islamic concept of values, statement of the problem, objectives and significance of the study. In the second vii chapter review of related material has been given. In which curriculum, character building, character building in Islam, history of Islamic Studies, the need of Islamic Education in the development of personality, consideration of Islamic Values in the Educational System of Pakistan is discussed in detail. After that review of the Islamiat (Islamic Studies) Compulsory for the Classes of 9th and 10th, Islamiat (Islamic Studies) Elective for the Classes of 9th and 10th, review of the books of Islamic Studies of intermediate and review of Ph.D. Thesis which is already written is discussed in detailed. In the third chapter Research Methodology has been discussed in detailed keeping in view the design of the study, population of the study, sample of the study, Research Instruments, validation of Questionnaires, data Collection, data analysis and research ethics. In the fourth chapter data analysis has been made by using SPSS software and all the results of teachers, students and parents has been discussed. After that at the end fifth chapter has been given in which summary, findings, discussion, conclusions and recommendations has been given in the light of forth chapter.