براعظم افریقہ کی پہلی مسجد
براعظم افریقہ کی پہلی مسجد بھی قاہرہ میں تعمیر کی گئی تھی ۔یہ مسجد فاتح مصر حضرت عمرو بن العاص ؓ کے نام سے موسوم ہے ۔رومیوں کو شکست دے کر اس عظیم جرنیل نے حضرت محمد ﷺ کی وہ پیشین گوئی سچ ثابت کی جو آپؐ نے جنگ خندق میں کھدائی کے دوران اس بڑے پتھر کو توڑتے وقت دی تھی جس کا توڑنا صحابہ سے ممکن نہ تھا ۔خلیفہ وقت حضرت عمر ؓ نے حضرت عمر و بن العاص کو یہاں کا گورنر مقرر کیا ۔تقریباََ گیارہ ایکڑ کے احاطے پر مشتمل یہ مسجد افریقہ کی بڑی اور وسیع ترین مساجد میں شمار ہوتی ہے ۔ابتدا میں یہ ایک چھوٹی سے مسجد تھی جو اسلا م کی پہلی مسجد، مسجد قبا کی طرح کھجور کے درختوں پر تعمیر ہوئی تھی ۔ مگر اب یہ ایک عالی شان مسجد ہے جس کو دیکھنے دنیا بھر کے سیاح آتے ہیں ۔
Uses of tetra pack juices enhances the risk of diabetes and obesity. People were unaware of impact of fresh fruit juices on health. Objective: To compare the effect of tetra pack juices and fresh fruit juices on blood glucoselevels among healthy individuals Methods: 10 participants were selected using an internationalstandard Glycemic Index (GI) test protocol. After getting their fasting blood sample theywereinstructed to consume all the juice served in a period of 5 min. Further blood samples were takenat different intervals of time that is 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 minutes after consumption. Participants wereremained sedentaryduring each session. Blood was obtained by finger-prick and tested by the glucometer. Results: The glycemic index of Apple juice Nestle has the glycemic index of 95.87, Orangejuice Nestle has the GI value 93.78, Apple juice fresh has the GI value of 92.17 and Orangejuice fresh has the glycemic index value of 99.07, respectively Conclusions: Detailed study of glycemic index of tetrapack juices (Nestle Apple and Orangejuice) and fresh fruit juices (Apple and Orange juice) showed similar impact on the blood glucose level of healthy individual. In the study, both types of juices were found to be equally hyperglycemic (GI 70+) causing a fast rise in blood-sugarlevels, hence should not be given to diabetic patients
Function optimization (constrained and unconstrained) is a process of finding the optimal point for the given problem. As the research is being carried out and new problem areas are being investigated, global optimization problems are getting more and more complex. The research presented in this dissertation is about to build a new accelerated function optimization technique based on evolutionary algorithm (EA). EAs have low convergence rate due to their evolutionary nature. The acceleration of evolutionary algorithm in the function optimization is achieved by incorporating gene excitation. In General, the distribution of the initial population into the search space effects the evolutionary algorithm performance. Concept of opposition based populations is employed to distribute the chromosomes more effectively. Image Segmentation is a significant and successful way for many real world applications like segmenting lung from CT scanned images. Segmentation is the process of finding optimal segments within an image. The main objective of this thesis is to make a new entirely automatic system that segments the lungs from the CT scanned images. To achieve this objective, a completely automatic un-supervised scheme is developed to segment lungs. The methodology utilizes a fuzzy histogram based image filtering technique to remove the noise, which preserves the image details for low as well as highly corrupted images. Peaks and Valley are found in bimodal group of images using Genetic Algorithm (GA). GAs are used for function optimization process and hence determining the global optimal solutions. The optimal and dynamic grey level is find out by using GA. Finding optimal clustering within a dataset is an important data mining task. Clustering and segmentations are somewhat related optimization problems of finding optimal grouping in the provided set of points. Clustering of datasets has been achieved by using an entirely automatic un-supervised approach. The employed technique optimizes multi- objective as compared to optimize single objective for clustering. Relative cloning is performed to adopt the individuals according to their fitness, which improves the algorithm performance.