22. Al-Hajj/The Annual Pilgrimage to Makkah
I/We begin by the Blessed Name of Allah
The Immensely Merciful to all, The Infinitely Compassionate to everyone.
O The People of the World!
Be conscious of your Rabb - The Lord - in reverence, awe, and piety.
Indeed, the earthquake of the Last Hour is going to be a dreadful thing!
The Time when you all will see it, every nursing mother will be distracted in dread from whom she is nursing, and
every pregnant female will abort her burden of pregnancy prematurely, and
you will see the people as if they were drunk - gone out of their senses because of ensuing fear, while, in fact, they will not be drunk.
They will have been overwhelmed by the dread of Allah’s intense punishment.
Even still, some from the people dispute Allah, without any knowledge of HIM,
and follow every defiant Satan - satanic impulse with deviant thoughts.
It is already been decreed that -
Whoever takes him as an ally, i.e., follows any such Satanic impulse,
he will surely mislead him, and guide him to the punishment of the Blazing Fire.
O The People of the World!
If you are in any doubt about truth of the Resurrection, then consider the fact that,
WE first created you out of dust/earth - as Adam - and
then as his progeny, out of a small drop of male’s and female’s secretion, then from a clinging thing, and then from a lump, formed and unformed, so that WE may make it clear to you.
WE plant in the womb what WE Please – male or female...
Islam is a complete and perfect code of life. We find guidance from Islam on any aspect of life. This study aims to explore the evaluation of existing audit system in Islamic perspective. The study indicates the gaps and challenges in audit system keeping in view Islamic laws and principles. The study is qualitative in nature. Relevant documents have been analyzed keeping in view objectives of the study. Thematic content analysis has been used for the analysis of collected data. The study is significant for the researchers, policy makers and audit experts. Recommendation of the study are beneficial particularly for the Audit Department to overcome the existing gaps and challenges.
Making software as a project that helps users in different industries is a very complex task. As every industry has a specific need even in a same industry employers have different needs to complete their business processes. To solve real world problems, software engineers have to use more than one technique, as these problems can not solved completely and effectively with a single technique. Moreover, every programming language has its own strengths and weaknesses and not a single language is effective to deal with different scenarios. Same is with the algorithms. Therefore, there is always a high need to develop an effective and less time taking algorithm to solve a specific type of problem. Many software engineers used many algorithms to solve transformer design optimization problem. Some of these algorithms were very complex that to understand and further carry on their work weather on these algorithms or on software made by using those algorithm is a very complex task. Very high skilled software engineers are needed to deal with these complex algorithms.
In this research work, Pattern Search Algorithm with some extra utilities to solve transformer design optimization problem is proposed. As this algorithm cover all possible solutions to find optimal answer. In addition, there is a facility to add market base (real world) measurements of material?s variables as well as prices. This algorithm also keeps record of previous calculations generated for other KVA transformers. The purpose of keeping previous calculations is to reduce time if same KVA transformer is needed with slightly different input variables. Main reason of using Pattern search algorithm instead of any other guessing or forecasting base algorithm is that, it covers all possible iterations that leads to a global minimum values of material variables and calculates minimum cost. Pattern Search algorithm presented in this thesis is best for five fixed variables these are number of turns, low voltage thickness, low voltage width, high voltage thickness and high voltage width.