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عصر حاضرمیں مسلمان عورت کی ملازمت تحقیقی جائزہ

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طاہرہ کوکب


فصل احمد




University of Karachi

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Islamic Studies




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37





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ڈاکٹر محمد اقبال

اقبال، محمد، ڈاکٹر
ماتم اقبال
وَقَعَتِ الْوَاقِعَۃُ [الواقعۃ:۱]آخر موت اور حیات کی چند ہفتوں کی کشمکش کے بعد ڈاکٹر اقبال نے دنیائے فانی کو الوداع کہا، صفر کی انیسویں اور اپریل کی اکیسویں کی صبح کو عمر کی اکسٹھ بہاریں دیکھ کر اور شاعری کی دنیا میں چالیس برس چہچہا کر یہ بلبل ہزار داستان اب ہمیشہ کے لیے خاموش ہوگیا، وہ ہندوستان کی آبرو، مشرق کی عزت، اور اسلام کا فخرتھا، آج دنیا ان ساری عزتوں سے محروم ہوگئی، ایسا عارف فلسفی، عاشقِ رسول شاعر، فلسفہ اسلام کا ترجمان اور کاروانِ ملت کا حدی خواں صدیوں کے بعد پیدا ہوا تھا، اور شاید صدیوں کے بعد پیدا ہو، اس کے دہن کا ہر ترانہ بانگِ دار، اس کی جانِ حزیں کی ہر آواز زبورِ عجم، اس کے دل کی ہر فریاد پیامِ مشرق، اس کے شعر کا ہر پرواز بال جبریل تھا، اس کی فانی عمر گو ختم ہوگئی، لیکن اس کی زندگی کا ہر کارنامہ ، جاوید نامہ بن کر انشاء اﷲ باقی رہے گا، امید ہے کہ ملت کا یہ غمخوار شاعر اب عرشِ الٰہی کے سایہ میں ہوگا، اور قبول و مغفرت کے پھول اس پر برسائے جارہے ہوں گے، خداوند! اس کے دلِ شکستہ کی جو ملت کے غم سے رنجور تھا، غمخواری فرما! اور اپنی ربانی نوازشوں سے اس کے قلبِ حزیں کو مسرور کر۔
مرحوم کی زندگی کا ہر لمحہ ملت کی زندگی کے لیے ایک نیا پیام لاتا تھا، وہ توحید خالص کا پرستار، دین کامل کا علمبردار، اور تجدید ملت کا طلبگار تھا، اس کے رونگٹے رونگٹے میں رسول انام علیہ السلام کا عشق پیوست تھا، اور اس کی انکھیں جسمِ اسلام کے ہر ناسور پر اشکبار رہتی تھیں، اس نے مستقبلِ اسلام کا ایک خواب دیکھا تھا، اسی خواب کی تعبیر میں اس کی ساری عمر...

Development of Kabul under Mughals 1504-1738 AD

Kabul was a bridge between Indian Mughal Empire and Central Asia, the ancestral homeland of the founder of the Mughal Empire. Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, carries about 3,500 years old historical records mentioning Kabul with different names like, Kubha, Gandahara, Kabura, Ortospana, Kapul, Zavul, and Zabul etc. Many great warriors and conquerors from Central Asia used Kabul as their route to India. It was also known as a gateway to India and Central Asia. Kabul became the foundation stone for the Mughal Empire in India. During the Mughal era Kabul entered into a new phase and with the invasion of Babur the area got the position of the capital of the Mughals. The early Mughal rulers paid much attention to the affairs of Kabul, because their existence to a greater extent was dependent on their strong hold over Kabul. The research work is focused on development of Kabul under Mughal kings particularly Babur, Humayun, Akbar, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb.  The later Mughal kings after Aurangzeb were not able to end political disturbances in Kabul which not only displeased the people of Kabul but also encouraged the neighbouring powers to invade the valley. Historical and analytical methods are used in this research and Pashtu, Dari, Urdu and English sources have been utilized to gauge development of Kabul during that point in time. No research work has been carried out on this aspect of Kabul so far. The analysis of the development of Kabul under Mughals brings to limelight the geostrategic and politico-economic worth of Kabul as an important Caravanserai on the trade route between Central and South Asia.

Impact of Service Quality on Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction : A Case of Telecommunication Organizations of Bahawalpur, Rawalpindi and Islamabad

Service quality, brand image and customer satisfaction are the fundamental marketing constructs in the last two decades. In the past, they were unaccepted and unpopular concept because companies thought it was not important to focus on quality and image, for them it was more important to gain new customers than retain the existing ones. However, in this present decade, companies have gained better understanding of the importance of brand image, customer satisfaction and service quality (especially service related industries) and adopted these concepts as a high priority operational goal. This study aimed to explore those factors of service quality among these seven dimensions (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, skills & professionalism and credibility & reputation) which are contributing and impacting significantly on brand image and customer satisfaction in telecommunication industry of Bahawalpur, Rawalpindi and Islamabad. For the analysis of study an adopted and modified questionnaire based on 5 point Likhert scale was distributed by convenience sampling among 280 respondents of the mobile phone subscribers. The statistical part of the analysis is based on the descriptive statistics, simple and multiple regression; results were conducted through SPSS version 14.0. In research findings, results indicate that (tangibility, reliability, skills/professionalism and credibility/reputation have a moderate relationship with brand image while responsiveness, assurance and empathy have the strong relationship with brand image), Further the results shows that skills/professionalism and empathy have the strong relationship with customer satisfaction; the results of this research is also indicating that overall service quality is having a very strong relationship with "brand image" and a strong relationship with "customer satisfaction. This research can be practically implemented and can be use in the telecommunication industry for identification of service delivery problems and improving service quality attributes by which telecom organization can improve their brand image and satisfaction level in their customers which leads to retention of customers in long run and getting the maximum business from them.