پرنس کائتانی ؍ پروفیسر گویدی ؍ پروفیسر اسنوک ہرخردنئے
امسال مرحوم مارما ڈیوک پکتھال کے علاوہ ن کو ہم سب جانتے تھے، کئی نامور مستشرقین نے وفات پائی، اٹلی کے پرنس کائتانی اور پروفیسر گویدی اور لائڈن کے پروفیسر اسنوک ہر خردنئے نے امسال ہماری دنیا کو الوداع کیا، پرنس کائتانی تاریخ اسلام کے عالم اور گویدی عربوں کے ریاضیات اور جغرافیہ کے ماہر اور اسنوک ہر خردنئے ’محمڈنزم‘ نامی کتاب کے مصنف ہیں جس کو انھوں نے خطبہ کی صورت میں امریکہ کی ’’مجلسِ تاریخِ مذاہب‘‘ میں پیش کیا تھا اور بھی دوسری کتابیں اور مضامین ان کے قلم سے نکلے تھے۔ (سید سلیمان ندوی، اکتوبر ۱۹۳۶ء)
Marriage is a preamble of human life. The human society builds its façade on the characteristics of this unit. Humanity has been granted with divine rules for a successful life. The latest version of divine rules are conveyed through Islam and presented by the Holy Prophet Muhammad of benefits everlasting and grand the declared Islam of history Early. (صلى الله عليه وسلم) these rules in all nooks and corners of life; as Qur’ān and Ḥadīth prominences the trend of in-time marriages to ensure the tangible merits of life. Qur’ān declares marriage as ‘God given relationship’, ‘order from God’, ‘A lawful manner’, ‘Firm covenant’, ‘Love and compassion’, ‘Chastity of life’, ‘Right of women and Sign of safety’ and along with it, as marriage emphasizes (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Muhammad Prophet the of traditions the depicting it a ‘Half of religion’, ‘Protection of eyes’, ‘Prevention of character from corruption’, ‘source of Devil’s desperation’ etc. Owing to this stress of in-time marriages, a Muslim society is not supposed to delay or ignore in time marriages. But in present era, the trend of delaying in making marriages or ignoring the importance of in-time marriages is observing everywhere. This delay in making in-time marriages of young generation shows the weaknesses of faith and confidence in life. It is also the cause of many physical diseases and mental disorders. It destroys the best capabilities and abilities of young force. This paper highlights the importance of timely marriages, strength of married-couple life and damages of late marriage so that the requisite of Islam to form the society on the desired shape may be fulfilled. Lastly, this article emphasizes the need to review/change the social behavior regarding late marriages it also emphasizes the need to review/change the social behavior regarding late marriages and a herald to initiate some sorts of laws for making in-time marriages in society so that prevailing damages due to late marriages can be curtailed.
Seeing Things Through Language: A Stylistics Analysis of Seamus Heaney's Seeing Things Poetry, being a genre rich in linguistic and stylistic devices, offers more than one interpretation. These devices, if closely studied and analysed, not only help reader reach meaning but also provide them an insight into the life and mind of the poet. The present research aims at finding connections between the themes of the poetic volume Seeing Things and its use of Figurative Language and Parallelism. The objectives of the research are to study the role of Style in formulation of meaning and to analyse the way language works to convey ideas. These objectives have been achieved through a stylistic analysis of the figures of speech and parallels in the volume. The research is an example of close textual analysis with a perspective of studying the contribution of stylistic devices in the formulation of overall meaning and impression of the volume. The figures of speech that have been analysed include imagery, symbols, similes, metaphors, alliteration, onomatopoeia and personification. In order to carryout the stylistic analysis, an innovative integrative analytical model has been used. The analytical framework of Geoffrey Leech has also been applied at metaphors. The findings of the research show that the linguistic and stylistic devices used by the poet, Seamus Heaney, not only work to reinforce the meaning of the volume but they also have a bearing on the themes and ideas presented and portray a picture of Heaney's mind, life and Northern rural Irish surroundings.