شاہ غلام خالد
ادھر کسی سال ناغہ نہیں جاتا کہ دارالمصنفین کو اپنے ارکان و مخلصین کی جدائی کا صدمہ نہ اٹھانا پڑے، ۲؍ اگست کو اس کی مجلس انتظامیہ کے ایک پر جوش، سرگرم، افعال اور مخلص رکن جناب شاہ غلام خالد صاحب نے داعئی اجل کو لبیک کہا، اناﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون، وہ اعظم گڑھ کے ممتاز اور کامیاب وکیل تھے، ان کی نانہال مولانا شبلی مرحوم کے خاندان میں تھی، ان سے اور ان سے نسبت رکھنے والے تمام اداروں سے مرحوم کو قلبی لگاؤ تھا، مدت دراز تک شبلی نیشنل کالج کے سرگرم ممبر اور اسسٹنٹ بلکہ عملاً سکریٹری رہے، انھوں نے بڑی جانفشانی سے اسکول اور کالج کو ترقی دی اور ان کے علمی و تعلیمی معیار اور ڈسپلن کو قائم رکھا، وہ بڑے دلیر اور دبنگ تھے کوئی بڑے اقدام کرنے میں ان کو ہچکچاہٹ نہیں ہوتی تھی، اب ان کی سرگرمی اور دلچسپی کا خاص مرکز دارلمصنفین ہوگیا تھا جس کے لیے مرتے دم تک سینہ سپر رہے، اور بڑے نازک اور بحرانی دور میں انھوں نے اس کی پوری مدد کی، اس موقع پر ان کا رعب و دبدبہ، جرأت و ہمت اور مقامی اثر و رسوخ بہت کام آیا، ان میں بڑی قوت عملی اور غیر معمولی صلاحیتیں تھیں جن سے دارالمصنفین اور اس کے کارکنوں کو بڑا فائدہ پہنچا، وہ گذشتہ کئی برس سے پیہم آفات و حوادث کا نشانہ بنے ہوئے تھے جس کا اثر ان کی صحت پر بھی پڑا، گذشتہ سال قلبی دورہ پڑا، بالآخر اسی بیماریٔ دل نے کام تمام کردیا، اﷲ تعالیٰ انھیں جنت نعیم عطا کرے اور متعلقین کو صبر جمیل دے۔ آمین!! (ضیاء الدین اصلاحی،اگست ۱۹۹۰ء)
The main objective of this research paper is the study of possible Sharīʻaĥ non-compliance risks (SNCRs) of Ijāraĥ along with their risk management mechanism. As the activity of Sharīʻaĥ non-compliance is negligence or failure to comply with the Sharīʻaĥ rules and regulations as well as for some extent, the breach of the law of the land. Hence, Identification, Monitoring, Control and Mitigation of SNCRs need to be undertaken sensitively otherwise the spirit and objective of Islamic banks (IBIs) will be no more than different from Conventional banking system i.e. Interest based banking. Consequently, this new practice of Islamic banking will also be considered Sharīʻaĥ non-compliant. Because, failure in control and mitigation of Sharīʻaĥ non-compliance risks (SNCRs) may render the transaction into Null and Void (Bāṭil) or Voidable (Fāsid) as well as the return/rental would be considered impermissible (Ḥarām). Additionally, it may expose the status of IBIs at high risk regarding their reputation, profitability and confidence of their stakeholders which may lead the system towards collapse and downfall. Keeping in mind the need of the identification of SNCR along with estimated risk management/mitigation tools, this paper is developed to help the industry to develop their own Sharīʻaĥ non-compliance risk management system and to achieve the targeted outcomes i.e. Sound reputation of Islamic banking on the basis of Sharīʻaĥ principles, permissible proceeds/profits through genuine Sharīʻaĥ compliant activities and comprehensive knowledgeable material to understand distinctive and accurate Islamic banking system from Conventional. Targeting the abovementioned goals and aims, the answers of following questions are explored: What is SNCR? Is there any approved and authentic mechanism or SNCR management system in market to manage and mitigate them? Is the SNCR destructive for the profit and goodwill of IBIs? Principally, this research paper is an effort to uncover the SNCRs of Ijāraĥ Product along with the risk management mechanism keeping in sight the modern practices of Ijāraĥ Product.
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
اللغۃ العربیۃ و تطوّرھا فی بھاولبور
Arabic is the prophetic language that is also national language of twenty two Arabic countries and has been declared official language of many organizations of international fame including UNO. The primary literature of Muslim Ummah was developed in Arabic language, hence it is essential part of religious life and furthermore learning of Arabic language leads to an excellent career as multidimensional relations of Arab world exists with Pakistan.
The Arabic language was the mother tongue of Islamic religion and was the leading role during the early Islamic times, and then the other Islamic languages participated in the construction of the Islamic civilization and its elements in various fields. It was natural during this period that the languages were influenced by the Arabic language and influenced by it. Of the shared land and the unity of concepts, and throughout the ages and the result of the active cultural interchange among the different peoples, many words and terms became a common construction of the common cultural values and values of the peoples.
The state of Bahawalpur was founded in 1802 by Nawab Muhammad Bahawal Khan II. Bahawalpur is a city located in the Punjab province of Pakistan. Bahawalpur is the 11th largest city in Pakistan with an estimated population of 798,509. Bahawalpur forms part of the region of southern Punjab - a distinct region historically influenced the ancient cultural centers of Multan and Uch Sharif. Founded in 1748, Bahawalpur was the capital of the former princely state of Bahawalpur, ruled by ruling Abbasi family of Nawabs until 1955. The Nawabs left a rich architectural legacy, and Bahawalpur is now known for its monuments dating from that period. The city also lies at the edge of the Cholistan Desert, and serves as the gateway to the nearby Lal Suhanra National Park.
Bahawalpur has always been a seat of higher learning .Uch shareef,a nearby ancient town, had a one of the largest universities where scholars from all over the world used to come for studies. As a continuation of that tradition,Jamia Abbasia was established in Bahawalpur in the year 1925,following the academic pursuits of Jamia Al-Azhar,Egypt.
As far as the setting of the thesis is concerned:
This research is divided into four Chapters and Preface :
The Preface includes the significance of the research topic, its definition, and the reasons for its selection .
The first Chapter was presented in '' The Arabs Connection and the Arabic Language in subcontinent. '' The first chapter deals with the connection between the Arabs in India and the Sindh. The Arabs' entry into India ,the links between the Arabs and the Indians, their history and development.
The Second Chapter discusses “The Different Conditions of Bahawalpur ’’ in which Historical, Geographical, Cultural, scientific and literary conditions of Bahawalpur has been described.
The third Chapter contains jamia Abbasia and role of Ulma jamia Abbasia in the development of Arabic and literature. And also has been described the background of Jamia Abbasia to the Islamia university of Bahawalpur.
The forth Chapter discusses the role of the ulme Bahawlpur in in the development of Arabic and literature.in which three types of peoples are included…..